Chapter 7: Much Needed Brother Time

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**Paige's POV**

"What the hell? Harper, I told you to stay home until you were better and Todd, I thought you were at the hospital with your mum?" I asked, they both looked at me like I busted them, then they both started talking to me at the same time, holding my hand up to stop them. "One at a time you two!" I snapped it's like working with children right now!

"Sorry Paige, I was meant to tell you I was fine." Harper said, "How? You were vomiting yesterday, are you forgetting we work with food you need to be home for the next three days encase it is" She yells at me cutting me off, "Paige it's not!" I looked at her in shock when she yelled at me. "Harper, are you saying what I think you are saying?" I asked shocked, "As one of your best friends I would like to say yes, as your employee maybe depending on how this affects work." She said sounding scared of my answer, "Really?!" I start screaming as I run at her hugging her tightly before looking back at her. "What do you mean how this will affect work?" Trying to work out why she was afraid of telling me, "I don't know."

"Babe, how far along are you?" I asked, she looks scared, "I only just found out, by peeing on the test waiting for my doctor's appointment." This makes so much sense, "Ooh babe this is great news! Work wise we will work it out babe no need to panic we still have plenty of time to work it out." She looked shocked at me, "You think it's great news?" She asked why is she scared, does she not want the child? "Why wouldn't it be? It's Todd's isn't it?" I asked, she nods her head but I notice Todd is just standing there all quiet, what's going on?

"Todd are you ok?" I asked him, "You walked in on me telling him." Harper whispered to me, "Oh.... Ok. Todd, how is your mum?" I asked, he seemed to be relieved with the subject change. "Good, she is going to be airlifted to Townsville sometime today, once there they will do open heart sugary on her." I looked at him in shock, "Why are you in? Go be with her!" I snapped at him. "Can't her and dad told me to get back to work and they will call me up with updates." He sounded so devastated, "Are you kidding me? No, go we are right here!" He shakes his head, "Nope, I rather not fight with them right now, just let me get back to work please." I nod my head at him, "Sure" I walked up to him and gave him a hug, he held onto me tightly. "Right let's get some prep done before it becomes nuts." He laughs, I look over at Harper and she looks like she is about to cry, crap I wonder if he didn't take hearing, she is pregnant well, I hope not. But he really isn't in the right mind frame to think let alone take that type of news in too. 

An hour later I couldn't take the tension anymore, I sent Todd out to the front to go see what needs topping up, I look over at Harper who looked like she was about to burst out into tears. "My Office now" I snapped at her, she looks up at me and nods her head following me into the office close the door behind her, and let out a loud sigh. "What the hell is going on?" I asked her. "He wants me to terminate the pregnancy!" She burst out into tears, I stood at the closed door in shock. "What? Why?" I asked lost, "He said he just cannot take it right now; it is too much for him and then you walked in." She said around her tears, "Oh right, ok well you two can use my office to sort this out but Harper he is not coping with his mum right now, maybe that is what is fuelling his choices right now, just give him some time." I told her, She nods her head but sits down in my chair blowing her nose on a tissue, I leave her in the office I found Todd leaning over the sink with his eyes close, man I was not expecting this today.

"Todd? Mate, I love you but you and Harper really need to talk I cannot work with you two like this towards each other." He turns around looking like a shattered man, "I am so sorry Paige, I didn't mean it, it just came out, I have regretted it the minute I said it." I shake my head at him, "Not me you need to say this too mate, go to her, you both can talk privately in my office don't come out until you have sorted it out." I said he arches his eyebrows up at me, "It may end up us having sex" I laughed, "Just wipe it down when you're done." I snapped, he looked at me shocked, "What did I just hear you" I cut him off, "Not going to let it happen again, but I cannot work with you two when you are both like this." He smiled, "Ok" He gives me a hug and kisses my forehead before heading towards my office. Fingers crossed this ends well for them both, I don't want to lose either of them as employees as they are so hard to replace.

**Casey's POV**

I watch as Paige drives off to start work as I turn around spotting my oldest brother shaking his head at me. "Why am I joining you at work today for?" I glared at him, "I need the extra hand; besides, we need to talk." I said he arches an eyebrow at me, "We are talking right now." He said in his smart-ass tone of voice, "Not what I mean." I said, taking the eggs off him and head inside to wash them before putting them into the fridge. Grabbing our lunches and throwing them into my work bag and double checking the house is locked up, patting the dog's heads. "You two guard the house ok," I told them.

