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I sat on the carpet after he showed me his beautiful house. He came with the Chinese food and some wine and sat down opposite me. I sat on the floor because the couch looked to expensive to dirty. He smiled and help dish out and I notice he had a wedding band on now that matched my ring and I must say that made me smile.
Luniko: you have a beautiful smile
Me: thank you. We ate in silence than he poured us some wine.
Luniko: ask me anything
Me: tell me more about yourself.
Luniko: Oh what there to tell. Am the only boy at home. I have four sisters two older than me and two younger than me. Dad had another family and he had a son old than me. He stays in Johannesburg. My dad and I weren't really close due to how he treated my mother but in all am just me.
Me: No one have asked you this neh? He laughed and took a sip of wine.
Luniko: Nah iv never really dated woman who wanted to sit down and know about me.
Me: What Boitumelo story. He looked at his glass and than sipped it. After a while he looked at me.
Luniko: What did you and Mzi talk about?. I guess his not ready to talk about that yet.
Me: Lunch date. Figured since he knows you best it will be cool to hook up with him and get a low down on you.
Luniko: but you can always ask me anything and ill answer. He looked at me.
Me: I just did a few minutes ago and you didn't. He sighed and shifted uncomfortably than looked at me.
Luniko: I meet Tumelo when I was on a business trip to Johannesburg and to meet my brother for the first time. She was a prostituted that throw herself on my bonnet at a robot. She was 19 I told her am not interested but she insisted so I just took little cash I had and threw it at her and drove off. Following day I was buying coffee than a girl with a bunch of girls were chilling and they was this one girl who kept looking at me oddly. So I walked up to her and asked if she knew me all she said was thank you for saving my life and that confused me.. I looked at him shocked that the beautiful Boitumelo was one a sex worker.
Luniko: I went into my car and when I was about to leave I felt a bang and I looked up to see her the same way she threw herself at my car the night before and it all made sense. Long story short I took her in and did everything for her. I helped her go to school and helped her get a job. Did everything and anything for her. A time came when I needed her to help me instead she did worse and I haven't let anyone in ever since.
Me:What did she mean when she said she could say yes for marriage? He breathed heavily and brushed his face in frustration.
Luniko: I need funds to start this brunch and I went to ask my dad for it. I got there he told me in return he wants me to marry and get him grandchildren. I told him I don't have anyone in mind right now but when the time is right I will. He said he can't help without me granting him this wish. He wishes to see me married. I went home asked Boitumelo to pretend that we married. We were already good friends so what a little pretending got to do until i get the funds. I took her to my office explained my whole dream to her and what I want to archive. I was already madly in love with her and she lead me on with no shame or intent of returning the feeling. My dad came by and found me with her and he looked at her with so much disgust that at that point its never clicked on me but now it does. All along iv been chasing after her and wanting her to be mine she has already set her self up at being my father side dish. The day I confronted her about it. A lot of  things were sad and let just say my heart was broken. I looked at him confused.
Me: Why did you ask me to marry you when you have been through so much? He laughed a little.
Luniko: There is this light about you that radiate tranquility and peace and I need that in my life. I smiled shyly. We were silent for awhile.
Me: she left a note that you in danger.
Luniko: YeahI know. I looked at him shocked.
Me: how?
Luniko: Am one of the richest man in africa. My father owned millions in companies and he just died 6 months ago and left that all to me and his other son. His other son died 3 days after my father death he was gunned down by lord knows who and he left everything to me. Now tell me who wouldn't want a piece of a billionaire. I sat there shocked and surprised and am sure it showed on my face cause he laughed.
Me: You a billionaire?
Luniko: yes We are. I looked at him for a few seconds than touched my heart as it was beating to fast. Lord what did you bring me into?

He was punching and kicking but avoiding my face. At this point I was done crying and screaming. My whole body was aching and it was in pain. He ripped my dress open and turned me upside down than raped me. I didn't flitch in pain as each stroke was rougher and more painful. I just lay there and let him finish what he started. When he was done he slapped my ass and got up from the floor.
Abede: Naw get up yey.( now get up) i slowly got up as my body ached in pain. A tear slid down my cheek and I wiped it. I stood there looked at the man I thought I loved. Looked at the man who promised me the world and yet here we are. To think I left luniko for this makes my heart cringe in pain. Tears rolled down my cheeks some more and he walked closer and looked at me for awhile.
Abede: Next time ill kill you. I want you to make him fall in love with you again.
Me: How? His married Abede?
Abede: That never stopped you from being a side dish? You were his father side dish before? What going to stop you from being his? He looked at me in anger and I kept quiet.
Abede: You have a week to gain his trust and make him fall in love with you again or Ill do worse than what iv just done. He grabbed my boob and pinched it hard making me scream in pain and he laughed.
Abede: if only you could scream this loud while I was in there. He walked out of the room as I slid down and cried my eyeballs. Lord make it stop. When will I stop suffering? Is this my punishment for stringing Luniko along all this time? Lord help me please.....

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