Chapter 8: God Alex Is Annoying

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**Casey's Pov**

I just sat there on the back of my ute with my lunch halfway to my mouth looking at my brother in shock. "What?" I asked, he keeps eating when he replies to me, "You heard me." He mumbles, "I think I did, but I am not sure." I said honestly, I want to punch him, "I was engaged a few weeks ago" I cut him off, "That I got, it was what you said after that shocked me." I said, he lets out a loud sigh, "What that I walked in on her fucking my best mate?" He snapped at me, I pointed my lunch at him and said, "Yep that was the part." He glares at me. "You asshole, you are only shocked because it happened to me." I shrugged my shoulders. "That too. But I am sorry that it happened to you, look on the bright side at least it didn't happen after you were married to her."

"That's the problem the wedding is in a few months' time, I now have to cancel everything and tell everyone." He said, my heart sunk, that hurt more than I thought it would, "What? And you didn't invite me? Now I am hurt!" I yelled at him. "Don't be, I had only invited mum and dad." I glared at him, now I really do want to punch this asshole! "Why?" I growled out, my jaw is clenched so tightly as I wait for him to answer, "Didn't think any of you would have wanted to come seeing as you all aren't talking to me." He mumbles, "You wonder why? You stopped talking to all of us except Hamish you seem to answer his calls." I snapped. "Because he is an asshole and calls me after one in the morning." I laughed that does sound like Hamish, but it still hurts that we weren't invited to his wedding.

"So, if she hadn't cheated on you, we wouldn't have known you were getting married, nice Alex." I snapped at him, jumping down, and started getting back to work. "Really? You're acting pissy at me now?" He asked, I huffed at him, I wish I wasn't on a job right now because I would have punched in the face by now. "Yes, I am Alexander Matt Scott. You would be upset if I were getting married and didn't invite you to it. Even if we aren't talking, I would have still sent an invite then it was up to us to choose if we want to go or not." I yelled at him. "Shit when did you start acting more grown-up than me?" He asked shocked, I looked at him in shock, change the subject much, "Probably when those kids started calling me dad." I answered him hoping he would reply to my other statement, "Now why are they calling you dad and not Casey? What happened to their father?" He asked.

I look up at him with the hammer stopped mid-air clearly Hamish didn't fill him on what happened. "Paige is divorced, her ex is now back in jail." I said, "Wait Jail?" He looked shocked, "Yeah, he didn't take it well when we first started dating, he was charged with assault and drug charges. We have an AVO out on him, the minute he came out of jail and rocks up breaching it that's why he's back in jail." I said trying not to get angry over that again, "Fuck those poor kids, was he like that the whole time he was with her?" He asked.

I know what he's thinking too, "From what she told me he cheated on her, that is a big story in itself. She thought it was a normal relationship after being with me she realised how wrong she was." He looked genuinely shocked and in wonder at me, "Seriously? What an idiot guess he didn't realise what he had until he saw her happy with someone else." I nod my head with a big grin on my face, "His loss is my gain." He has a look on his face that I cannot read at all, "Now I can see why those kids love you. I'm proud of you Casey." He said I nearly dropped my hammer in shock, "Did that hurt you saying that?" I asked, we both started laughing. "Why were you so upset over me calling the kids mine and them calling me dad?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders, "Shocked to be honest, but also now that I know the full story it makes sense. At least now those children won't have a life like mine before mum and dad got me."

"I know, I hate how he thinks he has a right to them just because they share the same blood. He doesn't care how much pain he causes them. Amber now doesn't ever want to see him and Jaxson said when he's old enough he will hit him for hurting his mum." I told him, "Well they now have a safe home, and a father to love them they will be ok. Also, you have an idea of what they are feeling and what it's like more than others." He is right, but he knows more about that life than I do, "Yes. Thanks for the help we are finished." He smiled at me like I just told him he won the gold lotto, "Oh awesome... want me to buy dinner?" He asked, "Sure, we can go into town to the shops."

We packed up our gear and headed back to the farmhouse, found Mr. Smith on the porch with his dog. I give him a big smile, as I shake his hand. "All done Sir, I'll mail out the invoice to you in the next couple of days." He smiled at me, "Good one son, sure thing. I will start making a list of things you can help my son out with when he's back." I chuckled, "Sure thing, see you later Mr. Smith."

"You too Casey." I got back into the ute as my brother gave me the biggest smile. "What?" I snapped at him; I still want to punch this idiot. "This suits you." I looked at him in shock, "Still what?" He just smiles at me, "This life you have, it suits you well." I smiled to myself, "Right, let's pull into the bakery on the way to the supermarket." He looks at me shocked, "Why?" He asked, "Paige owns the local bakery." I informed him, "Oh.... Right..."

**Paige's POV**

Cleaning up the kitchen while Harper empty's her stomach from lunch in the staff bathroom, Todd was out the front helping during the afternoon rush. Good that they have worked some of their issues out making working with them so much easier. "Oi Paige, lover boy, and another hottie are here to see you." Todd yells out to me, I cannot stop the big smile on my face, "How long are you going to keep calling him that?" I ask him, "Forever mate, forever." He chuckles, I smiled as I followed him out to the front, I see Alex flirting with one of my front-of-house staff members. I walked around the counter and wrapped my arms around Casey smiling up at him as he leans down giving me a soft kiss on the lips. 

"Hi, what can I do for you handsome?" He chuckles, leaning down biting my earlobe as he whispers. "I want to do you." doing my best not to mount him right now, "Mmmm tonight babe." I lied to him as I want him right now, "Good... what's going on I see Todd and Harper are here." He asked me confused, "I'll tell you when I get home. Did you two want something to eat?" I asked, "Yes, doll face we do." I turned around with my best customer services smile and voice, I can feel Casey doing his best not to laugh. "Hi Alex, what could I get you?" He turns around and starts looking at what is on display, Casey gave my ass a good squeeze before telling me what he would like.

"Babe a mushroom pie with peas and black sauce, with a coke please babe." I want this man so much; god is this normal? "Sure Cas, Alex have you worked out what you want?" I asked, "Hhmmm could I please have a steak and pepper pie with peas and tomato sauce, apple turnover, and a coke please." I smiled at him, "Coming right up." I quickly did their orders, placing them on the counter in front of Casey. "Paying separate or" Alex cuts me off, "I'll pay for it all please Paige." Is this normal for him? "Sure, twenty-five dollars and twenty cents please Alex cash or card?" He smiles at me, "Cash sweetie." I want to groan out, I spot Casey clenching his jaw his not impressed with his brother at all, "Stop with the nicknames Alex." He growled out, I gave him his change, as Casey kept on snapping at him as Alex played it up some more. What is wrong with that man, doesn't seem to take a dam hint. Casey walked around to my side giving me a hug and a kiss as Harper came out looking a little worried.

"Hi, Harper, you all good hun?" Casey asked her. "Hi Casey, Paige, you have a phone call from the school in your office." Both myself and Casey say at the same time. "What?" I said, "Don't know they wouldn't tell me."  She said, Casey looks over at his brother, "Alex I won't be long." Alex hearing what is going on doesn't seem to be worried about being left by himself, "All good I will sit down at one of the tables outside." I raced into my office with Casey closely behind me, picking up the phone as Casey closes the door.

**Phone Call**

Paige: Hello Paige Lake speaking.

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