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I walked in the hospital the next day to find screaming and shouting in the waiting room. The nurses there didn't know what to do. I walked to the bunch of people who were making the noise. They looked beautiful in they expensive clothes and weaves. I walked to them wearing my plain black skirt and white shirt and shoes.
Me: Hi... I spoke loud enough above they voices. No one paid attention to me and that made me a little angry. I walked to the receptionist and took one of the heaviest file than walked to the table and dropped the file and they was silence as they looked at me.
Me: Good, now that i have your attention. This is a hospital and this is a place of healing. Use your inner voices or kindly leave the hospital. They looked at me with they mouth hanging. One skinny girl walked up front.
Skinny girl: who the hell do you think you are? Do you know who we are?
Me: I don't care who you are. Its either you talk amongst each other in civil voices or you leave this hospital and go fight outside these doors. I will not have anyone mess with my patient recovery. I looked at all these faces from the old lady who was dressed smartly to the two guys that had they hands in they pockets to the 3 ladies the two looking like twins and than they was the beautiful skinny one that looked like a model and who asked me if i knew who she is and frankly i didn't care.
Me: Good... Now let me leave you all and get back to work. I fixed my skirt and was about to bend to pick up my file.
Old lady: Am sorry to trouble you but we been waiting for a doctor to let us know what is my son situation.
Me: oh maybe I can help, what your sons name. I picked the file placed it properly than walked back to the eyes looking at me. Just than the four more people came making a circus and i stood there with my arms folded. One of the new members a tall blonde girl looked at the skinny model.
Blonde girl: What are you doing here?
Skinny model: Am his fiancée i should be here.
Blonde girl: Am still his wife. They erupted and I whistled and everyone kept quiet.
Me:  Now ill repeat what I told these guys before. If you have to fight you go outside and fight. In here we civil people now have I made myself clear.
Blonde: and you are? She asked with so much attitude
Me: Am the girl you don't want to mess with. I gave her the same attitude that she gave me....

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