Chapter 3: Love

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~Paige's Pov~

"MUMMY AND DADDY ARE HERE!" We hear Jaxson yelling out to let my parents know that we had arrived. "God, I'm never going to get sick of hearing that kid calling me Daddy." Casey said sounding so proud, "Me either babe." We walk into the house holding hands my mum gives me a big smile from the kitchen as we see Jaxson come bolting towards us from the dining room. He's in Casey's arms first giving him a big hug before jumping into mine. "Hey, baby, were you good for your grandparents?" I asked, "Always mummy always." He said, "Oh, dear your children are a pleasure to watch. Casey, how's the farm going?" My mum asked, "Well, in two months if the weather stays good, I will be able to harvest the cane. By the end of the month, I could have a few calves being born and will have some milk coming."

I had gone into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water as Jaxson filled me with some ideas he had for his world. "Wow, you are bringing life back to that old farm. When will you two be making a life of your own?" Mum asked, I spat my water out all over poor Jaxson, as I look up seeing Casey doing his best not to laugh. He knows I don't want any more children just yet. Would like to be living with him a little bit longer and maybe engaged, but right now I am enjoying what we have going on. "Ooh umm, when we are ready to." Casey answered for me, "Oh, bull crap Casey, you both are getting old by the minute best to keep popping them out before you get too old to do that."

The look on poor Casey's face told me everything, he wanted help. I quickly put Jaxson down and headed over to save Casey. "Mum, really. We will have children when we are ready and want them not before." I snapped at her, "Why wait?" Mum asked, "Mum drop it!" I said loudly, "For the love of god Annie leave the kids alone, they will give you more grandchildren when they are ready." My dad said loudly, Casey mouth the words thank you to me. "Mum where's Amber?" I asked, "In the room reading I believe." she said, "Thanks."

I headed on into the room that the children sleep in finding Amber on the bed reading the first book from Harry Potter, I smiled this girl loves her books I sat down on the bed next to her. "Hey baby girl, you ready to go home?" I asked, "Hi mummy! Sure, is it really Dad here with you or is it Daddy Casey?" She asked, "It's Daddy Casey baby girl, I wouldn't bring your father here without telling you about it first." I told her, "Good, cause mum I don't ever want to see my dad ever again." She said, "Ok baby girl." That broke my heart what he's done to them. No child should feel like this towards their own parents. Making sure we have all their gear we load up the car, saying our goodbyes to my parents as we put the kids in their seats and headed off.

"Ok kiddos it's takeaway tonight what do you guys want for tea?" Casey asked. "Chinese please Dad!" Amber just about screamed it. "Fish and chips please daddy!" Jaxson screamed over the top of his sister. "Ok babe, what do you want?" Casey asked me, "Chinese babe." I said, "That's not fair! You went with Amber's choice again!" Jaxson yelled out so loudly. "Your mum picked Chinese, but I haven't said what I want yet Jax," Casey said. "What is it that you want?" he asked quietly, "Hmmm how about on our takeaway night we do fish and chips and tonight Chinese?" Casey asked, Jaxson crossed his arms over his chest, "Fine." We ordered fried rice with honey chicken, sweet and sour pork, spring rolls, dim sims with prawn crackers. The kids devoured their dinner and went off to get ready for bed leaving us out in the living area, we quickly cleaned up before we sat down on the lounge together, cuddled up while he caught up on the football highlights.

"Babe why is your mum so adamant that we give her grandchildren right away?" he asked, "I have no idea why." I asked, "Are we still on the same page about it?" he softly asked me, "What we aim for after we are married, but if it happens sooner, we are ok with that." I told him, "Good, did you talk to her about it?" He asked, "No, I haven't. What's with the million questions about it?" I asked him. "Found it odd that she ganged up on us like that. I would be ok with it if we have been together long but it's" I cut him off, "Too soon for her to be like that?" I asked, "Yes, I'll be happy either way if we have our own children or not, we still have two incredibly good ones right now."

