Chapter 9: Worry

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**Paige's POV**

I am scared as to why the school is calling me, it's only just turned one thirty so the school day is nearly over.

**Phone Call**

Paige: Hello Paige Lake speaking.

School Counselor: Hi Paige, it's Eddie nothing to panic about sweetie. I have been doing some testing in the prep room and was wondering if you have ever had Jaxson tested.

Paige: Hi Eddie, um what? Tested for what?

Casey is hugging me from behind, as I rack my brain on what type of tests she is talking about.

Eddie: On the spectrum, myself and his prep teachers believe he should get tested. 

Paige: As in autism? Why hasn't his teachers talked to me about this?

Eddie: Sorry Paige, they hadn't had a chance yet. He could just be overly smart but he's coming across as bored in his day to day class.

Paige: Ok, I can see that. How do I go about getting him tested?

Eddie: You will need to go to your GP to get a referral to a Paediatrician they will be able to do the testing.

Paige: So, what does this mean for him school wise?

Eddie: It will mean more funding for him in the classroom with a teacher aid, possibly moving him up a grade and seeing how he goes.

Paige: Ok.Eddie: I haven't gotten to the year two class yet but it wouldn't hurt to get Amber tested too.

Paige: Really? Could the pair of them just be really smart?

Eddie: Hence why we would like them to be tested so we can go from there.

Paige: Ok, thank you I will book an appointment with their GP.

Eddie: Thank you, Paige.

We finished our phone call I turned around in Casey's arms stunned. "You ok babe?" he asks softly, "Just stunned... could he be?" I asked softly, "Who knows the doctors will be able to tell you." He said, "But that's it the pair of them have been to the doctors a lot, and not once did he mention this." I whispered yelled at him as I don't want my employees to know what is going on. "I know." He rubs my arms as I look up into his beautiful eyes, "Could he be high functioning? Cause the pair of them" He cuts me off, "Stop babe, even if he is or they are both will loved them no matter what, this does not change them at all they will still be the same children they are right now."

How does he do that? "Ok, I just don't want them to be stuck with a label and other children being mean to them." He brushes my cheek, "I know, but we will help them get through this." He whispered, "Yes, we will. Right you" he cuts me off, "Nope, not leaving that quick babe." I arch both my eyebrows up at him, "Really? Is that all you are thinking about?" He chuckles, before lifting me up onto my desk kissing me, I push him off, of me gently.

"Hmm, you're not in the mood?" he looks at me oddly, "Not while your brother is waiting for you. Go before he comes in here." He looked shocked, "You think he would?" I looked at him like he is stupid, "Wouldn't put it past him." I mumbled, "Ok, I can take a hint." I looked at him wanting to laugh, "Can you?" Instead, he started laughing, "Shhh you. Now what would you like for tea tonight Alex is buying and myself and him will be cooking." I smiled at him, "Hmm, I feel like prawns." I said, "Oh, I love your thinking garlic or chili babe?" He asked, I bite my bottom lip as his eyes watches it closely, "Garlic the kids won't like the chili." I whispered, "Good, I will get everything we need for it." Shit, he hasn't checked the fridge before he came here, "Don't get garlic we have heaps but will need more white wine as we don't have anymore."

He raised an eyebrow up at me, "You drank it?" He asked, "Might have." I whispered, he starts laughing, "Sure babe." He leans down giving me another smoldering kiss that left me wanting so much more from him, and he knew it too. Pulls away from me when we hear a loud banging from my door. "Oi dipshit your pie has gotten cold out here you know!" We both groaned, Casey looks at me shocked, "I see you are right." I smiled up at him, "He's so predictable." He chuckles, "That is true, I love you, babe. See you tonight."

"Love you too, see you soon." He quickly kisses my forehead before heading out to find his brother right up against the door with a big cheesy grin on his face. "Casey, I need to tell you something girls really do not like it that quick you know." I start giggling as I climb off the desk. "Oh, fuck where do you come up with this crap?" Casey asked, Alex, smirks at his brother, "Sleep with enough girls I tend to know a bit about them." I scoffed, "So, you think." He was about to reply but Casey grabbed his arm pulling him away. "You better not have left my lunch out on a table." Alex starts laughing, "No, I ate it."

I sat back in the BBQ chair full, smiling at Casey as his brother is on his third helpings of dinner. "That was amazing Casey thank you." Alex stopped shoving food into his mouth as he protested to me, "Hey I helped too!" I raised one eyebrow up at him in question, "With what?" He spoke with his mouth full, "I peeled the prawns." I groaned out, "Fine thank you, Alex." I said as kindly as I could master, "Stop being a pussy, Alexander." Casey said around a fit of laughter, "No, the only pussy around here is" Casey cut him off, "Don't you dare finish that Alex!" Casey yelled so loudly as Alex tries his best not to burst out into a fit of laughter, "Ok, ok... I won't. So, when will Hamish be here?" Alex asked Casey, while Casey shrugged his shoulders, "He hasn't gotten back to me yet. Oh, Paige I also dropped your car into the shop they will call me up tomorrow to let me know what is going on with it." I smiled up at him, "Cool thank you."

"So, what is going on with Harper and Todd?" Casey asked me while Alex looked like he didn't want to be here for this conversation which I don't get it's not that bad, "I will go and clean up." He said we both said thanks to him as he takes the dirty dishes to be cleaned. I had already put the kids to bed as they both for some reason didn't want any prawns so they had leftovers from last night. I filled Casey in on what is going on with my staff and friends. "Wow... he said that?" I nod my head, "He sure did." Casey shakes his head in shock, "Lucky she didn't cut his dick off." I laughed as I knew she probably would if I wasn't around. I grab my cup and headed inside, Casey followed as I wash it off and placing it in the dishwasher as Alex wipes down the kitchen bench. "Up for a movie?" I asked them both, Alex smiled, "Do you two watch Big Brother?" Alex askes us, "Sure, normally she watches it." Casey filled him in, "Ok, I'll get it on." I said as I sat down on the lounge in Casey's arms as Alex spreads out on the lounge as we watch Big Brother. It didn't take me long to fall asleep in his lap as they watched and chatted with each other. I woke up to Casey carrying me to our bedroom.

"Sleeping beauty didn't last long," Alex stated, while Casey shhh him, I kept my eyes shut, but I know Casey knows that I am awake. As he got closer to our room the front doorbell went off. "Can you go see who that is please Alex, I'll be out once I put her down." Casey asked, "Sure," Alex said, placing me down on the bed giving my forehead a kiss, before whispering. "I know you woke up babe, I love you. Night." I smiled up at him, "Night babe. I love you too." I whispered back.

**Casey's POV**

I smile down at her, as she goes back to sleep hugging my pillow. I head out to see who is at the front door. I couldn't see Alex around the door I slowly open the door to find him walking around looking around. "Who was it?" I asked him, "I cannot see anyone but who's car is that?" I look up to see a dark ute park behind Alex's car, I grab the cricket bat that I keep near the front door and headed towards the ute while Alex goes to the other side. I tap on the window and the door opens I step back rising my bat

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