Chapter 13: Who Could Have Done This?

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**Casey's POV**

What is going on, normally she is home by now. I don't like this feeling I am feeling right now. I head on back into the house where my phone is on charged to see I had two missed calls from her, shit. Quickly calling her back and it went right to her voicemail, maybe she is driving, no she has Bluetooth. I try again the same thing happens again. "Dad, what's wrong?" Amber asked me, "Nothing baby girl." She is not believing a word I just said, "No, you look worried. Has it got something to do with Mummy not being home yet?" She asked, "Maybe, could you please go check on Jaxson please?" I asked, she nods her head, "Sure dad." She races off as my brother comes into the room looking worried at me too, "Bro what's wrong?" Alex asked, I looked up at him, "Paige isn't answering her phone."

He lets out a sigh, "Ok, maybe she is busy." I shake my head at him, "I don't like this feeling Alex." I confessed, "We'll go to the bakery and check on her, and when you do find her in her office doing paperwork make sure you take her hard from behind bro." I want to laugh at him, but I don't want to give him a big head over it either, "Really? You think of your siblings fucking their partners?" I asked him. "No, but that is what I would do if I had a girl that hot in love with me." I looked back at him in shock, it's like he has grown up a little bit, "Wow, what made you changed your tone?" He chuckled, "You two last night." I smiled at him, "Good to know, keep it up, please. Can you please watch those two for me while I go check on her?" I asked, "No problem at all." Alex said, I raced off towards Jaxson's room to find the pair of them cuddling up together as Amber reads to him.

"What's up dad?" Amber asked, "I'm just going to pop out for a bit Uncle Alex is going to be watching you both while I'm gone. Get your mum to call me if she comes home while I am out ok." They both smiled at me, "Ok dad." Amber said, "Sure dad!" Jaxson yelled at me, giving them both a hug and a kiss each before heading off into my ute heading towards town to her bakery, please be in your office doing paperwork.

Pulling up to the shop, all normal lights are off, crap please be already on your way home babe. Getting out of my ute, spotting my car that she's been using towards the end of the car park. Racing towards it, the passenger door is wide open fuck, then my stomach turned when I noticed the tires are all slashed and her bag is in the car, her phone smashed on the ground next to it. Fuck! Pulling my phone out calling triple zero.

After getting off the phone, the police aren't far off. 

Clasping to the pavement, what the hell?! Who would want to do this to her? It cannot be Phoenix as he's in jail last time I checked and wouldn't be out this soon, Ashely? She's a bitch but could she have done this to her own sister? Where the fuck is, she! God Paige, I hope you are ok.

The police showed up and started to do their thing, also asking me heaps of questions. I know they mean well but I'm not the one that did this. "As I just told you Sir I was at home, working out in the yard on the farm when I started to feel something was off. She's never that late getting home, I checked on my phone when I went inside and noticed I had missed calls from her. I tried to call her it went straight to her voice mail. Is she ok?! Shit, what am I going to tell our kids!" The officer looked shocked at me, "Children? You have children?" It's like he was not listening to me, "Yes, like I told you she was married before." The officer went over his notepad again as he read out, "Phoenix Lake is the ex? Ashely McKinnon is her sister?" He asked, "Yes, to both, they are the only ones I know that are this angry with her. Is that blood? Is that her blood?!" I tried to walk over towards what I had just seen, "Sir you need to calm down please, and let us do our jobs." I am way too far from ever calming down!

"Calm down?! The love of my life is missing! I'm" The officer cuts me off, "I know Sir, believe me, I know. But getting upset and arrested won't help you or her out." I looked at him in shock, "Why would I get arrested for?! I haven't broken any laws?!" I yelled back at him, "Please calm down, Casey." I look up at him after he used my name, doing my best to keep these tears at bay. I cannot lose her now, not after I just found her, my phone starts ringing, I look down at it. I know it's not her but I was hoping it was her.

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