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6 months later
I stood on my balcony as I watched the fireworks as people were celebrating New years after sometime I walked back to my couch and sat there as my phone rang and I checked to see it my dad. I smiled as I answered.
Me: Daddy
Dad: Mila how are you baby?
Me: Am okay and you
Dad: we good just wanted to wish you a happy new years.
Me: Thank you dad you too.
Dad: I love you little one don't ever forget that and am coming down on business in two weeks time ill spend the weekend with you.
Me: I can't wait iv missed you so much dad. We talked awhile than We said our good byes and I went to sleep.

Its been the most amazing 6 months of my life. Iv never had do much money in my life. I swear am one of the most richest people in Johannesburg. The power that come with. Am at the peek of my life and am loving it. I moved out of the two girls in my bed and went to stand by the balcony with a big smile on my face. This is it if only my mother was still alive to see this.

Today am doing groceries so I took a shower and wore my colourful head wrap then wore my yellow dress and brown sandals. I love the weather here it just so inviting. I took my phone and requested Uber since I don't have a car anymore. Uber came and I was on my way to Durban North pick n pay center. I got there thanked the driver and got in the center did a few shopping and once done went to the wine isle brought a few things than pushed the trolley to mug and bean to buy something. I ordered my breakfast than took out the magazine that i got and began to flip through it while I waited for my food. I looked up to find the most handsome yet angry looking guy sitting right in front of me. I looked back down and ignored him am so not entertaining any man cause they die. I saw the waiter coming towards me and I shifted the trolley to accommodate her. She placed my food down and took coffee and a muffin and placed in front of the guy. I was beyond confused but I kept my calm and just chilled. We both ate in silence and when he was done he pushed his things aside and looked at me.
Him:  good morning
Me: Hi
Him: you a creature of habits
Me: Am sorry?? I looked at him confused
Him: I mean you have a routine
Me: Am still not following
Him: Am luniko Mba
Me: Nice to me you. He chuckles a bit and I saw him be surprised by it. I looked at him like fully study him. He was tall and dark in complexion. He wasn't too dark but just dark skin. His skin looked soft. He had short hair kind of a brush. He had bushy eyebrows and had a dimple on his right I saw it when he chuckled. He had light grey eyes and perfect white straight teeth not to mention his broad shoulders and he exuded power. He had a simple white top. I quickly looked under to see the rest and came back to find him smiling and looking at me in amusement. He had on black jeans and white sneakers.
Luniko: You finished with your inspection. I laughed thinking he caught me.
Me: Am sorry but it not everyday that a guy invites himself to my table and be comfortable in the process.
Luniko: oh I see. He leaned into the table and automatically my eyes scanned his fingers and saw no wedding ring so I relaxed.
Luniko: You very observant
Me: Thank you I guess. He looked at me and than I looked around and noticed that am now with him alone and the glasses were half closed and they was a man with a black suite by the door than also by the corner of the restaurant. I quickly turned and looked at him. I was shaking now thinking maybe Ntando found me and his coming or he sent one of his friends to come scare me. A list of possibilities was running on my mind and it was making it difficult to breathe. I calmed myself a million times and took my bag and placed it on my lap and put in my hand feeling my paper spray at least ill kill him with it first before he snatches me. Who snatches people in brood daylight.
Luniko: Am not going to hurt you, you can let go of the paper spray. The shock in my eyes might have made him laugh a little cause he looked at me and shake his head.
Luniko: If only been sitting here for 15 minutes and iv managed to laugh and chuckled all at once. And trust me am not a man that always do these things. I looked at him.
Me: Am sorry but I don't know you and frankly am not even sure what you want but no one clears the whole restaurant and be like I just wanted to know your name. So whatever you were to ask. Its a No. No I don't want to hear it,No i dont want to be part of whatever you offering and If you want to ask me out,Than that a no too. I stopped myself and took a few breathes and calmed myself. I took a sip of my bottled water and looked at him to find him calm and collected and not moved by my outburst.
Luniko: Ill give you a few minutes to collect yourself. He leaned on his chair and that statement made me lose my breathing pattern again. Dear lord what is happening? What is it with me that makes me attract all these weirdoes. Why me? .....

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