Chapter 10: Who Is Here?

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~Casey's Pov~

I tap on the window and the door opens I step back rising my bat as Hamish steps out of the ute. "What the fuck man!!" I yelled at him. "Could say the same thing about you!" He yelled back at me. "Well, why the hell did you ring the doorbell then took off?" I snapped at him. "No one answered was going to sleep in the car." I shake my head as I lean on the bat, "Like hell you are, come on get your gear you can either share the bed with that dickhead or sleep on the lounge." I started making my way to the front door when I heard Hamish's answer

"Hmmm, that is a hard one baby brother! I will say lounge." Alex scoffed at us both, "Really?! You don't want to sleep next to this" Alex runs his hands over his body in a seductive way, "Oh, just stop with that shit, it's way too late to hear it." I laugh as he joins us with his gear heading into the house, I lock up behind him as they both head towards the lounge room. Hamish dropping his bag on the floor next to the lounge, turning around looking at me with a question on his face. "Where's Paige?" Hamish asked, "Sleeping Beauty is sound asleep bro." Alex replied, "What he said, want a beer?" I make my way towards the fridge, "Thanks, but no. I want to hit the sack and head on over to Lilly's first thing." Hamish said, "Who's Lilly?" Alex looked confused, so did I, "What he didn't tell you?" I asked, "Why? I rather he meets her and hopefully leaves her alone than giving him images to wank too." Hamish snapped, "And who is she?" Alex looks way too eager; this is not going to end well.

"You can wait, I need to see if she is still talking to me first." Hamish, looks like he will throw our brother through a window soon, "Fine Casey who is she?" Alex asked me, "If he's not telling you neither am I." Yep, I am so not getting put into the middle of that shit storm. "Fine! When those ratbags are up, I will ask them." And of course, he went there, "Do that and you are out of this house!" I yelled at him, "What? Is going on with you two?" Alex asks looking between the pair of us, "We don't trust you with our women isn't it that enough for you to shut up about it?" Hamish yelled at him, "Fine!" Alex snapped at him. "Why are you like this?" Hamish asked him, "I want my brothers to be with a lady they can trust fully." He said, "Other ways of going about it you know."  Hamish said.

"Well, tomorrow fill me on those other ways." Alex snapped back at him, "Sure." Hamish mumbles, "Night you two, also the kids are going to enjoy waking up to find you are out here." I said to Hamish, he gives me a big smile, "Good! Cause I miss my little sidekicks. This is good, it's the good old days the Scott's boys all in the one spot." He smiles at us both, "Yes, now we need our baby sister Mon to be here." Alex said with a big grin on his face, "Won't be until the weekend if she can get the time off." Hamish sadly said. "Hope she does, it will be good to have everyone here at my place." Hamish smiled at us both, "Yes, hey this could be a housewarming party!" he yelled whispered it at us.

"Ooo I like the sound of that." Of course, Alex likes the sound of that, "Maybe." I said, "Why maybe?" Alex asked me, "Wait are you going to drop the big question?" Hamish asked me. "What?! No, I am not... well not yet anyway." I stumbled out, Alex brushes his beard, "Think you should!" Alex yelled whispered at me, "When I do, it will be just her and me no one around" Hamish cut me off, "Why?"

"Cause" Alex won't stop looking at me. "Look at his face Hamish, he has a plan he has been thinking of it for a long time." I have forgotten how annoying these two can be together, "That is correct, now leave it be please encase someone hears!" I whispered yelled at them both. "Fine! But you need to call us both on the day you are planning on doing this!" Hamish whispered yelled back at me. "I will call everyone a few days after she gives me an answer." Alex's face was full of pride, "Oooo you dirty dog!"

"No, Alex I am not. Just madly in love with her and" I stopped and just realise I might be giving Alex too much info on her body. The pair of them have large smiles on their faces. "Man, I am so dam proud right now!" Alex said loudly, "You and me both! I knew he would be the first one out of us four to find his true love!" Hamish said. I laugh and leave them to it as they start making jokes about myself and Paige, closing our bedroom door softly quietly make my way towards our bathroom to get ready for bed. Climbing into my side of the bed, just as I got comfortable, Paige rolls over lifting my arm up for her to cuddle into me.

