Chapter 21: Healing Time

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~Paige's Pov~

I grip onto Casey tightly as his fingers grip tightly onto my hips as we move erratically to reach our climaxes as things start falling off my desk. Casey kissing me passionately to keep me quiet as I moaned out in his mouth as we reached our release together, foreheads leaning against each other as we pant catching our breaths. "Fuck Paige, that was wild." I smirk up at him, "You're telling me? I like this side of you Casey." He arches an eyebrow, "You do? Mmmm, so did you want to go home and continue this, or would you like to go out on the town for a lunch date?"

I lean up kissing his neck, I like this take control Casey, it's hot and I cannot get enough of him. I thought every man I have been with I was like that with but I was wrong, no matter what place we are or what position we are in the makes it the best every time, I'm not with him because he is good in bed that is a bonus and I thoroughly enjoy that bonus. Do I want to spend the last few hours we have in bed before we get the kids or go out on a need date that we haven't been able to do that for a while, I knew my answer as I smiled at the man I loved so much. "Yes Casey, I would love to out on a date with you." He looked shocked but still happy. "You're passing up" I grab his face kissing him again. "We can still do that on our date if you want to play naughty."

He chuckled, "Yes! Quick let's fix ourselves up, are we getting food from here or elsewhere?" Making sure we both looked fixed up and that the office was fixed up too as we left the office heading out to the front holding hands saying our goodbyes to my staff and said I will see them tomorrow when I came in and remind Alexis that she was opening up tomorrow again which she didn't mind. Casey took us up the street to the local IGA grabbing a basket he procced to get some drinks, hot food, sweets, and fruit as we made it back to the checkout look down at me, "Have we forgotten anything?" I smiled at him shaking my head for no, he leans down kissing my forehead.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, "Surprise sweetheart, a surprise." I smile at him, he planed all of this. We paid and headed back to his truck as he took us out of town just a little bit until he pulled up to a quiet beach access area. Holding hands walking along the beach with a blanket in one hand, he had the shopping bag in his other as we found a quiet spot away from view in the shade as I set up the blanket his hand massage my ass.

I smile to myself; I like him doing this to me. As I walk past him, I deliberately brush along his groin, I sit down on the blanket smiling up at him like I did nothing, Casey was biting his bottom lip. I take a bite of my food while I watch him sit down, right next to me as his body touching mine, his eyes burning a hole in my mouth as he started to eat his own lunch. "Are you still hungry?" He asked a few minutes later, I didn't answer as I could see why he was asking, placing what was left of my food next to me as I climb up onto his lap, kissing him passionately as I wrap my arms around his shoulders as his hands grip my hips, rocking my hips in his lap. "Not anymore." I pant out as he kisses my neck. "Thank you for wearing a dress." His hands run up my legs under my dress moving my underpants aside, I undo his fly he pulls his pants down, lining him up as I slide down onto him he groans out. He grips my hips as he lifts me and down to the pace he wants, he kisses and bites my neck as I grind into him hard, he lets me take over.

"Yes Paige, ride my dick hard babe." He pulls my dress down at the front of his mouth found what he was looking for, arching my back giving him more access to my body. "Cum with me babe." He grunts out as we both moaned out in our kiss, his words were my undoing. Holding my face, as we look into each other's eyes. "wow, we should go out on lunch dates more often." I whispered. "Yes, oh yes a thousand times yes babe to that." We start laughing, we quickly fixed ourselves up, laying down on the blanket in each other's arms, just talking and relaxing in each other's company. I even had a little nap in his arms, I feel him gently rubbing my back. "Babe we need to go get the kids soon." I looked at him, "I know, but I was enjoying our alone time." He kisses my forehead, "I know but, we need to get them, love."


Two whole weeks since we have come back from Townsville, we are now back into our old routine, kids back at school, Casey back at his work, and into the farm, I have now gone back to full-time work. I wouldn't say full time as I am no longer doing the opening nor closing but I am at the shop five days a week. I am still too jumpy to do the close by myself again, even if my staff stayed back with me I am still fearful, if I have to do work that late I have been taking it back home.

My parents have been picking up the children for me when their jobs allowed it, my mum though hasn't left my side when she is over I know she has picked up on me not being ok but I am not ready to talk to her about it just yet. Casey on the other hand has been amazing towards me, is it bad that I had wished I had met him before Phoenix? It worries me that he would wake up one day and completely change and go be with someone else. I know deep down he would never do that, but once you had your heart broken like that you keep thinking everyone would do that to you.

We have worked hard on our mourning of our lost child, Casey has been spoiling me with lunchtime dates in my office or the park across the road from my work. But these last two days I can tell he's hiding something from me, he keeps saying it's nothing bad and that I would like it. I have stopped asking him what he is hiding and hoping that I spot a few things laying around the house to give me hints as to what he is up to.

Lying in bed naked with him cuddled up to me, his head just below my breast as he sleeps quietly between my legs, "Babe, I know you are not asleep. Do you want to talk about whatever it is that is keeping you up?" His thumb rubs my hip as I do my best to work out what I want to tell him. "Case..." I got his name out but then I stopped, he looked up at me, "Paige what is it?" he looked worried, I brush his face. "I don't know how to put it into words yet." He kisses my stomach, "Wake me up when you're ready, I love you."

With that, he laid his head back down closing his eyes. Unsure what it was when I finally had the words but I had to wake him up, I had moved him off me during the night as he had gotten way too heavy and I couldn't feel my body. "Casey?" Nothing, I gently tap his arm, he moved closer to wrapping his arm around my stomach, "hmmm does someone want cuddles?" He mumbles in his sleep; I feel bad having to wake him, but we won't have any other time when the kids are up. "Casey?" He mumbles something as he pulls me into him, "I am worried all of the time." He looks up at me, half asleep but still worried, "About what my love?" his rough hands, gently stroke my body as he asks, "Worried that we could lose another child, worried that something worst is going to happen to one of us or myself if I stay back late at work, worried that you would have enough of us and go jump into bed"

I didn't get to finish when he covered my mouth, "You woke me up for that? I know that just sounded a lot harsher than I thought it would. Babe, I would never cheat on you, ever. Now drop that worry as it will never happen, I know your past and that brings up this fear, but I am not him ok. Yeah, we could lose another child, or we could gain another beautiful child we will not know, we can just keep enjoying the making of the said child instead? Now your work, if it becoming too much for you why don't you either step back and let your duty manager take over more or sell it? No point in worrying about what could happen to you while you work is not going to make your work get done. Now about something happening to one of us, how about we take that one day at a time? How does all that sound?" He smiles as he brushes his thumb over my cheek, "I'm sorry..." His thumbs run over my lips stopping me, "Don't, I knew you wanted to talk. I was the one that had fallen asleep, please continue love." He kisses my shoulder, "Ok, yes I have been enjoying that part, that has never changed. But it's one of my babies can I walk away from it? I like your thinking on the rest."

"It is up to you, but you also need to let Harper know as well, she is now your partner you cannot leave her without any warning. I won't be forcing you to do anything you don't want to do, but it's all up to you on what you want to do to babe, no harm in taking time off for yourself everyone will understand." I cuddle up to him, he is right I do need to talk to Harper because she will be taking time off soon too. I kiss Casey on the forehead, "Thank you, I feel a little bit better." His hand  strokes my breast, "Only a little?" I wiggle under his touch, "Hmmm... Casey fuck me so good that I squirt." He didn't answer as he pounced on me kissing me like a mad man.

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