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Lumkha Zikode
I threw myself in the small apartment that I got and looked at the ceiling. Wow!! What a day!!!. I sat there for what felt like hours and than walked to the kitchen and made noodles and added eggs and some juice. I sat on my table and had that thinking of my new patient who was bed ridden yet he exuded so much power. I thought of his beautiful face. His strong features and how his voice sounded so strong and alive yet his muscles are not co operating. I thought of how his laughter was husky and inviting. Thought of how he looks deep into your soul when he asks questions and somehow you compelled to tell him the truth. Thought of everything that he said and how much authority he had. I closed my eyes and opened them again and finished eating. I need to have a grip of myself this is a patient and am they doctor.

I woke up with a fright only to see that it morning and to find the beautiful doctor standing by my window looking outside. I kept quiet and let her be enjoying her presence in peace. After awhile she turned and smiled and walked to my bed and helped wipe my face.
Doctor zikode: bad dream
Me: you can say that. She said nothing as she continued with her job after awhile she left leaving me yearning for her presence.

I walked out of the car in the parking lot and got to the receptionist and greeted.
Me: B-tech industries. Nthando here to see Mr Mba. She looked at me with a smile than looked down at her computer.
Receptionist : A second sir.she punched a few things than a gay guy came through looking classy and smiled.
Him: Mzi, Mr Mba assistant am sorry sir his not in yet. Plus we don't have an appointment. I laughed a little.
Me: I know,I was hoping to catch him in now since its morning before his day gets busy.
Mzi: I hear you. Come through to his waiting area Ill let him know he has a walk in. He walked ahead of me and I followed looking at this beautiful office and I see myself in here already.

I walked out of the bathroom and froze when I saw him butt naked. He stood there looking at me as I looked at him. This is our second day married and not once has he tried to have sex with me.I smiled as I turned pink. He walked closer to me and undid my towel and I stood there naked and blushing.
Luniko: You have seen me naked its only fair I do too.

I looked at her beautiful body. Her tiny boobs that looked lush and I could tell they could fit in my palm. Her flat tummy and the most amazing curves. Dear lord she shaved. I found myself kissing her neck and slowly living trails of kisses done her body as I touched her nipples and found she was erect. I smiled at that and just than the phone rang. I looked up to find her as red as a cherry. I smiled and walked to my phone.
Me: Mzi
Mzi: I know you took a morning off but Mr Nthando from B- tech is here.
Me: said why?
Mzi: No
Me: That one of the companies that my brother owned with his friends
Mzi: hence am calling
Me: okay ill be there in an hour
Mzi: cool Ill let him know. He hung up and I turned to see Somila not there anymore. I went to my closet took out my other phone and called langa maybe he can share why his friend is here. It rang.
Langa: bro
Me: busy?
Langa: am bed ridden remember? Have to buzz a nurse in in-order to pick up a phone.
Me: Your friend here and am not sure why?
Langa: who
Me: Nthando... I heard machines beeping and I heard shuffling and coughing and people screaming and next thing the phone disconnected, what the hell just happened?......

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