Chapter 24: The Aftermath Of Kings

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~ Paige's Pov ~

I let out a groan, my head is pounding my stomach is churning. Casey's arm is sprawled out over my stomach making it feel even worse. "Argh! Cas can you stop the bed from moving please!" I groaned out, I felt him move as he groaned too, "Hmm, sorry babe think you drank way too much last night, can you whisper though my head is killing me." He grumbled as he rolled over onto his side facing me, "Babe, where are your pills?" He asked, "In the mirror cupboard last time I checked."

He got up a few minutes later he was handing me two tablets and water, I took them happily. "What about you?" He smiled, "Already took mine." He took the glass and placed it onto his bedside table as I collapsed back onto the bed groaning out loudly. "Casey, what happened after Jodie yelled at you? Also, how did I end up naked?" He looked at me shocked as he climbed back into bed, "WOW! You don't remember the good bits?" He smirked at me, "Oh, god what did I do? Please tell me I didn't do a striptease again?" He starts laughing, "For me, yeah, but no one else." I looked at him, "Did we have sex?" He looks like he wants to laugh, what the hell happened? "Babe please do not take it the wrong way, but you passed out just before we could climax."

Oh, then I burst out into a fit of laughter, then groaning when it started to make my stomach and head hurt more. "Fuck, Casey I am so sorry!" He cuts me off, "All good babe." Pulling me into a hug, we softly kiss before I groaned again. "Can I go back to sleep please?" He smiled softly as he brushes my cheek, "Yes, how about we both go back to sleep until someone comes and wakes us up." I smiled giving him a quick kiss before going back to sleep again.

Waking up feeling Casey kissing my neck, "Hhmmm" I moan out, "Is my soon to be wife awake?" He says kissing my neck again with a smile on his face, from what I can feel. "She is now." I giggle, so glad my head is not hurting as much now. "How are you feeling sweetie?" He askes brushing my hair off my face, "Much better, you?" He pulls me into him rubbing his morning wood against my hip, "You can be the judge of that." He laughs as I giggle back at him, "Casey, let's finish off what we tried to do last night." He laughs, "You not going to pass out on me again?" I poke him in the stomach, "NO!"

"Let's get going before someone comes knocking on our door." He said while I was stroking him, doing my best not to laugh as he is right someone will come looking for us soon. "Sure, soon-to-be hubby." His smile is so huge as he rolls on top of me. "Get ready for me to rock your world, Paige." I laughed hard, "Are you still drunk?" He laughs too, "No, but I do want to rock your world." Grabbing his face in my hands, "You do every time babe!"

"Hmmm fuckkkk!" I moaned out into his ear as I came down from our climax, collapsing next to him panting trying to catch my breath, "Fuck Paige, where did that last move you did come from?" I giggle, "Seen it in a movie." He turns his head looking at me in shock, "Are you watching porn without me again?" He asked, "I may have, wanting to find some new moves for you, did you enjoy?" I said slyly hoping that last part would make him forget to get up me for it.

"Yes, I fucking loved it, but I would love watching it with you next time." He leans over giving me a soft kiss. "Should we get up and see who survived Kings?" He asked softly, "Fuck in the shower quickly then we can go see who survived?" I asked with a big smile on my face, "FUCKING HELL YES!" He whispered yelled at me as he climbs out of bed pulling me by the legs until I was on his side of the bed picking me up throwing me over his shoulders, giving my ass a good tap before taking us into the bathroom.

Casey turned on the water only moving me around so I was now leaning up against the wall but still in his arms as we passionately kiss, shit I cannot get enough of this man, this is what true love is. Not what I thought I had with Phoenix, I am thrilled that this man loves me and my children. "Fuuckkk... Cas" He smirks at the effect he has on me, grabbing my hands holding them above me tightly as he attacks my breasts with kisses, and gentle nips as his free hand rub at my bud hard.

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