Chapter 20: Free Time

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~Paige's Pov~

A few hours after Todd and Harper leaving the children are out on the farm helping Casey out while I quickly give the house a clean. Last night was the best, it felt like we had gone to the next level in our relationship if that makes sense. I believe we can get over our loss, I just need to not get so sucked into my own head and forgetting about him and the children. I have lunch in the oven, and now the house is cleaned as I head on outside to see what the three of them are up to. I found Amber under her favorite tree reading a book, and I could hear the tractor going so I head towards the sound. I found Casey driving along the sugarcane field with Jaxson on his lap who had a big grin on his face, the pair of them waved at me as they pulled over and stopped.

"Mummy did you see that?!" Jaxson screams out at me as Casey helps him down and he running towards me, "Oh, I sure did buddy! Having fun with Dad?" I asked, wrapping him up in a hug as I ask him that question. "I am mum, thank you!" I looked at him oddly, "Thank you for what mate?" he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "For loving daddy silly!" And he raced off into the house screaming he must tell his dinosaurs what he just did on the farm. I stood up laughing, god I love that kid so much. As I stood, I came face to face with Casey who had a smoldering look on his face. "I hear you love me?" I laughed as I grab his shirt pulling him in for a hug, "You know I do, silly." He laughs as he kisses my forehead, "Lunch smells yum babe." I nod my head, "Are we ok?" I looked up at his worried eyes, "After last night and this morning you're worried?" I chuckled, "Still didn't answer my question love." I held onto his shirt tighter, "Better than what had happened up in Townsville if that helps, I know I need to work on what is going on with me, but you are helping me more than you know."

That earned me a massive smile from him, "Good, I thought you had gone back into your head again, we are a team let's fight this battle together? Last night and this morning were amazing, it had helped me too." I grab his hair pulling him down to me for a quick kiss before pulling away knowing the kids are still awake. "They both are going to school tomorrow." He whispered, "I want you in our bed all day tomorrow." He bites my earlobe before walking back to his tractor and finished off what he was doing before I had come out, leaving me all hot and bothered in the yard watching him.

He still has that effect on me good, I want that for the rest of our lives. I wonder if I should sit down with Amber and read a book too while we wait for lunch to cook? No, I need to check the books for the bakery, I groan out and head back inside to get them as Harper had left them for me to double check what she had done. Bringing them all outside with me as I sat at the patio table going through what has been paid and what needs to be paid. Needing a break from the paperwork I check the oven, and right on cue, it was ready. It will also be our dinner as I had made enough to feed us a for a few meals. Lucky for me my family loves pasta bakes, which makes budget meals so easy. Quickly making a salad with Casey's fresh vegetables from the garden I dished up lunch, setting up the patio table for lunch moving my paperwork to the side, I yelled out to them all that food was ready.

"FOOOOOODDDD!!" I hear Jaxson screaming as he races around the side of the house with the dogs in tow, as Amber races in from under her tree, but no Casey, hmm that is odd. "Kids dig in, I am going to see what is going on with Dad, I will be right back ok." They nod their heads as they start eating as I had never fed them. I walk towards Casey's shed as I think that is where he would be, but he's not. "Casey?!" I yell out, nothing. God, please do not be trapped under something. I walked around the other shed yelling out his name, and nothing. What about that spot he always takes me to when he wants alone time away from the kids? I raced towards it, "Casey?!" Still no reply, I stopped in my tracks when I came around the corner, I found him walking around the area talking to himself.

"Paige the minute I had laid eyes on you, I knew from then I was hooked. Nah Casey that sounds way too cheesy... crap why is this making me so" He stops talking when he notices I was watching him with my hand over my mouth trying not to cry, OMG! Did I just walk in on him planning to ask me the big question?! He looked so scared and busted at the same time. "Um..." I looked at him, with a big grin. "I see nothing, I know nothing! By the way, lunch is ready." And I raced off like I had not just walked in on him.

