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I sat there observing her. I think it now or never yes iv been following her ever since I saw her the first time she came here and I figured she is it. My father gave me a year to find a woman that I can get married too. Damn him for doing this to me. His dead yet he still has that power over me. His will clearly stated that I get married within the year after he dies or everything that Iv built will be taken away. Yes when I started my chain of business I asked my father for the capital and we signed an agreement little did I know he will have a small clause that all I own is half his and if I don't marry or if he dies before I marry I have one year to do it or his share if my companies will go to an unknown party. For the past 6 months iv been fighting that clause until I saw her minding her business 6 months ago shopping and I knew this is it. She is the one. I got my guys to follow her every move and investigate her from the time she was conceived till today and lord have mercy she is everything I wanted and need in a woman. I cannot have my companies shared with anyone else but her. My father did a good in hiding who he might give  my company too because Iv done loads of research and till now Iv never discovered who it might be.
Me: Am sorry if You somehow feel concerned. I placed an envelope on the table. " I want you to take home this. Read it with an open mind and go through all your options. On Monday Ill pay you a visit to hear what you think of my proposal" I pushed the envelope towards her and she just sat there looking at me with her light blue glassy eyes. Damn this woman was beautiful. She was supper fair in colour. She has black hair like an Afro kind. She has light blue eyes. Her body was to die for. She was close to looking like Thandi Newton with the body and tiny boobs but the hair and facial structure was close to being like Pearl Thusi. Yes she was a mixture of Pearl and Thandi Newton and gosh it was a sight to see. After awhile she shifted and Looked at me blinking her tears away.
Me: Please I promise not to harm or heart you. Just read the documents. I got up and smiled at her as I left the restaurant leaving my trusted friend Zakes to look after her.

I watched him leave then The Mugg and Bean people suddenly appeared and doors were opening. I felt like I was in a movie as I watched people walk in and sit down like what just happened didn't happen at all. I raised my hand for the waiter. She came.
Me: can I have the cheque please. She smiled.
Waitress: All has been settled ma'am. I looked at her confused.
Waitress: By  Mr Mba. Now I was more confused.
Waitress: The man you had breakfast with. Than it clicked he said his name is Luniko Mba
Me: oh yes, am sorry my mind is all over. Thank you
Waitress: pleasure. She turned and walked away. I sat there thinking what next. I took the envelope and drove my trolley out. And I noticed one of his guards come closer to me.
Guard: The car is this was ma'am
Me: car?
Guard: yes to take you home. I looked at him puzzled.
Guard: Am your driver.
Me: and let me guess Mr Mba gave you that task of being my chauffeur?
Guard: Am afraid you are right. He took the trolley and drove it to a Mercedes benz GLC 63 AMG coupe. It was black and had some red in it rims. It was my dream car. I stood there and watched in amazement. The guard packed my things in the boot and opened the door for me. I got in and touched the seats the smile on my face was beyond me. The guard got in and I tried to control myself.
Me: uhm... Am Somila
Guard: Zakes
Me: Nice to meet you Zakes. I kept quiet as he drove me to my place without asking for directions and that creeped me out even more.
Me: Zakes mind if I ask you something
Zakes: Sure boss
Me: Wooooah.... i raised my hands. " am not sure what Mr Mba told you but am not your boss am just Somila that it, Somila okay. He looked at me via the rearview mirror than parked right at my parking space at the complex and turned on his driver seat.
Zakes: Iv worked with the boss for the past 10 Years. He has had many girl friends and was even close to marriage once but not once have I ever drove any of the woman he dated. Not once was I ever asked to check up on his woman and not once was I ever told to make sure that that any of his woman are safe and they family. But with you."He pointed at me cracking up a smile. " iv done things that you not aware of that I never thought my boss will ask of me. So that means either his losing it or you are truly special to him. Since I know his sane than that means you are special. Now that makes you my boss as much as his my boss." I looked at him shocked trying my best to comprehend all that he just said as he got out of the car opened the door for me and he went to the boot to take my things. My mind was over working itself as I slowly walked to my apartment and opened and he placed my things down. I stood there for awhile than my brain processed that I haven't offered him anything.
Me: would you like something to drink? I whispered as he got ready to leave.
Zakes: No thanks boss. Have a lovely day. He left me standing in the middle of my kitchen so confused at what he said and what the hell just happened.

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