Chapter 18: Fuck She Is Awake!

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"My head hurts so much, but who is that?" She points to me, my heart dropped I hope she is joking right now. My mouth drops open as tears fill my eyes as I look at her my heart is breaking, "Paige, do you not know who this man is?" The Doctor asks her, I see her look at me then back at the doctor then I notice her lip twitch and she smirks at me, and then giggles. 

"Hi, Casey." I want to slap her right now the Doctor looked between the pair of us. "Paige, so you do know this man?" The Doctor asked again, she grabs my hand holding on tightly, "Yeah I do he is my boyfriend." I smiled like an idiot at her but she did get me good. The medical team finished up with checking her and left us alone. I sat on the bed looking at her, she is biting her bottom lip again. "You angry at me?" She whispered, I looked at her in shock, "No, not angry. Hurt though I really did think you had forgotten who I was, not going to lie my heart broke then." I see a tear fall down her face, I lean forward and wiped it away for her. "Casey I am so sorry, the thought of pranking you ran through my head that fast that I didn't think it through at all, I am so sorry for breaking your heart."

I lean down hugging her as I whisper in her ear, "Just don't do it again babe." She laughs, "I don't plan on being in a coma again." I smiled at her then stood up moved around, so I could cuddle up to her in the bed I need to let her know what happened. "Casey?" I looked at her as I leaned in kissing her forehead. Her arm holds tightly onto my shirt as I fill her in on what the doctor had told me, I know she is crying, "How? How do we mourn our child when we never got the chance to know it? Why does it hurt so much?" She asked crying, I kiss her forehead, "We do it together, you tell me when you're not coping and I do the same we help each other out in this. How are you feeling right now?" I asked softly, she wipes her face as she looks up at me, "My head hurts a lot, but so does my stomach, my legs feel funny and so does my arms I am guessing it's from not moving them. I also feel very tired." 

I am so dam happy she is awake that I just want to keep talking to her so I can hear her voice, but I know if I do that I am being selfish and I do not want to be that type of person. "Babe go to sleep; you need it you are still healing." She tried to sit up but was too weak to, "But the kids I want to see them!" I pull her back into me, "You will tomorrow, they have gone back to my parent's place for the night." She goes to protest, but I cut her off. "Babe they need a good home cooked meal and a good night's rest." I told her, "Ok, Casey how long have I been here?" I give her a sad smile, "Going on five days babe." She didn't look happy about that but wasn't going to fight me over it. "The two men that had taken me are" I cut her off, "Babe they have been arrested, they are in jail last time I heard waiting for their court date." She let out a loud sigh, "I miss them, I am so sorry Casey."

I looked at her in confusion, "Why are you saying sorry for babe? I know they miss you too. Jaxson has his good moments and his bad, Amber is trying to be strong but when it's just myself, Jaxson, she breaks down." I notice she was crying; I comfort her until she stops crying. "I'm sorry for bringing all of this hell into our lives. And that it's hurting you and our children" What? She blames herself. "Paige, stop right now, one you have nothing to be sorry for. Angry at what Phoenix has done this, is all on him and the people he bought into our lives for the stuff he had gone and done. Yeah, it hurt seeing you hurt but it will make them and us stronger in the long run." She smiled through her tears, "I love you, Casey." I smiled back at her, God I have waited what felt like months to hear her say that to me, "I love you too Paige." We fell asleep, I had her in my arms she is awake and back to us.


I woke up with Casey holding tightly onto me in his sleep in the small single bed that I was in. I just want to remember this moment before he wakes up and I see the sadness in his eyes. I know most of it is because I had lost the baby, how did that happen? I made sure I was on birth control; I was taking birth control the whole time would that have hurt our child? Is that the reason why I had lost our child? Can I charge the people that hurt me for our child's death? I want to get up and walk but I still feel tired and sore. Casey mumbles something in his sleep as he buries his face into my neck, this time he mumbled that I could understand. "Hmmm, my wife..." I smiled to myself his dreaming of our future, can we overcome this? I know he said we get through this together, but will we? I need to get over my doubts Casey is nothing like Phoenix I need to get that into my head. 

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