Insert 14:

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I woke up from the nightmare with Langa holding the gun and pointing it at me and his lazy smile. I walked to the bathroom and took a long shower playing the dream over and over. I got out and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked at the time 3:30am today is going to be one hell of a day and come high or low I will get into that safe.

Somewhere in Switzerland.
Doctor: hur länge har han varit uppe?( for how long his been up?)
Nurse: 2 Timmer( 2 hours) the doctor walked to his patient and looked at him smiling.
Doctor: welcome to the world of living. The patient just blinked a few times with tears rolling down his face.

I woke up to a smell of coffee. I opened my eyes to find Luniko face right in front of me as if he was watching me sleep. I shifted  to give us some room.
Me: Good morning
Luniko: morning, I made you coffee to help ease a headache we had to much wine yesterday.
Me: Thank you. I took the cup and sat back and   Drank the coffee.
Luniko: I was thinking of going home this week they have a get together. And I was wondering if you can come with? He smiled shyly looking at me.
Me: Why do I get a feeling that you hardly do this and it new to you?
Luniko: never took a girl home soI don't know how this goes. He walked to the huge bed and sat next to me and looked at me.
Me: well this is going to be tough
Luniko: we will sleep at the bed and breakfast and Ill make sure no one bothers you with questions or with anything really
Me: oh I can mind me but what if your family don't like me and we already married. I looked down.
Luniko: You married into the family but mostly you married me not them. No matter what you hear back home know that you are mine and I am yours. I smiled looking down as he came closer to me and kissed my forehead then rested his forehead on mines.
Luniko: Iv never wanted a woman the way I want you. He whispered and my body vibrated in return.
Luniko: I can't have you without yet. He kissed my forehead and got up and lord have mercy the bulge on his pants was to much so I looked away and he chuckled. I shifted as he left the room. I sat there thinking about what to do next.

Somewhere in Switzerland
I looked around and saw the white walls and just lay there not feeling anything and somehow that made the doctors uneasy this morning. I sat there as I replayed everything that happened in my life leading up to this point that am in and I cried. I cried in pain, agony and loss....

I watch Mzi walk into the office and give me that look.
Me: What is it?
Mzi: She is downstairs boss
Me: Who?
Mzi: Boitumelo
Me: Didn't I say that I never want her near this building ever.
Mzi: iv seen woman fake tears and Iv seen real tears and what she showed me was real.
Me: Mzi, I really don't have the time for this. I turned and looked out of the window and after a few minutes I heard the door closes.

I got out of the car as Zakes opened the door for me.
Me: Really Zakes you shouldn't have.
Zakez: Its my job, have a lovely day. I smiled and walked into Luniko work with the food I got him. On the far end I see Mzi and a lady back as they hug.

Me: You tried . I smiled at Mzi as he looked past me and I turned to see Luniko wife looking beautiful in a knee length body hugging dress and nude heels and she has no jewellery apart gold hopes and he afro looked amazing. She stopped when she saw me and pressed the elevator as Mzi ran to her.

Mzi: Boss. I tried to smile but I couldn't so I turned and gave him a solid look.
Mzi: I like you more, you have no time for pretence but I can explain.
Me: Its okay if you friends with my husband
Mzi: Its not that I need your help come. He walked us both to a board room. I placed the food on the counter and sat down and she sat far from me and Mzi stood there.

I looked at the two beautiful woman. Damn my boss know how to pick them. Boitumelo dark and smooth and Somila fair and as bright as the son. This is going to be a mission because I need these two woman to put they differences aside and focus on the bigger picture which is my boss safety.
Mzi: Boitumelo has something to say and Iv tried getting Boss man to listen to her but he aint having it.
Luniko: And I have every right not too.... we all turned to find him standing by the door and lord he looked beyond angry.
Luniko: Calls kept going straight in and wondered where can my noisy, uncultured assistant and than its clicked he might be downstairs since they was a very evil woman looking for me little did I know that Ill find my angelic wife also sitting 5 meters away from the devil himself, Now tell me why wasn't I included in this meeting? He looked at us with his eyes spitting daggers as we all just kept quiet and looked at him in utter shock....

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