Chapter 12: Can I Get Her To Listen?

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**Hamish's POV**

"Hamish, what are you doing here?" Lilly asked, she sounded hurt and shocked but looked so fucking hot in my shirt, I need to be thinking not my other body part. "What does it look like?" I asked hoping to get my mind off of thinking about ripping my shirt off her. "That you drove here through the night. Want to come in?" She asked softly, this could go as good as I hoped, "Sure." 

She walks towards the kitchen, "Want a strong black?" I need about ten of them to make me feel awake, "Please." I follow her into the kitchen, I couldn't take my eyes off her ass hmm I could eat that all day, I didn't notice that she had stopped and was now glaring at me. "You right there?" She snapped while I smiled at her, "Perfectly." I said, she crosses her arms under her chest which didn't help me at all, "Hmmm right.... Now, what are you doing here?" I try my best to not looked at her dumbfound, "You haven't worked it out yet?" I asked, "I might have, but I want to hear it from you first." I arch an eyebrow up at her, unsure why she's upset she doesn't have to give up everything to move to a town that won't have work for me. "What's going on with us?" I ask quietly, "In what way Hamish?"

Why is she doing this? "I haven't seen you since you left my place, nor have you returned my calls or texts. Are you just angry with me or have you broken up with me and done the coward's way of not talking to me in the hopes I got the hint?" I asked, she looked at me shocked, "Wow right to the point." She blurted out, "Well, please answer me." I whispered, "I don't know Hamish." She let out a loud sigh, "What do you mean you don't know? I also know you haven't told Paige about this." She looked livid, "WHAT YOU TOLD PAIGE!" She screamed so loudly at me, "No, I talked to Casey and he didn't know anything that is how I worked out you hadn't told her. So, what now I'm not allowed to talk to my own brother now?!" I snapped at her. "No! Not what I mean Hamish and you know it." She was pointing a finger at me, "Really? Lilly answer me please"

I walk towards her; she puts her hand up to stop me. She looks upset, no please no. "Lil please don't. Can we talk about this please?" I cannot live without her, "What is there to talk about I want to stay living here and you want to stay living in Townsville." That hurt so much, "REALLY? Not even going to fight for us." She shakes her head at me before glaring back up at me, "It's been two weeks Hamish, you had plenty of time to fight for us but you didn't." I scoffed at her, "Well I just thought you were angry at me, then work got crazy." It was her turn to scoff at me, "Really? Going to drop that work is crazy line!" I throw my hands up in the air, "Hey! I was the one that was contacting you!  You never did!" She just looked at me in shock, yes got you on that one love! "Really?" She stammered, "Yes, keep saying I was the one that didn't fight for us. But I am! Why would I want us to break up when I have just told you I love you and asked for you to move in with me! I know I am an idiot for taking this long, but don't do this!" I cried out, "Why do we have to move in with each other?" She asked, "Why are you so hung up on it? Even Casey doesn't" She cuts me off, "Not asking Casey, Hamish. I am asking you." She snapped, "Why is a girl who enjoys traveling around the world and Australia doesn't want to move in with her boyfriend?" I asked.

"Maybe because you are moving too fast for her mate," Amy spoke from behind me, I turned towards her roommate in shock, what moving too fast? We've been dating for six months, I'm not normally with a girl for more than two days man, this is my longest. "Six months is moving too fast?" I asked her in shock. "Coming from a man who jumps from girl to girl, that sounds" I cut off her roommate in anger, "I haven't looked or touched or thought of another girl since I have been with Lilly!" I roared at Amy, Amy just glared at me, "I call bull" Lilly cuts her off, "Ams shhh!" I turned back to her she looks like she wants Amy out of the room. "Hamish you.... Did...... you mean" God she is so cute when she is lost for words, "Words babe?" I chuckle, "Did you really mean it? No other girls?" I looked at her shocked, "Yes, Lilly I did mean it." She ran into my arms, catching her in shock. Is this why she was like this? She thought I went off with other women after she stormed out. Holding her tightly as she cries into my chest, why is she crying for? "Babe, it's ok really." She looked up at me tears falling down her face, "Really? I'm sorry... I thought..."

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