Chapter 17: Will Paige Wake Up?

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~Casey's POV~

I must have fallen asleep like that as I was being woken up by gentle tapping, looking up and see my mum looking back at me with tears in her eyes, shit did Paige die while I was asleep on her? I sat up looking shocked at her, "Mum?" She wraps me up in a hug holding onto me tightly as I hold onto her tightly crying. "Casey, it's ok I am here. Shhhh sweetheart Paige is doing well the Doctor said." I arched back looking at her, "What do you mean?" She sits down in the chair that I was in, I sat next to her looking worried, "Oh nothing to be worried about son, I arrived when the Doctor was doing some tests on her, she was responding to them well. Good signs are what he said." 

She grips my hand as she gives me that smile that I know I needed to see. "Mum, I am so scared of losing her. We've already." I couldn't finish what I was going to say as I started crying again. I am so sick of crying; I am normally not a crier but lately, I just cannot stop it. She grips my hand tighter, just waiting for me to calm down. "Sorry mum, I don't know why I keep crying." She gives me that look that says stop being stupid. "Boy if you weren't crying, I would be slapping you so that you are. It is normal to be crying when someone you love is hurt." God, she knows just the right things to say at the right time. "Mum, she was pregnant at the time. We both didn't know about it." She looked at me shocked, then happy then confused. "What do you mean she was?" I just looked at her, unsure of what she had seen on my face but she must have understood without me saying anything. "Oh, Casey I am so sorry." She gives me a motherly hug.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I looked at her shaking my head, "Well come on let's go get some food, the head nurse said she will call or text us if something changes with Paige." I left my bag in her cupboard as we head to the food court, sitting down with the food I picked at it. "Right Casey Scott if you are not going to actually eat a full meal you can go and spend the rest of the day with dad back at the house. I will stay with her while you rest up." I looked at her I know what she is trying to do it won't work. "No, Mum I am just not hungry, now drop it." She fixes me with that look she used to give Alex when she knew he was lying to her. "Right keep telling yourself that son, when was the last time you have actually eaten?"

I looked at her mouth hanging open, I have forgotten how good she was. "Fine, happy now?" I took a bite of my food and she just glared at me, "Just because you are an adult now with children does not mean you cannot get a smack from your mother." I quickly ate my food no need to upset my mother more, epically when she throws you're not too old to get a smack from her, guess I know what it is like to be Alex now. I sat next to her for the rest of the day with mum, she seemed to be able to get more information out of the stuff or more like able to remember it than myself right now. 

The others have arrived they are at my parent's place dropping everything off, unsure if I want the kids to see her, but I also don't want them to miss out on seeing her if goes bad. "Son, they need to see their mother I know you are trying to protect them but children are strong, be better off for them to see her like this then be angry at you for keeping them from her." I looked up at her, "Mum how the hell did you know I was thinking that?" She let out a sigh and wraps an arm around my shoulders, "You are not that hard to read son, you wear your heart on you shoulder for the world to see. You care deeply about those you love and you are extremely protective of those you love." She didn't get to finish as my phone went off.


**LILLY** Casey?

**CASEY** Yes, Lilly what's up?

**LILLY** We are in the car park of the hospital what floor, ward, and room are you in?

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