"Well, they didn't do a good job last night." He mumbles, "Probably helped you knowing them over four years ago." I snapped back at him, "Well they were cute little pups back then." He said with a big smile on his face, "You are lucky they didn't bite your dick off." I said bluntly, "What type of work would you have that needs an extra hand?" He asked, sounding like a teenager again, "Fixing fences up." I said, "Really? You have fallen this far?! Are you having a midlife crisis, early bro?" He asked, I look at him stopping next to my ute. "What?" I looked at him confused, "You have gone from being a site manager, from a high paying contract to another high paying contract to now being a farmer and the town's local handyman. Why because of some pussy? I thought you were all about working hard getting a nest egg all sorted before finding the one girl and having kids." Alex said, wow... I wasn't expecting him to throw everything I said when I was younger back in my face. Throwing my bag in the back before climbing into the ute, I waited for him to be in before I spoke.

"Yes, I do miss the work, the money I have enough and I am still making money. Money is not the be all end all type of thing. I have enough to get by I don't need shit tones of it. I like this work it means I'm home early to see them and enjoy them instead of rocking up late at night or spending weeks on end away from them. Yes, you could say it's all because of her but really, I wanted to slow down even before I had met her. She's worth it Alex." I told him, he smiled at me, "Glad to hear it, you really do miss the farm, don't you?" He asked, "Yes." I said louder than I meant to, "I knew it, I told dad you would be the only one of us angry for selling off the farm." He said, sounding proud that he said that. "Well, they wouldn't let me buy it off, of them," I grumbled. "You know mum and dad wouldn't take any of our money even if all four of us pitched in and bought it." He told me, "Why didn't you two want to pitch in?" I asked. "Why? And who would have been looking after the farm back then you were a workaholic mate none of us would have been able to. Also, it seems to be in your blood bro, not for me or Hamish. We may have grown up on a farm doesn't mean we want to die on one." He said.

"Wow, thanks..." I said, "Mean nothing by it, bro, you had a good birth family that is all. The rest of us weren't so lucky." He said. "Wouldn't call them good they still gave me up," I said, I know what he's about to say too. "Yes, but they still left you everything." And he's right, "Out of pure guilt for what they did." I told him, "Wow.... The fences are all done let's go." I laughed at him, man he really doesn't want to work hard today, not like the old Alex I had known. "They aren't the ones that need fixing."

I got out to say hello to Mr. Smith, telling him I am all good today for a hand I have roped in my brother to help. "Oh, Casey I must pay him too." I shake my head at him, "Nope, he is free of charge." He looked at me shocked, "Why?" I smiled at him, "He's extremely helpful and kind." I told him, "Right..." I jump back into the ute and headed on over towards the paddock I worked on yesterday. I parked just as my brother jumped out of the ute looking around, he spotted all the damage on the grass. "What the hell happened here?" He asked, "A hoon." I stated, "How did it manage to drive off? It looks like it took a few cows out." He said sounding shocked, I nod my head, "It did." He looked around shocked, "Wow...."

Two hours into the work he finally looked up at me and said what I have been waiting to hear. "Nothing I can say will change what happened between us, I know I should have spoken to you sooner, but I do hope that one day you can forgive me, and maybe we could be brothers again." Alex said, "Thanks, I would like that and you are right it will take me a while to forgive you." I stated. "I'm glad Paige passed my test." He said, he had the biggest smile on his face, "Man, I could punch you right now" I snapped. "Hey, I know! But she's not liked the others." He said with his hands up in the air hoping that would stop me, "I know that."

He is still giving me that annoying look of his, "Good, cause the others do not count." I squint up my face at him in confusion, "You're only saying that cause a few of them kissed you!" I spat at him, "Hey, we now know they weren't trustworthy." He's acting as he did me a favour! "How do you do that?" I asked, "Do what?" He asked, "Just pass it off like it was the most normal thing to do." I said, he gave me his trademark smirk, "It's a gift." I chuckled, "You're a dickhead." He laughs too, "That too." he said laughing, "So why are you back, the truth this time," I asked.

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