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I looked at him as he smoked his cigar and the ocean wind brushed harshly over my visible skin.
Abede: Chilly? I nodded and he smiled that satisfied smile. I tried to brush my shoulders to no extend.
Abede: You and your husband think you are smart ha? He looked at me slyly and walked to stand in front of me.
Abede: I knew the moment I woke up and saw her gone that she has ran to you for help. I had her followed and had your husband followed to know what happening. Little did I know that you will leave him and go to your place which by the way I had people looking out to see if there is anyone coming there. To my surprise the prize itself came. He laughed so much. That. His head was wobbling.
Me: Am not that valuable. Iv just married him.
Abede: he married you, that makes you specially. I kept quiet cause it was pointless telling him anything else. Next thing the guy next to me fell on the floor with a bullet wound on his head than the other guy fell too with a bullet wound on his head. I screamed and jumped up and down as Abede roughly grabbed me and held me tight twisting my arm as he brought me closer to him. He pointed a gun to my head and we stood like that with his breathing hard in my ear and I could feel my heart beating so fast in my ears. The sea breeze was getting stronger as we stood there with Abede looking left and right. On the far end of the bridge i slowly saw movement becoming clearer as it moved towards us. I kept so quiet trying my best not to faint. In 1 day iv managed to make my husband kill 3 people. When am I ever going to find peace?

I slowly walked towards them after gunning down the two guys. My heart was racing as i made my way towards them. The closer I got the more I got affirmation that Boitumelo is dead. I saw the silver end of the gun pointed at her head and I knew that if I wanted him dead I have to be fast. I stood a few feet from them.
Luniko: You got my attention, but you would have if you have just walked in my office to see me. He laughed nervously and shifted the gun.
Abede: I like being dramatic
Luniko: I can see, so now that we are here what will you like from me?

I looked at his calm posture and that made me a whole lot more uncomfortable.
Me:Half of your company would be nice but I want your underground routes. He smiled shyly.
Luniko: Funny you mention those when you in the position that you in right now. I looked at him confused.
Me: what condition?
Luniko: where you only have two choices. 1 you let my wife go and I let you go in peace with the routes you want or 2 you apologise to my wife and we forget that any of this has ever happened. Now what is it. I looked at his confidence and looked at his hands he had no gun and that got me super nervous.
Me: apologise?
Luniko: for stressing her, for taking her from her home and bringing her here on a chilly day and for making her witness all this mess and on top of that for all the drama you and Your wife caused. He moved his hand up and made 3 fingers up in the air.
Luniko: You have 3 seconds....

I watched him and I saw that same look he had when he killed nthando and I closed my eyes as his finger moved to two and Abede shifted and next I felt some sticky watery stuff on my left side and his grip loosen and I shivered knowing that he is also dead. I stood there for what felt like hours as i felt luniko come closer and embrace me in his arms. We stood there as he hugged me and protecting me from the view of a dead Abede. He wiped the blood from the side of my face.
Me: you killed 3 people
Luniko: Ill kill more if more were to come near you.
Me: you killed 3 people now four because of me.
Luniko: no I killed 4 people because they wanted something that beyond they reach and they used you as a stepping stone. I kept quiet as I snuggled closer into him. We stood there as the waves got stronger and so were the currents. He shifted my head and looked right into my eyes.
Luniko: You are my life, my beginning and end. Ill kill for you, ill kill to protect you and Ill do everything and anything to make sure you are okay. Nothing and no one will ever come between you and I. You need to get that. I looked at him breathing and thinking of all of today accounts leading up to here. Somehow that hasn't stopped me from loving him or has changed my feeling towards him and I knew right there and than that he is everything that I need and ever wanted.......

5 years later
I woke up to a room filled of flowers and a tray next to me with coffee. I took the cup of coffee and sip it and the door opened with my husband in a vest and shorts and behind him followed our daughter Somandla carrying pancakes covered in full flower head to toe. They walked in and gave me the breakfast and he gave me the gift bag.
Somandla: Happy mothers day mama. She smiled at me as I side hugged her and gave her a kiss.
Me: Thank you baby.
Luniko: Happy mothers day babe. He kissed my forehead and gave me the gift bag and smiled. I took it and smiled. We ate laughing and talking and just enjoying our Saturday morning with Luniko of cause spoiling me all the way....

I got up and stretched and looked besides me to find Lumkha sleeping next to me. I looked at her while she sleeping and gosh she looked so peaceful. After a few minutes she looked at me right into my eyes as she woke up.
Lumkha: You starring again?
Me: Am sorry, you really are beautiful. She got shy and covered her face with the sheets. I moved closer to her and tickled her as she laughed with her smooth voice.....

The end....

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