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I walked around my desk to where my sister was sitting and looked at her nagging me to attend the little get together they having at home next weekend.
Luthando: Mom will be happy to see you. You haven't been home ever since dad passing.
Me: Am not sure if I can make it.
Luthando: I know you like keeping your space and I know you have your own way of doing things but please Luniko. Mama always talk about you.
Me: Did you fly all the way from East London to nag me Thandooo.
Luthando: ewe
Me: Ill have too see, ill try to come through but ill let you know if I will make it or not
Luthando: Any plus one? She gave me that naughty grin.
Me: ill book the bed and breakfast so don't you worry yourself with that. She threw herself at me.
Luthando: I know you and dad had an on and off thing but that shouldn't stop you from loving us and visiting us every now and than.
Me: I know. She hugged me and smiled.
Luthando: You know you have been a great brother to us and we really appreciate it a lot.
Me: Its always a pleasure you make it easy. She smiled and looked at the two black tiny boxes on my desk and the ring catalogue. I shifted blocking her view. She laughs
Luthando: I hope I see her next weekend.
Me: I have no idea what you talking about. She laughs louder.
Luthando: Yeah Of cause you don't. She took her bag and left with a smile. I finished some paperwork and did my Skype meeting and when I checked the time it was 4:30. I got up and got ready to leave just as Mzi Walked in my office.
Mzi: Sir, you have a woman here to see you.
Me: A woman? I asked my assistant looking very confused.
Mzi:Yes a woman. He looked at me confused and just than Somila walks in wearing a long black pants and white top and black boots and a black coat. She had red lipstick and she looked breath taking.

I stood there with the envelope and my heart beating so fast.
Luniko: Hi, This is a surprise. I stood there shocked as he was wearing a black suit and lord he looked powerful and ravishing i kinda thought ill find him in the same clothes as morning.
Me: Am sorry I didn't call or anything but I read your proposal and its a No. I walked up to his table and placed the papers there. He stood there shocked and I folded my arms.
Me: You cannot go to a person and propose to them via paper. Paper. I snatched the papers again and went to page two and read " if the subject agrees" you call me a subject. How on earth am i to marry a person who calls me a subject. This paper or proposal or whatever you want to call it has no emotions. Its has no human. Its basically a contract that binds two people yet it has no emotions. You typed this right? I looked at him and am sure my eyes were spiting fires cause my cheeks were burning up and I felt myself rise in anger at him. He simply walked to the door and closed it as I span and saw that people were looking through the glasses and I was beginning to cause a scene. He pressed a button and the glasses tinted as I saw people coming closer to the window trying to see in. I moved back a bit this is not how I planned this to go am now embarrassing him at work. I ran my hand in my hair in frustration.

I watched her as she looked at me in horror and took a few breaths shaking her head. She was staring at my workers that were trying to see what happening here but I activated the sound proof and tint. This is going to be office gossip for days from today.
Me: They cannot see or hear us. That seemed to calm her .
Somila: Am sorry, i didnt mean to lose it like this it just that this stupid contract makes me lose my cool. This is not how you ask a person to marry you and worse of all you cannot ask a stranger to marry you that just supper wrong.
I walked towards her as she moved back and I stood there and had my hands in my pockets.
Me: How do you want to be asked than Miss James. Her breath hitched and she had panic all over her face.
Somila: You know my surname
Me: I hear you say I cant ask a stranger to marry me but I know all that I need to know about you but mostly I know that you are what am looking for in a wife and partner. She looked at me shocked and her hands trembling as she touched her heart.
Me: I know you are the only daughter of Mr James who has been everything to you. I know your mother is a special case that travels a lot and has taste in rich man. I know you went to university to became a doctor and stopped being one after a year of joining the field. I know you worked as a researcher and had your house blown into ashes before you moved here and your dad as always has been right by your side to help you through your transactions. I know that you love peanut butter and jam sandwiches when it cold and you wash it down with milo. I know you speak 4 languages and that you one hell of a smart woman and lastly i know you one hell of an emotional person. When you love you love to deep and when you fear you fear whole heartedly which makes you exactly the person that I need in my life. Now tell me that am wrong in anything that iv said so far and if I am Ill let you go but if am not than tell me how you want a person to propose to you and ill do it.

I looked at him as tears were rolling down my face.
Me: I didn't want this nor ask for this. I mumbled and he stood there looking at me with an unreadable expression.
Luniko: Sometimes we get answers even though we haven't formulated the questions yet. We stood there looking at each other for what felt like hours but I know it was just seconds.
Me: Ill marry you only if we have a normal relationship. You treat me as your equal. We don't have a contract binding us but if am not what you want anymore you tell and let me go. You communicate with me even when you angry. I know nothing about relationships cause iv never been in one. So this is my first in everything. If you can't deal with what am saying right now than let me leave and pretend we have never meet. Cause i know if i have to go through one more traumatic event it will kill me. I took a deep breath as he stood there looking at me. He slowly walked closer than he put his hands at both sides of the table making me panic a bit as he slowly reached behind me and i heard some shuffling than he went down on one knee with a small black box in his hand.
Luniko: I know am not giving you what you dreamt about ever since you were young but am here and I promise to be here for as long as you need me. I promise to treat you with the outmost respect but mostly I promise to be a friend first before anything else. Kindly give me the honours of being your Husband. To guide, to lead and to protect you in every situation that we encounter. This may not be what I expected but its the most amazing thing that anyone has ever said to me. I nodded with tears falling down my face and he opened the box and lord behold the most beautiful ring that iv ever laid my eyes on......

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