Chapter 6: What Is Going On?

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~Paige's Pov~

I woke up before Casey this morning I need to get out of the house as soon as I can, just encase my backup crew doesn't open. I dam hope they do its peak tourist season I need to be fully stocked both front and back of house. Quietly sliding out of the bed without waking up Casey, grabbing the clothes that I had put on our chair for the morning tiptoeing into the bathroom. Softly closing the door before turning on the light and stripping out of his t-shirt, stepping under the cool water before cranking up the hot water. Just about to step out when he's standing in front of me looking half asleep, smiling at him as I pull his boxers down.

"Morning babe." I said brightly, "Mmmm morning, why are you up at four for?" He asked still sounding half asleep, "Just need to make sure everything is going to be ok, it's peak tourist season, plus I need to make sure the backup baker is already in." He smirks at me, "Hmmm got time for" He steps into the shower massaging my breasts. "Yes.... For you, I will always have time." I whispered, "Babe best answer." Pushing me up against the tiles kissing me, my hands roaming over his whole body stopping at his hardened cock, looking up in his eyes as I start stroking him.

A god almighty scream came from down the hall, we both jumped and raced out of the shower with towels wrapped around us racing towards Amber's room to find her stand up on her bed somehow the two dogs are in her room. "How the hell did you two get in here?" Casey asked loudly. "I'm sorry, they simply scared me by licking my face," Amber said. "I'm glad it's them and not something else," I said. "Come on you two out," Casey said, as he goes to usher them out, I quickly hug Amber and tell her to go back to sleep as it's too early for her to be up. Which she doses without fighting me over it, I quickly go to head back towards our room when I heard raised voices.

"I DON'T FUCING CARE! MY FAMILY IS SOUND ASLEEP AND YOU WHAT USED MY SPARE KEY?!" Casey yelled. "I FOUND YOUR SPARE KEY, BEST YOU LEARN TO PUT IT IN A BETTER SPOT." I have never heard that voice before, "IS THIS YOUR SICK IDEA OF MAKING IT UP TO ME?!" Casey yelled again. "COMING FROM THE MAN WHO IS IN A TOWEL DRIPPING WET. Well hello, darling, who might you be?" I glare at the man standing in front of Casey, "A very pissed off girlfriend, and who the hell, are you?" I snapped. "Paige meet Alex, you have met her now piss off!" Casey said glaring back at his brother, I walked closer towards Casey as I felt exposed standing here in just a towel. "No can do, I am here until next Monday." What really? Why?

"Like hell you are. You broke into my house, let my dogs in, woke up my daughter, and disturbed our shower." Casey snapped. "Correction she's her daughter, not yours," Alex said, I was about to say something when Casey shook his head, to stop me. "No correction is needed Alex, I know I'm not her bio father, but I treat her better than her father I love that girl like she is my own and treat her as such, she chose to call me dad and I love it. Now Hamish said you wanted to see me make amends is this what you had in mind? Because you are not doing a good job." Casey said sound upset, "No, but I was hoping it would have been daylight when we spoke. But could she please put some clothes on I cannot think with her dressed like that?"

Casey put an arm around me moving me behind him, he didn't look happy at all. "Keep your hands to yourself!" Casey snapped at him, which only caused him to chuckle, "I will if she does." Alex said while his eyes roam over my body, "She will!" Casey yelled, "Careful little brother your starting to sound like you don't trust her." I really am not liking him at all, "I trust her, I just don't trust you. While we get dress, you go out the back on that lounge and stay out there until I come back."

"Yes sir!" I left the pair of them, I just wanted to get dressed.

Looking through our walk-in trying to see what I should wear today and just went fuck it I will wear my rainbow checkered chef pants and my business black chef jacket I was standing in the walk-in, just in my underwear when Casey came in looking angry. I turn around towards him wrapping my arms around him in a hug trying to soothe him down a little. He wraps his arms around me burying his head into my neck as he kisses me softly. "I'm sorry about him."

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