Chapter 2: What The F$&@

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~Paige's Pov~

Glaring at the person in front of me, I am so not going to respond to them instead I slammed the door shut and locking it. Pulling out my phone telling mum that we will pick the kids up don't drop them off, she said she was already on her way but was ok with turning back around to head home. "YOU'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO TALK TO ME?!" Phoenix's voice booms out.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Casey came out of our room only wearing a towel dripping wet but looking pissed off. "Is that who I think that is?" He asked, "Yes." I told him, he glares at the door, "Call the police babe. I will deal with him." He snapped, Casey opens the door wide crossing his arms glaring at Phoenix. "I clearly remember telling you to fuck off! So how the fuck did you find where I lived?" Casey snapped, "I will always be here they are my children, not yours! If you don't want people to know where you live maybe don't live in your dead parents' house?" Phoenix asked, "You may have helped in making those children, but you lost the right to be near them when you chose to do drugs and become violent! Do you even know them? Do you even know what they like, hate, fear, and want to become when they are older? No, you do not! You just want to confuse and hurt them at your own joy! While the rest of us are left to pick up their broken hearts and rebuild them! That is not what a father does! Now get the fuck off my property! Hopefully, the police will pick you up at the end of my driveway!" Casey yelled.

"I am their father, not you, you're just the man she's fucking right now! There will be more where that comes from! Police won't do jack shit dickhead I haven't broken any laws! I am here to see my children now that I am out of jail!" He roared at Casey, "Really throwing out the "She's a slut card" last time I checked she was the one that stayed faithful in your marriage. Think those words mean much to me, I know she loves me. You on the other hand I don't think she ever did. Oh, by the way, are you forgetting the AVO we have against you? Right now, you are breaching them, and oh so lovely you are just out of jail." Casey said can hear the sarcasm in his voice, "They have been dropped; I am here to see my children." He snapped, "Mate you're a broken record! Not interested nor are they!" Casey said loudly, "You do not speak for my children!" Phoenix yells, "Actually, he does, he is more a father to them than you ever were!" I yelled at him.

"How could you say that?!" he looked hurt and shocked. "Quite easily actually, after being with an actual real man I realise what I didn't have with you. You just wanted me and the children on your arm for show but you never loved us. You just loved the idea of us! Also, you are breaching your AVO! Good luck the police are on their way!" I grabbed the door and slammed it in his face. I didn't realise I was shaking all over from anger Casey turns and started rubbing his hands up and down my arms to calm my shakes.


Casey grabs my hand and walks us towards our room, as shaken as I am, I cannot think around him when he's dressed like that. I sit down on the bed as he sits next to me wrapping an arm around me kissing the top of my head. I can feel his body is tensed with anger, running my hand along his chest, he takes a deep breath. "I so want to go outside and punch him, babe. He doesn't even care how much he hurts them; he hurts you. He just wants to take and keep on taking with no care in the world for those he is supposed to love." 

"I know, I wanted to punch him to babe." I told him, "I'm going to quickly get dressed and then see if the police have arrived." He told me, "Ok, I'll start dinner." I told him, "No, tonight we will get takeaway on the way home from picking the kids up." He said, "Ok." He gives me a passionate kiss before quickly putting some clothes on, I stayed watching. I know creeper alert, but really a girl can enjoy watching her man get dress. I still ask myself each day how I got so lucky. "Keep looking at me like that and the police might hear us." He whispered, "Can I say right now I don't care."

He laughs as he kisses my forehead and walks out of the room, leaving me all hot and flustered. I cannot sit on this bed any longer I make my way to the front room to look out to see what is going on. I spot Casey looking pissed off over at Phoenix who keeps talking even the police are trying to put him in the back of the car. Once the police officer got Phoenix into the car, the one talking to Casey's hands over something before heading into the car and leaving. Casey makes his way back into the house, he spots me in the front room smiling at me as he walks over.

"Well, his going right back to jail. Also, we have the officer's number encase we have any more trouble. Are you trying to make me forget everything they said to me?" Casey asked, "Mr. Scott I have no idea what you are talking about?" He laughs as he takes another step closer. "Says the person who is stripping in front of me."

"Well, we are alone and have a few more minutes before we go and pick up the kids." I said, "Is that so?" He asked, "It is" By now I am naked in front of him, as he looks me up and down biting his bottom lip. Undoing his pants quickly as he throws his shirt off to the side, pulling me in for a steamy kiss, that makes my legs feel weak. "Fuck your sexy!" Casey yelled out, "Hmmm you too handsome." He laughs as he picks me up, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. He turns us to lean me up against the wall kissing his way down my chin, my neck, gripping my breasts in his hands as he takes the nipple into his mouth, as I moan out. His hands move towards my ass gripping me tightly as I rake my nails over his shoulders.

"Hmmm agghhh" He lines himself up sliding himself into me oh so slowly, we both moaned out as he moves faster in me. "Agg hmmm, Casey harder!" He grabs my legs lifting them up over his arms as he slides deeper hitting my g-spot and everything else that is good. Throwing my head back letting out a deep moan as he kisses my neck, his thumb rubs hard on my clit. "aghhh hmmm Paige you like it, hard don't you?" He asked, "YES! FUCK... YES, I DO!" I cried out, "That's it baby take all of, my dick." Casey said, "God yes, I do! Fuck Cas I'm cumming!"

"I'm close babe." My whole body starts to shake as I clutched down on him seeing stars as I explode screaming out his name, liquid squirts out all over us as Casey continues pounding until he fills me up with his warm juices. "Paige!" He moves my legs down but still holding onto me as we both are still coming down from our high, he brushes my hair away smiling at me, kissing me softly. "God I love you so much." he whispered, "I love you so much too." We quickly cleaned up and got dressed, I went around making sure the house is locked up. "Your end all locked?" he asks, "Yes. Let's go get our kids." He gave me that big smile of his that I love. "Yes, let's go get our kids. I know they have fun at their grandparents but I do miss them." Walking up to him wrapping him up in a hug, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. "I know, me too."

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