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I finished the call and than went to make him one more smoothie than when done I looked in the wardrobe and I could feel his eyes on my back as I found dad track pants.
Me: These are my dads he wears them when his here for a weekend you can wear them. I helped him into the track pants than helped him have the smoothie. I changed his bandage and cleaned his wounds.
Him: Thank you
Me: Its cool. A few minutes later they was a knock and I walked and opened the door only to find a dark tall guy there and I smiled at him and he moved and I saw Ntando my mind just went crazy and I attacked him thinking of all the pain he made me go through. The dark guy was confused and I felt a strong arms around me as I was kicking and screaming.
Me: Get the fuck away from here you bastard. If I see you ever again ill kill you with my bare hands. He raised his hands as he moved back leaving. I turned to look at who held me and I saw it was the bullet guy. I panic as I saw blood oozing out.
Me: You not suppose to be up. I helped him back to bed.

One minute she was a wrecking ball kicking and screaming and now here she is re- stitching me and helping me heal. I saw Thabo look at us and fold his hands. When she was done she stood back and was doing breathing exercises. I know them cause Iv seen my sister do them a couple of times when she is angry.
Me: Thank you. She smiled at me and turned to look at Thabo
Her: Am not leaving the room. So whatever it is you discuss you discuss in front of me or you take him and never come back. She glared at him and Thabo was shocked.
Thabo: I haven't done anything
Her: You brought that bastard into my home
Thabo: how on earth would I have known yourl have history, I don't even know you woman. She calmed herself and squinted her eyes.
Her: You in my house and you already skating in thin ice so don't make me lose it please. She moved to the bathroom and came back with her face wash I guessed she splashed water on her face.
Me:Are you okay?
Her: ill be fine
Thabo: Am sorry.
Her: Its okay. Am Somila James. Can I get you anything to drink? Thabo stood there dumbstruck and I wanted to laugh but I just kept quiet.
Thabo: Uhm sure water is fine.
Somila: okay cool. She turned leaving the door open and went to get water. I chuckled as Thabo shakes his head and I laugh.
Me: Hows the news?
Thabo: blowing up my phone. Got detectives trying to figure out what happened.
Me: Don't tell them you found me let it be for a week I need to think
Thabo: Do you know who wants you dead
Me: No, I don't but I want you to move everything to her name. He looked around as I pointed to the other room.
Thabo: Boss
Me: That what you doing today.All my legit business are going to her name by the end of business today. He looked at me skeptical.
Me: Look the person that did this is within our group and no one knew about this meeting and deal apart from the shareholders so I need you to monitor all 6 of them and report back to me. I feel like what happened to Bokamoso is happening to me. We looked up as we heard a crash and Somila was standing there with the tray on the floor. Thabo helped her. She was shaking and we both looked at each other confused.
Me: Are you okay? She looked at me with teary eyes and nodded. Thabo helped her pick up the glasses. When she was done I could see she was still shaking. I opened the blanket.
Me: come here. She slowly walked in and snuggled close the minute she got in next fo me she cried so much and she was shaking so I just held her as Thabo looked at me and I looked at him so confused. When she was done she wiped her face as she was looking read.
Somila: Am sorry it just that when I saw him he just brought back a past that iv been trying to burry
Me: want to talk about it?
Somila: He killed my friend. Not really a friend but I was a doctor.
Me: I could tell by the way you handled my wounds.She smiled as wiped her face.
Somila: It was the first week of my residency and They was a helicopter crash. So the two guys died but one survived his name was Bokamoso Nkosi. He lived for 6 months and it was touch and go than one day Ntando came to visit him and he had an allergic reaction to whatever he injected in his drip. I knew that the drip only had morphine and meds to help him not stop his heart. I hate that man. I worked months trying to figure out what killed my first patient only to find out it was him and I couldn't go to the cops with the information.
Me: You knew Bokamoso Nkosi?
Somila: I was his doctor. I kept quiet as I registered what she was saying than everything clicked. Ntando has been killing us all one by one. His responsible for my shooting. I looked at Thabo as he ran out of the house only to come back.
Thabo: His gone. I looked at Somila.
Me: You need to pack, I cannot leave you here. You a lose end and we need to go now. She packed a few things and took her laptop and some papers than they helped me to Thabo car and once seated she adjusted the chair for me and she got in and so did Thabo.
Thabo: where too?
Me: Ill direct you, I got a new place he doesn't know about. Just as we were driving away we swayed the car to avoid a missile and in less then a few seconds we watched as her house blow into pieces. She shrieked as she watched and as neighbours got out to see what was happening.
Somila: My house and car.... she looked at it with tears falling down her face. We used another route leaving the place and the neighbours as we heard the sirens.

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