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Blonde: I don't like you, is they anyone else that can help us and give us information. I brushed my skirt and took my bag.
Me:well you just have to wait here until the doctor in charge of your family member calls you. I left them and walked to my office and looked at my files. I took Mr nkosi file first. He hasn't been responding to anything and yes iv called couple of specialists to give me they opinions in this. I checked my emails and read everything that happening with him. Than I made my rounds and finally I was in his room.
Me: Hy there. Today has been a crazy morning. Meet this family of multiple personalities I swear they a bunch of crazy people, i feel sorry for whoever they visiting. I checked him up. His vitals looked good and promising.
Me: I wish I could do more for you but right now I dont even know what to do. People think I should just let you go. But ill do my best. I brushed his hand and prayed than left and went to my office. Just 5 minute in the receptionist walked in.
Receptionist: The Nkosi Family is here to talk to you.
Me: send them in. I removed my coat and re applied my lipstick and just than the fiasco family walked in making the most loudest noise ever. I stood there with my arms folded and as soon as they saw me they all kept quiet.
Blondie: We looking for Doctor James
Me: Yes that me
Skinny: But you black? The two twins rolled they eyes.
Me: Yes I am.
Blondie: Am so confused.
Me: Now how can I be of assistance i smiled towards the sweet short old lady who looked beautiful.
Old lady: Am Nonkosi Nkosi and I heard my son was involved in an accident and just than my doors were opened and a tall huge man walked in and next to him was the most beautiful tall skinny lady. Her clothes and her weave smelt of money. Even the way she walked screamed money. The room went silent. I looked at the new visitors and the man that screamed power.
Man: Doctor. He came to shake my hand and I did and he looked straight to my eyes.
Man: Tell me about my son. I pointed to the couches and waited for them to sit.
Me: I need family only
Blondie: am his wife
Skinny : Am his fiancée... she flashed her ring. I turned to the two laddies that were silent and mad as hell.
One of the twins: we the sisters. I looked at the two guys.
1 of the guys: We the brother in laws married to the twins. Than I turned to the man and the beautiful lady.
Man: Am his father and this is my second wife and she is my first wife. He pointed to the lady who was sitting alone.
Me: Well thanks for introducing yourselves. Am Somila James. The doctor who revived your son and his currently under my care.
Father: Thank you
Me: Well your sons organs are fine apart his brain. Yes he has some brain activity but if he pulls through he will have to learn how to walk, talk and be independent all over again. But tomorrow we are hoping that the specialist will know more on how to treat him cause right now we induced him in a comma so his brain can stop swallowing and we can run more test to see how far the damage is. But for now that all i can say and I can only keep him comfortable while he goes through tests.
Father: will that involve operations?
Me: at this point i have no further information apart making him comfortable and making sure his organs are staying healthy and his muscles too.
Blondie: Will we be called to make those decisions for him?
Skinny: yini ufuna afe?( do you want him dead?)
Blondie: Am still his wife, we spoke of this, Bokamoso never wants to be any one liability
Old lady: we not even there yet and already you thinking about killing him. You two disgust me.
Me: His an O+ and ill like to check you all if you are a match to his blood, for organ donation. Just planning ahead if it should happen we need any of those. The room erupted and I whistled and everyone kept quiet and the old man laughed.
Father: this is the first time iv seen anyone here act so civil. Thank you doctor James. I can do everything today.
Me:Thank you
Mrs Nkosi: Can I speak to you in private?
Me: sure let me book them to do test and we cab talk. I went out of the room and I heard the room burst into a livid conversation. What the hell is wrong with these people.

Nonkosi Nkosi
I looked at my husband and everyone fight and argue about what best for my son and I had a small pain in my heart as I think of the secret that iv been carrying for the last 32 years of his life. How will Muzi react. I turned and looked at Muzi and his wife loving each other in front of me. I opened the bottle than drank some as I was thinking of a way that I can break this to the doctor and maybe she can help me save my son. Ill do anything to have Bokamoso live. His my everything......

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