Chapter 25: We Can Do This

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~ Paige's Pov ~

Standing in our bathroom looking at the pregnancy test, Casey's hold on my hand has tightened. As we both lean over to have a look, I burst out into tears as Casey stands looking at it in shock. "What?" He just kept on saying his grip tightens to the point its now becoming unbearable, "Babe, let go of my hand please you're hurting me." I whispered; he quickly drops my hand pulling me into a tight hug as we both cry in each other's arms. "Oh god!" I whispered yelled at him, he pulled away enough to have a look at my face.

"Do you think it's ok?! I got plastered last night! I cannot be six to eight weeks pregnant! I have no symptoms and I still haven't missed a period!" I whispered yelled as he smiles at me with tears falling down his face. "We will bring it up with your doctor, but babe we did it! Your pregnant!" He whispered yelled before he pants a passionate kiss on my lips. "Fuck, babe how are we going to keep this from them?" He asked sitting down on the floor pulling me into his lap.

"Easy we have yet to take a test." I smiled at him as his hands land on my stomach with a big grin on his face, placing my hand over the top of his, we sat like that in quiet for a few minutes before I stood up and started cleaning up the mess and evidence that we had taken the test. I had finished as he stayed sited watching me, grabbing my hand pulling me towards him so his face is at my stomach level. Casey starts kissing my stomach and whispering, "Hello my baby, it's your daddy here. First, I would like to say we are so sorry for last night and hope to all hopes that it hasn't affected you at all. We love you so much already and your big brother and big sister love you too." I burst out into happy tears that was so sweet and lovely to watch. "Hey, hey you ok?" He asked softly when he noticed I was crying pulling me back down onto his lap.

"Yes, these are happy tears, what you just said and done was so sweet and beautiful to watch." Wrapping my arms around his shoulders our noses touching as we both smile at each other, "I love you Casey." I whispered, "I love you too Paige." He leans forward kissing me softly, the kiss turned into a heated make out session, only breaking away to catch our breaths, "Babe our wedding" I cut him off, "I am happy to have it any time, showing, or not showing or after bub is out. I will be marrying you no matter what love." I love seeing that look on his face, "Paige I cannot wait for our wedding now." Not caring that they are all out there waiting for us, pulling his shirt off as I kiss my way down to his chest as he moans out, gripping my hips as he rocks me against his hard on, I moan out.

Standing up to only quickly pull my pants off leaving my top on, as he pulls his pants down pulling me down to is lap as he slowly lifts my top off and quickly removing my bra with one hand. "Fuck you are so beautiful, Paige." He growls out around my breasts, leaning into his kisses as I grind on his lap, "I need you Cas" I moaned out, lifting me up as he lines himself up as I slowly lower myself down onto him, we both moaned out, wrapping his arms around me as I slowly rotate my hips. Holding tightly onto me as we gentle kiss each other. "Fuuuckkkk, hhmmm yessss Casey!" Moaning out as I throw my head back as I reach my climax Casey bites down onto my chest as he moans out his cries. "Paige..." He groans out as he holds tightly onto me. "You have made me the happiest man, now let's quickly clean ourselves up and see what is really going on with your parents." I just nod my head, he notices and looks at me worried, "What's wrong?" He asked softly brushing his thumb over my cheek, "My gut is telling me something is horribly wrong with my parents I just don't know what and I am afraid to hear it too." 

"Well staying in here away from them is not going to make that feeling feel any better. We will get through all of this together." He gently says, I know his right, he always is and always knows the right thing to say, still stumps me on how he does that. "Ok, how do you do that?" He looked at me confused, "Do what babe?" I smiled, "Know how to say the right thing at the right time." He started laughing, "No fucking idea at all, most of the time I just say what is on my mind right then and there. Right now, if we don't get up, we may never leave this bathroom." I start laughing as I know that is true.

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