"Who was at the door babe?" She softly asked, "You've been awake the whole time?" I asked her, "Nope, I heard you in the bathroom and just waited." She said, "Ok, it was Hamish. He's going to sleep on the lounge tonight then head on over to Lilly's first thing in the morning." I told her, "Hmmm hope they work it out." She whispered, "Me too babe." I give her forehead a soft kiss, holding her tightly against my body, her soft hand gently plays with the hair on my chest, I smile to myself, I love this. "Mmm can't sleep?" I ask her, "Hmmm, I can I just" I cut her off, "Want some sexy time with your man?" I asked, "Yes..."

"Hmmm we can be quiet" I didn't get to finish my sentence as she climb up on top of me kissing me, lifting her shirt up. I shouldn't say her shirt as it's one of mine that she is wearing, to find she has no underpants on groaning at how dam sexy this lady is and she's all mine. She leans down pulling down my boxers, lifting my bum up as she pulls down. Gripping my shaft, lining myself up as she lowers herself onto me. We both groaning out, I hold onto her tightly as I sat myself up leaning against the headboard the movement caused me to slip further into her. Paige starts rotating her hips as I thrust up into her. "Ahhh fcuk...." She groans out, smashing my lips onto hers to quieten her moans, as I grip her hips tighter, thrusting up into her. Wrapping her arms around my neck as she slams herself hard down onto me, moaning into my neck. Letting out a moan as she bites down on my neck and giving it a soft kiss.

Biting down on my lip as she bounces on me trying to last a little bit longer as her moans pick up. Throwing her head back, shoving her hand into her mouth as her body clamped down on me tightly as I exploded into her. Wrapping my arms around her burying my face into the side of her neck as we both catch our breaths. "Hmmm, I cannot feel my legs."

"Let me help you." I move her around on my lap rubbing her legs up and down, after a few rub downs she grabs my hands stopping me with a smile as she moves off my lap and cuddling into my side, I pull the sheet over the top of us. "Night beautiful." I whispered, "Hmmm night hun" Smiling to myself as she can barely keep her eyes open as she cuddles up into me letting out a soft sigh. "You're so comfortable and I love your smell." She whispers, "Hmmm is that so?" I asked, "Hmmmm I t   ss" No idea what she just mumbled to me, "Shhh love go back to sleep."

I look down at her as her breathing started to slow down and she started to make the soft sounds that she makes in her sleep. Just as I start to go to sleep a soft tap on our bedroom door, I slowly slip out of her arms as I slip back into my boxers. To open the door to find Jaxson standing there crying, ahh crap poor kid. I get down to his level as soon as I did that he jumps into my arms. "Jax, what's wrong?" I asked quietly, "I had a bad dream." He cried out. "Ooh, no Jaxson your safe I've got you." I wrap him up in a hug as he starts crying harder, "daddyimscared" strangely I understood what he just said, "I know son, but it's ok to be scared. We just don't want that fear controlling our lives. When you're ready you can tell me about this nightmare and I can see if I can destroy the fears with you." I whispered, "Phoenix came into my room and destroyed my world because he heard me calling you daddy, he was very upset with me, then he moved into Amber's room and set her books on fire, mummy came in to stop him and he started kicking her. Killing my baby brother that mummy was holding before killing mummy." Holly shit that is a monster of a nightmare, I felt another pair of hands on my back as I look up to find Paige looking just as upset and shocked as I was.

"Wow, I for one will love to destroy Phoenix so that doesn't happen." I told him, "But I shouldn't hate him like that Daddy Casey because he is my dad too." He whispered, "Baby you can have any form of emotions towards your father it's your feelings no one can tell you that you should love him just because he is your father. He has hurt and upset you, that alone lets you have upset emotions and feelings towards him." I said, "But why do I hate him so much?" He asked, "I think I can answer that one baby." Paige said, he looks up just noticing that she was down on the floor with me. "You hate what he has done to me, and your sister and yourself. You hate that he's gone and had another child with your Auntie and you cannot get to know this child. It's just your brain trying to work out your fears and feelings baby nothing to worry about."

"But Mummy it felt so real!" He screamed at her. "Of course, it did, our mind does enjoy playing tricks on us." She said he gave her those puppy dog eyes that are just like her's, "Can I please sleep in your bed?" He asked softly, I smiled at him, no way am I going to let him go back into his room alone, "Sure, jump in." As we stand up, I mouth at Paige to go and put some panties on, as I go and put a shirt on as well. We climb into bed with Jaxson in the middle, just as we all started to drift off to sleep, I feel a light tap on my arm. "Daddy, can I join too please?" Amber whispered. "Sure, why not." She gives me a big smile and climbs in on the other side of her mother, I do my best not to groan it's going to be a long night, let's hope I don't get kicked in the balls again.

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