I know I have been married before, but right now I have never been so excited to hear him drop that big question, him being in that area is telling me he is thinking it through and making it perfect and it's just not a means to an ends, because he wants to not because he has too. I cannot wait, I will let him know it's ok no rush when he's ready. I do feel like jumping up and down and screaming with joy, but I don't because I don't want the kids to know just yet. I sat down and had just finished my first mouthful when he sat down next to me, his eyes not leaving me full of unasked questions, I smiled at him placing my hand on his knee under the table. "Casey, it's ok I will wait until you are ready and in your own time, no rush." I lean over giving him a soft but quick peek on the lips as the kids are sitting in front of us. He smiled at me, "So I didn't stuff it up on you?" I laughed as the kids looking at us both like we are aliens.

"No babe, not at all. But do surprise me though." It was his turn to laugh. "Oh, I am planning on doing that." I took a bite full of my food, and answered, "Good." He and the kids cleaned up lunch and put the leftovers away while I finished off the paperwork, I was so engrossed in it that I hadn't noticed he had sat next to me, doing his own paperwork, I looked up in shock, "Shit, how long have you been sitting here?" He starts laughing, "A bit babe." He said around his laughter, "Sorry, I" he puts his hand on over mine, "All good love, you nearly done?" I nod my head. "Good, kids are busy playing in their rooms want to share a shower?" I burst out laughing, "Sorry, didn't mean to do that. Um, how about we wait until after they have gone to bed."

He nods his head and starts packing up, the rest of the afternoon and early night was our normal home routine, the kids finally in bed as I cuddle up in his lap out on the patio lounge chair as we listen to the TV that we had left on in the lounge room. "Babe?" I looked back up to him, "Yes, Cas?" He didn't reply, his hand grabs a hold of my chin as he forcefully kisses me, turning around in his arms so I am facing him. Pulling away he brushes at my face, "I love you." I smiled at him then I burst out into tears, he looked shocked at first but then wraps me up in a protective hug, why am I crying? 

"It's ok Paige, I've got you." He picks me up, as he walks around the house locking it up making sure everything else is locked and off, once in our room he lays me down gently making sure the fan was on and the sheet was over me before turning off the lights. He climbs in next to me as I hold onto him tightly, I look up to him wiping my eyes. "I am sorry Casey; I have no idea why I am crying for." He wipes away the tears that I had missed, "I understand sweetie, I do. Please stop saying you're sorry because you do not need to with me." I chuckled while sniffling, I cuddle up into him as he held onto me tightly. "I love you too Casey." He kisses my forehead, I heard him sniffing too, I look up at him, he hasn't noticed that I am watching him as silent tears fall down his face. Not saying a word, I reach up wiping away his tears too. He watches me, once I finished wiping them he holds my hand as he gives it a soft kiss, "Its when we are quiet together that it hurts the most, when I notice or let myself become taken over by my grief." I know what he means, as that is when I notice it the most, we softly kiss for a little bit before falling asleep in each other's arms. 

I stopped into the bakery after dropping off the kids at school, dropping off the paperwork. Also to check up on my staff seeing how they are going, they all hugged me and greeted me kindly everything seemed to be in working order, the front is clean and well stocked, the back is cleaned and stocked up as much as you can. This is wonderful to see, I walked into the office and it was cleaner than how I had left it, I giggle I knew Harper would have cleaned it up her and her OCD it's the only part of the shop that was a little messy. I found the rosters and started working on them giving myself more days off than I normally would same with Harper she now only works four days a week this week same as myself until I know I am ok.

A light tap on the door had me looking up, a big smile filled my face as he walks into the room closing the door. "Thought you said you were coming home after you dropped the kids off?" He had a smirk on his face. "Sorry I had to drop off the paperwork and check out how the place was going and noticed the rosters hadn't been done yet." I walk out from behind my desk wrapping him up in a hug, as his hands roam over my body as he kisses under my ear. "Want to be naughty in your office?" I looked at the smirk on his face as I hold onto his shirt pulling down to my lips moaning out, "With you always."

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