Chapter 16: Paige Please Be Alive

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~Casey's POV~

The ride up felt like a twelve-hour drive even though it's bit over three hours, I raced through the hospital with the police next to me as we found the ward that she was in, being stopped at the nurses desk. "Hi, can I help you, gentlemen?" An older lady with a sad smile looks like she has seen better days. The police officer I was with flashed his badge at her which she looked over very well, "Miss a hostage in one of our cases was airlifted here, her name is Paige Lake this here is her fiancé." She starts typing away at the computer, "Paige Lake, born 1995?" I spoke up then, "Yes, that is her." She looks up at me giving me a sad smile, "She has just come out of the recovery ward from her operation she is in bay six, but only one at a time. The doctor can tell you more about her condition."

The police officer said thanks as I raced towards bay six, the intensive care ward is so surreal that I am doing my best not to look at the other people here, I spotted her and my heart broke in two seeing her head banged up, face swollen black and blue, tubes coming out of her mouth, she is connected to so many machines. Is she alive? Hard to say when one of those machines is breathing for her. I raced to her side holding on to her hand, "Paige, babe I am here. I am so, so sorry!" Tears falling down my face never thought I would be that person that cries all the time but lately, I am, she is my rock and it took losing her for me to realise that. I know she is my one but I didn't know about her being my emotional rock that keeps me stable. I was focusing on her the whole time that I didn't even notice the doctor and a few other police officers looking at me. 

The doctor spoke up first, "Sir can I help you?" I looked up at him in shock, wiping away my tears. "Yeah, you can tell me how Paige is going?" I asked, the officers that I was with are now filling the Doctor in on who I am, the doctor gave me those type of smile that they have gone into robot mode. "Paige came to us unresponsive and in cardiac arrest, she arrived suffering from TBI which resulted in a hematoma." I waved my hand to stop him, "TBI and a hematoma what does that mean?" I asked trying not to scream at him, the doctor just smiled at me, which upset me this is not the time to be bloody smiling mate, "Your wife has suffered a traumatic brain injury caused by blunt force trauma to the back of the head and the side of the head, this trauma cause a blood clot in her brain which burst is what a hematoma is bleeding on the brain." My heart cannot take anymore it hurts just hearing what she has gone through, "What does that mean? Is she going to wake up at all or is she going to have brain damage when she wakes up?" I asked, "We won't know anymore until she wakes up, she has gone into a coma, she also suffered a fractured eye socket. Mr. Lake, I am sorry too." I glared up at him, "Paige is my fiancé, and my last name is Scott." He looked at me in a weird way, "Sorry about that Mr. Scott, I am so sorry but your fiancée had lost the babe." My head snapped up at him in shock my jaw dropped to the ground. "WHAT?! A BABY?! SHE WAS PREGNANT?!" I looked down at her, now I cannot lose her too.

"Oh, my I am so sorry you both didn't know?" I just shake my head as the tears fall freely now as my grip on her hand tighten. "How far along was she? Anyway, to know if she had known?" I asked, this time the doctor showed some emotions, he sighed rubbing his face. "From my guess would be she was at least ten weeks along, unsure if she had known, I am so sorry Mr. Scott." I just want to hear her say my name again. "When will she wake up?" I asked, the doctor went back to being a robot. "It is all up to Paige; we didn't put her in the coma it could be in the next few hours or worst-case years." Years? She could be like this for years? "Can our other children come in and see her when they arrive later?" I asked, the doctor looked really sad now, "I am truly sorry but it's hospital policy we don't allow anyone under twelve years old in the ICU wards."

That hurt, why can't our kids see their fucking mother! I glared up at him, "REALLY?! SO, THEY CANNOT EVEN SEE THEIR OWN MOTHER?! WHO COULD DIE!" The Doctor put his hands up, "I know you are upset sir but yelling is not going to get you anywhere. Once her forty-eight hours is up, she will be moved to another ward and they can see her then if her health improves. I am sorry if I bend the rules for you, I will have to bend them for everyone." I wanted so badly to punch this man, "And if it looks like she will die will they be allowed then to see her?!" I asked gritting my teeth, "I am sorry sir it's just the high risk of germs they can expose to our other patients." I moved towards him but one of the police officers had stopped me, "Not the place for this Casey."

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