Chapter 5: Family Time

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~Casey's Pov~

"Well, Jaxson did you see her break it?" I asked, no point in pointing the finger at her if he didn't see her do it, "No" he said. "Then how do you know it was her?" he dropped his bottom lip, "Well it wouldn't be anyone else!" as he screams. "How do you know it wasn't me or mum that could have done this by mistake?" I asked, I know it wasn't me, "Hey babe your home! Now, are you two still fighting? Over what now?" Paige said she was hit with both children screaming at her, she puts her hands up stopping them. She doesn't look happy and looks tired and has flour in her hair. "Oh, fudge cake! I'm so sorry Jax it was me that did it! I wasn't watching where I was going when I put your clothes away this afternoon and"

"YOU BROKE IT?! HOW COULD YOU! I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!" He roars so loud at her, he pushes past her crying running towards his room, slamming his door shut. She looks up at me like her heart just got stomped on, I can see she's trying to keep it at bay while Amber is in the room. "Thanks, mum!" Amber snapped at her. "Hey! That is not fair on her, she didn't mean to." I said trying to use the dad's voice, "Could have said it sooner!" She still snapped at me, "You know what, aghh don't worry about it." Paige screamed, she storms off towards our room, I look down at Amber. "Maybe you should have gone easier on her, mum looks like she had a rough day." I told her in that dad's voice, "I'm sorry dad" I cut her off, "It's not me you need to say sorry too." She looks down at her feet, "I know... I'll wait until she has cooled down." She whispered, "Ok, best you say it before dinner." She nods her head and heads off outside to play with the dogs. 

I need to see if Paige is ok, something is up. Walking into our room I couldn't find her, then I heard the shower running, popping my head into the bathroom I spot her on the floor crying. I quickly strip out of my work clothes and slid in behind her wrapping her up in a big hug. She holds onto me tightly; this cannot be just from what Jaxson said, surely. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, "EVERYTHING!" She cries out. "Everything?" Moving her onto my lap brushing away the wet hair that is plastered to her face. "This isn't just from what Jax said?"

"No, I had to send Harper home, I arrived at work to find her sick as a dog, Todd was a no show, he finally called to say his mum was rushed to the hospital and his unsure on when he can come back in. Finally got the next baker in but by then I was behind on the to do list, my car died in the driveway. I quickly tidy up the house and did the folding and forgot that I had broken part of his world. They had been fighting the whole time since I picked them up. After what they both said, I want a break, I'm a bad mum for wanting a break from them, I'm a bad person for letting" I need to stop this rant of hers, "I'm going to stop you right now love. You are not a bad person; you are not a bad mother you hearing me? Yes, you have had a bad day you can be emotional ok. But do not think you're a bad anything got it."

She looks up at me with those sad puppy dog eyes. "How do you do that?" I wipe at her tears, "Do what?" I asked softly, "Open your mouth and somehow calm me down." I smiled at her, "I love you, will do anything to help you and to bring you up not down. What's wrong with your car?" She starts laughing. "Right to the point, aren't you?" I chuckle, "I know you're ok now, let's get cleaned up." We both quickly washed each other, before drying and getting dressed. Picking her up and placing her down onto the bathroom benchtop. Grabbing her beautiful face in my hands making sure she really is looking at me. "Do not ever say you're a bad mother or a bad person again, you hear me?" I told her, "I hear you, Cas." She said, "Good... I want to taste you."

She looks at me with desire all over her face, god I love that look from her. I start kissing her softly before I hear her moaning inside of my mouth, heating up the kiss. I know she wants more, so do I, always want more with her. Pulling away, running my thumb over her bottom lip smiling, quickly kissing her forehead then left her sitting on the counter. I know this will pay well for me later when we go to bed. I hear her moan of frustration, giggling to myself as I grab her car keys let's see what's going on with it.

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