Chapter 15: Paige I Hope Your Ok

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Hearing Casey's voice so worried and panicked for me hurt, but also gave me strength to fight to be with him again, he said something they didn't like and the other guy slapped me in the face hitting my swollen shut eye, I screamed out in pain. I must have spaced out for a minute from the pain, next thing I know the mean one on the phone came towards me, yelling out at him. "No! PISS OFF! GET AWAY FROM ME! DON'T YOU TOUCH ME YOU ARGGHHHH!!!" I screamed out in pain as he hits my stomach with a pole, that hurt so much. I hear Casey screaming into the phone. "Stop hurting her you bastard! Paige if you can hear me, I love you, babe!" 

I didn't hear anything else after that as I passed out from the pain again. I woke up to find myself not alone at all, the nicer one was sitting down next to me just looking at me which was weird. He smiled at me and put his hand out to touch my face I flinched away from him, "Don't touch me." He just smiled at me, "Oh I will see what you look like under that before we hand you back to your man." I froze at those words, I know they haven't done anything like that to me yet, but if they have been saying it, won't be long before they do start doing that to me. He looked at the door before turning his gaze back to me, oh no please don't, his hand went from my face down but before he could go any further we heard heaps of screaming and fighting going on as he raced off towards the sounds leaving me along in the shed.


Hearing her screaming telling whoever it is not to touch her killed me, I just want to hurt anyone that has hurt her, I'm not normally a violent person but right now that is all I am thinking about lately. Pat came running towards me with his phone in his hand motioning for everyone to join them I dropped my dinner onto the bench as I joined them. "Casey are you there? This is Sargent James that you spoke to earlier, we have ID the men in the video from Paige's surveillance cameras. They both are known to the police we should have them both in police custody by the morning. I will call up again to fill you in." My heart just jumped out of my chest, "You found Paige?" Her mum is holding one of my hands while she is holding Pat's hand, "We are hoping she is still with them if not we do know nearly all of their contacts so it won't be long before we have her back to you."

"Thank god!" I can see everyone else is looking just as happy as I am. "Don't thank me yet, thank me when you see her." We said our thank you to him before hanging up its now well and truly past midnight but I couldn't sleep knowing we might be seeing Paige soon, I go to check up on the kids I find Hamish and Lilly are in the spare room kissing. Good to see they have worked out whatever their problem was. I find the kids cuddling up to each other sound asleep, I smiled I know I just said I wasn't tired but after seeing them I am now. I climbed into bed with them as soon as I did that Jaxson rolled over and cuddled into me, I kissed him on the forehead before falling asleep.


The voices got louder; I was now scared as hell trying to understand what is being said is hard as I was blacking out again which was happening more often now after that last hit to the head. The door opens I see figures running towards me before passing out. "Paige, stay with me please." I open my eyes up slowly but it's blurry as hell, and my head was really killing me now, I let out a groan. "I know you are in pain love, you're safe ok. Just let me check out your injuries." Someone is poking and moving my body, I just want to sleep, sleep sounds so lovely right now. "Paige, stay with me, shit she's crashing." The room is so loud that I am in, I try to open my eyes but it hurts too much, I can hear voices but I have no idea who's they are.

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