"Yes, I know." I replied, "Am I moving too fast for you?" he sounds worried, "No, babe you're not. I just felt I was forced to move fast with him, I have never regretted having the children just the person I had them with." I said sounding hurt to my own ears, "I know Paige, you know I'm not him, right?" He asked, I turned around in his arms straddling his lap, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Oh, babe I know that." Gripping his hair in my hands as I pull his face into mine for a passionate kiss. "I cannot get enough of you." He moans out, lifting my nightie throwing it next to us as his hands palm my ass cheeks, while I rock on his lap. Running my hands over his chest, I love how he just wears his boxers to bed. He lifts us so I can pull his boxers off as he kicks them off. Hooking his fingers in my underpants pulling them down, I lift one leg at a time, he grabs his hard shaft as I lower myself down onto him. "Hmmm, good you feel good Cas."

"Keep calling me Cas." He whispered, "You really like it don't you?" I asked, "Yes babe, keep rocking your hips like that." The lounge room was soon filled with moaning, groaning, heavy breathing sound of flesh hitting flesh. Fuck this man knows how to please me, it's not just about his pleasure it's about mine too. Gripping his shoulders as I move harder on him, he sucking and biting my breasts. "Cas... fuck.... Hmmm aghhhh." I came undone, he keeps thrusting up in me as I'm coming down from my high, he explodes sending me over the edge again. He pulls me into a tight hug while we catch our breaths. "I love you so much Paige, I cannot see my life without you and the children in it." I lean back a little in his lap to get a hold of his face, smiling at him. "I love you too Casey, now that I have found you, I don't want a life without you in it."

Kissing him slowly as his hands roam my back. "I'll be out early tomorrow morning. I need to go help, Mr. Smith, down the road with his fence." He told me, "Oh, thought he had gone to Townsville for the week?" I asked sound lost, "Not Junior, the senior Smith babe." He said smiling, "Oh, right," I said, "Remember that hoon we heard the other night, turns out he went through Mr. Smith's cow paddock taking a fence down and a few cows thank god they didn't get his prized heifer." I looked back at him in shock, "Shit, how did the car keep on driving after that?" I asked him, "No idea babe, they did leave quite a few parts of their car in the paddock."

"Wow... did you want me to do the chickens and dogs, and water the fruit and veggie garden in the morning for you?" I asked, "Please, let me know if you won't have time too" I put a finger to his lips, "Babe I wouldn't have said it if I didn't have time. Did I need to feed the cows too?" I asked, "No, babe I'll do the cows, the pig, and our little lamb." He said, "Building up quite a bit of animals babe." I start laughing. "When they are ready, our freezers will be stocked our pantry and fridge will be full of our own products, and any leftovers we can either sell or you can use at your bakery." He said, "I cannot wait for mango season!" He starts laughing, "Yum! I see your eyes are lighting up; I cannot wait to be your taste tester!" he whispered yelled at me, as I started laughing, "Oh I know you are."

I stand up slowly walking past him as I turn back with a sultry smile on my face. "I'm going to go clean up in the shower, care to join me?" He couldn't take his eyes off me; he stands up as his eyes darken. "I will join you once I make sure the house is locked up." I nod my head, heading towards the bathroom taking my time waiting for him. I didn't have to wait long; I feel his hand run slowly over my back as he starts kissing my shoulder. "Hmmm so beautiful."

Pushing me up against the tiles slamming himself into me as I moan out. Gripping my hips tightly as he slams hard into me from behind, I cannot even hold myself up as my hands are pinned against my stomach. Gripping my hair in his hand as he pulls my head back a little to kiss me. I moaned my climax into his mouth. "Good girl... you ready babe?" I nod my head as he pulls out of me stroking himself fast as I get down onto my knees looking up at him as he squirts his juices all over my face, I try licking him up as much as I could. Standing up licking my lips as his thumb moves the bits I missed to my mouth before he smashes his lips to mine giving me a sloppy kiss. "That was hot Paige."

"Hmmm." We quickly cleaned up and dried ourselves off I go to put my nightie back on he grabs my hand. "Go to bed naked babe." he told me, "What if the kids come in?" I asked, "Let's hope not." He mumbles, "How about I put this on?" I walked over to his tallboy pulling out one of his oversize shirts, he smiles at me as I slip it on. He walks over towards me, running his hands up and around my body. "God, you could make a paper bag look sexy." He whispered, "Hmmm."

"Stop moaning like that, I need to get up early tomorrow." he complained, "Come on then let's go to sleep."

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