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I stood there looking at him as he lowered his gun and there was a knock in the door. He pressed the button than Zakes walked in with two more guys. He walked closer to me as I slowly moved away from him.
Me: yo..... yoo... you killllllled him. I mumbled and he looked at me with a straight face as my whole body was shaking. I grabbed my bag and car keys and ran out of the office with Mzi calling after me. I got to his car with tears all over my face and closed myself in. He killed him. He really killed Nthando just like that. I sat there for what seems like hours and just cried frankly I really don't  know why I was crying. All my fears just vanished just like that. There was a knock on my window and I looked at my side and I saw Luniko looking at me with his hands in his pockets. I looked at him for a second and just kept quiet.
Luniko: Roll down the window Somila. I just stared at him with tears in my eyes and had no idea if I should or not. How can a person kill a person and be so calm.

My phone was buzzing I walked to the window since Mr Mba was sleeping and looked at it. It was my mother.
Me: Hi. I answered looking at the beautiful view of trees outside
Mom: Hi. Iv been calling.
Me: iv been busy.
Mom: You need to come back home Lumkha.
Me: last time I checked I don't have a home anymore.
Mom: don't mind your father, we can sort this out
Me: mama, please
Mom: I miss you
Me: I miss you too mama.
Mom: I believe you.
Me: i know you do.
Mom: come home than, its been five years since we haven't seen you. You need to come home.
Me: ill think about it. They was silence for some time as she sigh and I kept quiet.
Mom: I wish I had the power to do more, I wish I could have stood my ground and support you. I wish.....
Me: mom. We are not going to go through this again please. You have apologised and iv accepted the apology. Iv moved on really. Dad made his choice and am fine with it no need to stress yourself with this please mama.
Mom: do you need money? I laughed as I wiped a tear from my face.
Me: am fine mama really, stop stressing.
Mom: how can I not stress when the only child that I have hates me. I know you say you dont but you haven't come home in 5 years no matter how many times I tell you that its okay for you to come home.
Me: mom. I whispered and she sighed
Mom: I love you, take care.
Me: I love you too mom. I hang up and stared out of the window and thought of the pain she might be going through. Thought of how event have been and how I wished things were different but yet here I am. I stood there for awhile than wiped my tears and turned to find Mr Mba looking at me with curiosity on my his end. I gave him a sad smile and went to check his vitals and all looked good.
Langa:My brother. He whispered as a tear dropped from the corner of his eyes. I took his phone and looked at his last called and I called the number and it rang for so long than a voice came through.

I looked at the phone and saw it was Langa. I looked at Somila as I took the phone out.
Voice: Hi
Me: my brother. My heart caught on my chest. I cant lose my brother again not now when Am thinking am losing my wife.
Voice: his okay, he asked me too call. I sighed in relief and took a deep breath.
Me: Is he able to take the call?
Voice: No, his in a breathing machine for now.
Me: okay, tell him that am fine. So is Somila but Nthando is no more. I listened as she relayed the message and she came back .
Voice: his smiling
Me: thank you. Now this is for you, how bad is he?
Voice: his going to be okay. He will start physio soon as his strong enough.
Me: will my presence make any difference?
Voice: its all up to him now.
Me: Thank you. Il catch up with him later. I hanged up and looked at my defeated wife. Iv never seen such undecided and tormented eyes all at the same time.
Me: Babe. I watched her through the window. She inserted the car keys and started the car. And lowered the window.
Somila: I need time out to just comprehend everything that happened. She put the car on drive and she drove out of the office and I stood there just defeated as she left me. Is she going to leave me now? Is she going to think that am a murderer? Will her mind go pass this? Where does this put us? What if she thinks that this is not what she wanted? Oh gosh what have I done? I was so angry and all I could think of was the pain he has caused her and myself. The torment this has been for both of us. I hope and pray she doesn't end us or this will be the shortest marriage in history.....

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