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I walked out of the office and my phone rang and I checked to see it my father. I smiled and answered.
Me: dad
Dad: Hy muffin, are you good?
Me: Yeah am good. I looked down and played with the flower on my right
Dad: what is it Mila?
Me: I miss you
Dad: want me to come by this weekend to see you?
Me: Its okay dad, ill be fine really.
Dad: You know you can speak to me about anything right? Ill never judge.
Me: Am married. I blurted it okay and waited as they was silence.
Dad: I know. Now that shocked me to the core.
Me: What you mean you know?
Dad: your Husband spoked to me and asked for your hand which I gladly gave him.
Me: When?
Dad: before he gave you the papers he sent them to me and he came here 2 months ago and explained everything to me and I told him that you wouldn't go for a contract but he insisted you will since it solid so now what bothering you?
Me: Am shocked he did that!... I stood there amazed by the type of man Iv married.
Dad: Muffin?
Me: Yes, just that iv never dated before and I have no idea how to be considerate towards his ways and what he expects. I just don't know how to be a wife.
Dad: just be you, he chose you for your personality. No one learns to be a wife. He likes you for you so now just be you okay?
Me: I love you dad
Dad: I love you too and am always going to be here if it doesn't work out am here okay? Talk to me okay?
Me: I get you dad. Thanks. I love you too. We hung up and I walked to the board room and found Boitumelo sitting there.

I looked up and saw Somila walk in and she sat across from me and crossed her legs in a classy way.
Me: Am sorry
Somila: For
Me: yesterday
Somila: what happened yesterday. I smiled as she was playing dumb with me.
Me: I came here thinking I can get Luniko. I knew he might have moved on but I still attempted and for that am sorry.
Somila: apology accepted. She kept quiet which made me so nervous. I finished off the lunch as the doctor came through and he did everything checking me and scribbling me as Somila sat there I guess it was for physical support.
Doctor: I need to ask a personal question
Me: okay
Doctor: were you sexually assaulted? He stoped touching my pelvis as I nodded at him. He took out swabs and I knew he will want to scrub in.
Somila: Uhm you can wait outside I can do it. She mumbled to the doctor. He looked at her and she nodded and he left. She wore gloves and looked at me like a professional. The pain I saw in her eyes a few minutes ago disappeared.
Somila: I know this isnt ideal but I need you to drop your panty and spread your legs. I did so without saying anything....

I finally had the papers that were in a safe in Langa room. I looked at the papers and looked at all the money he moved to offshore accounts. I looked at all the encrypted codes that ill need a hacker to deal with than lastly I saw a picture of him and his brother. His baby brother smiling and him just looking at him blankly. I turned the picture and behind it was written " my only hope 44535434"  what the fuck is Langa problem. Its like I solve one mystery and get another. I banged the table and sat there in frustration as I looked at all these papers that made no sense but I knew they wouldn't be in a safe that cost half a million if they meant nothing. I took out my phone and called the guy that I usually ask to decrypt things for me.
Me: Come over to my house. I have a job for you that requires your undivided attention. I hang up and sorted them out and drop them in my bag. Hopefully this is worth it and I walked out of the room heading to my house.

Me: Now I hope you not talking about the Somila that I have in mind. I sat on the chair.
Langa: medium height, fair, black african texture hair and crystal clear eyes. He explained my wife to the point.
Langa: She has one tiny black spot by the right eye. And she turns red when she panics. Whatever you doing right now I need you to stop and find her.
Me: Wow bafo( brother) if I didn't know better ill say you hooked? I felt my heart race as I wait for the answer. Where is my brother going with this? Is Somila the girl he spoke about before his accident? Was Somila dating him? Is that why we got no history in regards to who he has beeb with because it was him and he covers his tracks well? I waited as he was breathing properly trying to pace himself so he can talk.....

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