Chapter 22: So Nervous

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~Casey's Pov~

Love how dirty we are together, I love that she asks for me to be, I love that she is keen on trying new things and is not afraid or thinks I am weird for wanting to do it. Laying here after another wild session with her laying half on top of me, naked and sound asleep, I am amazed that we have yet to wake up the children with our wild sessions. Tonight, was the last night that we could be that loud before tomorrow when my parents would be arriving to spend a weekend with us, could go onto being a week in mum's words, they miss us all.

My siblings are camping out at our house this weekend too, I have even managed to get her parents to take time off to join in and they are bringing their van as well, as her sister and our friends. We are finally doing that big family and friends camp out at our place, she has been acting odd leading up to it, I am hoping it's only fear from what happened last time. I look over at the clock on the nightstand on my side of the bed and groan it's now three in the morning and I still cannot switch my brain off.

I am stuffed beyond no doubt, but sleep is just not coming to me, I slip out from under her making sure she is covered with the blankets as it is still cold at night. Slipping into my shorts I head out into the living room, might as well prep breakfast for them all, and lunches once that is done I start prepping the things we will need for the weekend that will be nice marinaded. I was in the middle of cleaning up when I felt her small hands running along my back pulling me into a hug, "Hmmm why are you up so early handsome?" She kisses my back, "I couldn't sleep so I thought I do some work."

She continues on kissing my body, "I think I know a few things that could help you in the sleep department. Come on Cas you need your sleep before the crazy starts later." I chuckle as she is right even if I like it or not, but I doubt my body will let me sleep with her next to me. Turns out she was right, I did manage to get some sleep.


The kids are going to be picked up by their Auntie today, Harper is making sure that Paige works back late but not do the close while everyone else is at our place helping me set it all up for me. I am so nervous everyone keeps telling me not to be, but how can you not be it's a big thing I am about to do, and I am about to do it in front of everyone, we know and love. 

"Casey, babe she is on her way." Harper came rushing over to me with her hands full of bags, her bump on full display, I quickly take them off her, I spot Todd. "Why is she carrying all of this?" I asked him, "Because she refuses to let me help her." He shakes his head as he follows me into the kitchen as the pair of them start putting what they bought with them away.

I hear Lilly screaming and laughing like a teenager, please tell me Paige is not here yet, I raced out the back to only see Lilly is holding onto a female I have never seen before laughing and jumping up and down. "YOU BLOODY MADE IT! SHE IS GOING TO FLIP HER SWITCH AT YOU BEING HERE!" Lilly screamed. I hope she means this in a good way, the woman in her arms spots me and pushes Lilly away, Lilly turned around and spotted me with a big grin on her face, "Casey! Come over here I have someone you need to meet!" I walked up to her with a smile on my face trying to work out who this is, is it family or a friend?

"Casey, this is Paige's best friend Ella! She finally was able to get time off to come up here, I told her what your plans were and she wanted to be here for this." Lilly said with a big smile on her face, shit this is Ella. Paige has been nonstop talking about her, I smile at her as friendly as I can be. "Hi Ella, it was nice to finally meet you." I go to put my hand out for a shake instead she pulls me into a hug, "OMG! CASEY! Been dying to meet you! I cannot wait for this big surprise for her because it's now a double surprise!" She finally lets me go before racing off saying hi to the rest of the family that she knew and introducing herself to the ones that she didn't know.

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