Chapter 14: I Need Her Back

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~Casey's POV~

I'm sitting in my car; I've just told her sister what has happened now I need to tell our children. I don't want to do this. I know they would have eaten by now, and hopefully bathed and just about in bed so I can do it in the morning. Tapping on the window got my attention, I look up to see my brother looking at me worried. "Cas, man come on out," Alex said softly, I couldn't even do it, I have so many things going through my head right now that I hope what I am thinking does not come true. Alex opens my door, gently grabbing my hand pulling me out. "Hamish called to fill me in on what happened and that you might not be in a good state. I am still shocked he let you drive home." I just looked at him and broke down wrapping my arm around his shoulders as he holds onto me. 

"It will be ok; the police will find her bro. Got to keep the faith and the hope up" He whispered, I need to get it together for the kids, I cannot have them seeing me a mess. "I can't Alex, I... cannot live without her, but the kids?" Alex lets me go as we walk into the house, "I have to feed them, they are bathed and in their bedrooms getting ready for bed last time I had checked, they do know something is up, but I haven't told them anything also her parents have called about three times now." I looked at him shocked, I know I wanted the kids to be sound asleep, but I am stunned he managed to look after them for me. "Thank you, I better go tell them huh?" I asked, he nods his head at me, better put on my big boy pants and tell the kids about their mum. 

Making my way up towards the kid's rooms, I can hear Amber talking to Jaxson, they sound like they are in Jaxson's room. "I just miss mummy and daddy Amber, where are they? And why did daddy look so upset before leaving?" Ah my heart hurts hearing them, I didn't let Amber respond before walking into the room their faces all light up, then I see them both look sad when they didn't see their mum behind me, I give them a sad smile no idea why. "I have something to tell you and it's a hard one." I didn't get to finish what I was about to say as Jaxson jumped in over me. "Something has happened to mummy?!" The look on my face must have given me away as they both raced into my arms hugging me tightly. "I don't know what has happened to mum, she's... um... she's missing. The police are out there looking for her right now." 

That seemed to shock them even more, Jaxson burst out into tears while Amber looked at me and whipped my tears away. "Can we help to look for her too?" Amber asked, sounded so strong, holding them both tight as I give them both a kiss on each forehead. "Been asked by the Police to let them do their jobs, baby girl." Jaxson finally stopped crying and looked at me as I wipe his tears away, "Daddy was it our Father that has done this?" Jaxson asked, "No, Phoenix is still in jail, but the police aren't telling me anything yet. I understand if you two want to stay home tomorrow instead of going to school." Jaxson looked relieved he didn't have to go to school while Amber I couldn't tell she was showing any emotions. 

"I don't want to go to school, they will tease me!" Jaxson said trying not to cry, "I want to go to school! I need to keep busy and and" She started crying hugging them both, god Paige I hope you are ok right now and not hurt too badly, telling them is killing me. "Can we sleep in your bed dad?" Amber said looking up at me with those big eyes filled with tears, yep this kid is doing the puppy dog eyes and it's working I smile at her, "Sure kiddo you can sleep in our bed tonight" Jaxson started shaking his head, "No! We sleep in your bed until mummy is home!" I couldn't help it but I laughed, not a long one nor a mean one. "Sure, why not. You two can go in it right now, I just need to call your grandparents back." 

Jaxson grabs his pillow and races off towards our room, Amber does the same thing. I followed them into the room and tucked them in for the night, they both didn't want me to read to them. After telling them both I loved them and I hope mum will be back tomorrow. Just as I was leaving the room Jaxson spoke up, "I wish you were our birth daddy." I smiled at him, I guess he's figured out that what's happening to his mother could be because of his birth father. "Jaxson, we may not share the same blood but I see you as my own son, I love you no matter what, same with your sister. My own family is filled with people who don't share the same blood, family isn't always about blood." He climbs out of bed racing into my arms holding on to me tightly, "Good, daddy! Cause I love you that much too!" 

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