Chapter 19: Homewood Bound

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~Paige's Pov~

Walking out of the police station holding Casey's hand felt good, I thought I was going to get charged for what I did to her but her list was so long and they found proof of what she had done to me, I believe the officer thought I did a good job, I did get a warning though if I do it again I will get charged. I doubt that will happen again as they both are now behind bars and hopefully for a long time. 

"Babe you good?" Casey asked, I looked up and released that we had made it to the car. "Sorry, yeah I will be now. Let's go get our babies and head home." He beams at me, "Been waiting forever to hear you say that! Let's go love!" He said loudly, "Are we there yet?" Jackson pipes up from the back seat for god knows how many times now we are only an hour into our drive home, Casey answered him as he notices I was going to snap at him for asking again. "Nearly how about you watch the movie that Amber has on." I look back to spot Jackson roll his eyes, "But dad she's watching Darkest Minds again and won't let me watch Jurassic Park." I looked at them both, when the hell did, she get that movie and when did we get portable DVD players, I am so lost. Casey grips my knee and whispers, "You thank Hamish and Lilly for them they took them shopping while they were watching them for me, and they treated them with their favorite movies." I looked at him, "But when did she start liking Darkest Minds? I thought she was into Harry Potter?" I asked.

He laughs, "Oh, she's finished those books and the movies and now has moved onto the Darkest Minds books and the movie she's upset at the changes in the movie from the book but still watches it." He said, "Jackson, we will get Amber to have you watch your movie after hers is finished." Jackson looked like he didn't believe us but he went back to reading his book, as I sat back in the chair was about to put my legs up when Casey places his hand on my leg, "Babe, not safe to do that." I let out a sigh, "I know but it's comfy." He taps my leg, I grab his hand squeezing it, I lean my head against the cool window not letting go of his hand as I fall asleep.

"Sweetheart it's time to wake up." I moan as I open my eyes up to see our backyard in view! Yes, we have made it home! "Oh, my we are home!" I raced out of the car saying hello to our fur babies as Harper comes racing out of the house, "PAIGE!!!" I raced around the dogs as she wraps her arms around me, oh wow she is starting to show! "Harper! God, I missed you, love!" She starts crying I hold onto her tightly, "Shhh, it's ok babe really." She pulls away whipping her tears, "Nnooo it's not, we should have stayed with you and locked up together!" I grabbed her hand, "Harper listen to me, if they didn't get me at the shop, they would have gotten me some other place. You had no control over this. Now how's the"

"Babe no work talk right now!" Casey snapped at me. "Ok, Ok..." Harper laughed, "Well Todd is at the shop, it's going good the talk about what happened to you has bought more locals to the shop so we are getting busy. The farm is doing good, from our point of view but we are happy to hand the keys back over to the pair of you and go back to the old ways." Casey grabs the bags while he mumbles that we should listen to him for a few minutes. "Shhh Casey she needs to know this or she most likely won't sleep!" Harper yells back at him. 

The kids had raced off into the house dumping their gear as they raced outside to go play with the dogs. We walked into the house I left Harper as she headed into the kitchen to finish off what she was doing before we had arrived, I headed back into our room, to only find Casey sitting on our bed with his head in his hands. I raced over to him getting down onto my knees as I move into the middle of his legs forcing him to look at me, "Babe, what's wrong?" His hands holding onto mine as tears spill down his face freely, "I think..." He couldn't talk, I stood up as soon as I did that, he wrapped himself around my body placing his head into my stomach as he cries, I hold onto him too. I held onto him until he stopped crying as he looks up at me, "I'm sorry" I cut him off, "Stop babe don't, you do not need to." I sat down on the bed next to him holding his hands in my lap, "Paige, coming home, think it has hit home everything that has happened."

I squeeze his hands, "You have been my rock for so long Casey, it's ok for you to have your turn." He looked at me with love in his eyes. "Can we just lay in bed and you hold me?" I stood up with a smile on my face, "Anything to help you, my love." We lay on the bed together as he cuddles into me, Harper did pop her head in to check on us but I waved her away she just smiled and headed back out, she must have understood. "Can we have maybe a day or two off before we head back into things?" He asked, "Sure babe, the kids can go back to school, and we can have some alone time." He sat up, "I like your thinking, but maybe have one day as a family of four then an adult only day?" I smiled at him as we kissed softly.

We spend the rest of the afternoon out on the back patio with the kids, Harper and Todd playing board games while catching up. As a thank you for now for them looking after the farm and my shop we cooked them dinner, we will make it up to them later as Casey was thinking of items for their baby. The children are now bathed and ready for bead as they sit on Todd's lap forcing him to read to them, which Harper is enjoying while I am using that as a reason to be in the kitchen cleaning up, Casey wraps an arm around my waist as he kisses my neck. "Hmmm have I told you I love you today?" I leaned back into him moaning, "Yes you have Cas, I love you too." He nibbles at my earlobe, before giving my cheek a quick kiss as the children came running into the kitchen. "Mummy, Daddy! Can Uncle Todd stay longer to read us more books!" Jaxson screamed as he reached us, I giggle.

"Jax, maybe another time they have to get home you know, and you have to get to bed." I told him, "Mum, Dad did you know Todd does cool voices." Amber said so delightedly, giving her a hug and a kiss as she raced into Casey's arms for her hug and kiss from him, I gave Jaxson his hug and kiss, we both headed into his room to tuck him in for the night did the same with Amber. Did not take us long before we were back in the lounge room chatting with Todd and Harper. "Casey, I hope I did your farm some justice it's been a while since I worked on one." Casey smiled at him, "Mate, I just didn't want to come back to a farm with dead animals, you did an amazing job." Harper had quickly fallen asleep in Todd's arms. "Todd, you both stay the night please," I said he looked tired too. "But the shop tomorrow?" I smiled at him, "I have texted the crew they will open and do the close giving you both a day off."

"Paige," Both Casey and Todd said, I waved my hands around, "I did this while I was cooking dinner babe, and Todd you both need a day off." He stood up picking up Harper, "Thanks, Paige and Casey." I stood up giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, did the same thing to sleepy Harper, "All good Todd, goodnight." Casey places a hand on my lower back as the pair of them did a bro type of hug, "Night mate and no sweet at all Todd, you helped us we are more than happy to help you." Todd headed off towards the spare bedroom as Casey went around locking up the house as I headed into the bedroom stripping down to my underpants pulling back the sheets when Casey walked in spotted what I was wearing. "Babe take it all off." I smiled at him as I stripped down to nothing, "Good because we going to be making up for some lost time."

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