Chapter 11: I Stuffed Up

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~Hamish's Pov~

I know I am a royal fucking idiot for what I had done and said to Lilly, I cannot believe it took calling up and talking to my brother for me to work that out. Laying here on the couch after kicking Alex back to his room, I can hear soft moans from Casey's room and I smiled to myself I'm happy that he's finally happy and is whole again. He wasn't the same Casey after he found out his birth parents had died and left him with everything only with finding out his birth brothers had also died too. He won't admit that it hurt to find it out, guess he was hoping to find out he had parents like the rest of us. Aghhh I cannot sleep!

I have heard the children had gotten up and walked into their parents' bedroom, I take it they had finished what they had been doing before they walked in on it. I can hear Alex snoring as normal, I see that hasn't changed at all. Fine if I cannot sleep, I will be at least be helpful, is what our mum always said. If you cannot sleep do something helpful. I headed off to the laundry room and sorted out the darks from the lights and started a load closing the door so the sounds don't wake anyone up.

Heading into the kitchen looking around I found the kid's lunch boxes, crap what do kids eat again? Wonder if google can help me out with this one. After a good couple of minutes on google, I found a few ideas. I found what I need in the pantry and made the kids their lunches, doing the same for the other three adults too minus the kid's style snacks. Placing them into the fridge for them for later, I started pulling out items to make breakfast for them as well. Seeing as they only had eggs and bacon and some tomatoes, I quickly made something up for them leaving it in the fridge for later. Cleaning everything up and placing it into the dishwasher putting the load on I go see if I can go to sleep. Remembering that I had put a load on I checked the washing machine it was done I quickly put that in the dryer and get the next load on. Heading back to the lounge let's see if I can sleep now, which never happened.

It's now nearly five in the morning I had probably an hour's sleep, I wake up hearing someone walking around the house, sitting up to find it's just Casey. "Man, you look like shit, did you get any sleep at all?" Casey asked, right to the point as always, "Thanks, feeling the love mate!" I grumbled, "Want me to make you your favourite before I head out and do the morning chores?" He asked and that makes him my favourite sibling, "Fuck yes!" He laughs as he goes and turns on the kettle. Not long after I smelt the nectar of life, that I hold so dear to me. "Here is your morning blood, do you still take it strong with no milk or sugar?" He asked, I rolled my eyes at him, "Yes, mmmmm" He shakes his head at me, "Man, thanks for what you did during the night, but Hams you should have tried to get some sleep or even asked for sleeping tablets." Ahh, he used his childhood nickname for me, "I know, but I couldn't sleep, and I know you had the kids in your bed didn't want to wake them up as well."

"You worried about what Lilly will say to you?" He is looking right at me doing that thing he does so well, he's going to tell me what he really thinks and not sugarcoat it like the others. "Yes, I'm scared that I have lost her." He takes my coffee off me, "Well then go! Go now!" as he yells at me, "Nah wait until it's a little bit later she won't be up just yet." He rolls his eyes at me, "Ok, go back to sleep I'll go out and do the morning chores. You should be able to get a few hours of sleep before they wake up." I smile up at him, I know he means well but sleep won't happen until I talk to Lilly by the looks of this. I stood up with him, taking my cup off him, and headed into the kitchen to rinse off my cup. "Are you helping me?" He asks, "Yes, I'll help you out until I need to leave." He gave me a small smile, "Sure." We spent the next hour feeding the animals and letting some out and putting some back in. Heading back in to get some food I hear two voices screaming happily at me.


I get down to their level as they crash into me hugging me tightly, as I wrap my arms around them too, laughing. "Hey, my two favourite humans!" I said loudly, "When did you get here?" Jaxson asked me. "Last night when you were asleep." Amber giggles, "Sneaky you are." I tap her nose, "That I am." I said, "Ok kids let your Uncle up so he can get some food too." Paige yelled out to them, they did as she asked them and raced off towards the table for some food. Joining them at the table, we chatted away as we ate. Paige walked around taking all the dirty dishes giving my shoulders a squeeze as she went past, she must have noticed how stressed I am. "Paige do you always wake up super early to cook this food?" Alex asks her. "Alex wasn't me that woke up and did this." She said trying not to laugh at him as he looks at Casey. "It wasn't? Casey, was it's you, man?" I stopped Casey from answering, "Alex it was me, I couldn't sleep so" He cuts me off, "You did what mum told us as a child?" I nod my head yes, "F.. um wow your" Paige glared at him, "How about you keep that thought to yourself please." Paige glares at him with daggers, yes don't swear around those children. Both I, Casey, and the kids trying not to laugh at the look on Alex's face after been told to be quiet.

"So how long are we going to have Uncles living with us?" Amber asks. "Why? Are you sick of me already or is he being a pain in the ass towards you?" I asked, playing fake hurt and then pointing out to Alex as he looks shocked and yells out, "I am not!" Jaxson pipes up, "I beg to differ." I let out a laugh after that, clearly, the kids haven't warmed up to Alex as easily as they did with myself and Casey. I stand up giving each kid a kiss on their heads as I said goodbyes to the rest, I need to get this over and done with I am way too scared of the outcome. I head on over to her house; I can see her car is still in the driveway and her roommates. I can see a soft light coming from the living room, let's hope it's her and not one of her roomies, here goes nothing.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

The door slowly opens, and she's standing in front of me wearing my missing t-shirt, no bra and black tights, hair up in a high messy bun, fuck doing my best not grab her and fuck her up against this front door.

"Hamish what are you doing here?"

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