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I watched her as she looked like she is bracing her self for the worse. I we walked in and greeted Mzi. They hugged.
Mzi: You good?
Somila: Yeah, just need water. I saw Mzi eye me than eye her and afterwards gave her water. He looked at me.
Mzi: His in the boardroom sir, ill bring him to your office. I nodded.  I took her hand and we walked into the office and closes the door and dimmed it.
Me: I have no idea what it is that got into you and what happening with you. But whatever it is am here okay. She nodded and i kissed her forehead.
Me: No sit in this meeting with me than, we can talk about this okay. She was shaking as she sat down. I fixed myself as they was a knock on the door and I watched my wife stiffen and in came Mzi with a fair gentleman came through.

I sat there as I felt my body shake with so much rage. Rage for all the pain and for making me feel the way that am feeling now. He walked in with a bright smile and they shook hands and I just sat there watching them greet each other.
Luniko: pleasure to know you
Nthando: Such a privilege. The came towards the table and I gathered my strength to smile and I smiled and he looked at me with so much shock on his face and did his best to hide it from luniko but I saw him smiling.
Luniko: so what brings you here. They spoke for what seemed like hours and frankly all I wanted was to leave the room and run far away but I sat there and did my bid. After what seemed like hours.
Luniko: Ill have my team read this through, but before you go mind telling me what business you have with my wife? I looked up quickly to see Nthando shocked and when I looked at luniko he looked dangerously calm and still. I tried to talk but no words came out of my mouth i felt my face heat up and Nthando quickly gathered himself. He looked at both of us than pressed a button that cause the room glasses to dim and the door to locked. He punched a few numbers on his desk phone and Zakes voice came up.
Zake: Boss
Luniko: stay on the line please.
Zakes: sho. He turned and looked at us his eyes smaller than iv ever seen them in the last two days.
Luniko: now, ill ask again. Where do you two know each other? I saw Nthando swallowing and I felt my palms getting sweaty.
Nthando: I thought I knew her when I walked in but I don't. That somehow made me so angry that I jumped from my chair and got on top of him. I let go of all the pain in my heart. The torments iv had the past 6 months. The loss of my patient and the fact that I had to run from my hometown to the unknown. I was punching him with all my mights as he blocked every gash that i threw at him. I was crying and letting out all my frustrations. I felt strong arms grab me and I felt luniko hand all over me. I turned and cried my life out. The pain, the questions if why me and the fear. I let it all out on his shoulder as Nthando sat there looking at me with so much hate.
Luniko: now tell me that you don't know why my wife just went ballistic on you right now.
Nthando: Ill like to go
Me: You killed everyone I get close too. Is that why you here to kill him too? Why? What have I ever done to you for you to follow me all this way just to make my life a living hell. Wasn't Bokamoso enough? Wasnt langa enough? How many more do you need to kill in order to be satisfied? . Next thing they was a bang and I closed my eyes and kept them closed for what felt like hours than I slowly opened them and looked at Nthando shock dead body with a bullet between his eyes. I closed my mouth with my hands and turned to see Luniko with a gun and the most horrific look on his face, the man in front of me is not the man that I married.......

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