Chapter 4: I Love This

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~Casey's Pov~

Groaning as my alarm clock vibrates on my nightstand next to me, I don't want to get up not with her cuddling up to me like this. I hate working this early, which means I miss spending time with her, the children are a bonus. Knowing I need to get this stuff done, I give her a quick kiss on her forehead before gently removing myself from her grip. Quickly getting dressed in my farm clothes, I make a start on the morning chores.

Two hours later I had a quick shower, getting into my work clothes everyone else was still sound asleep. Making my way into the kitchen quickly making everyone's lunches, also making breakfast for everyone if I cannot be with them, I'll do anything to help them out. I know those children aren't my blood, but they feel it, my heart feels it. I never thought I would have fallen for someone who had children but I was an idiot for thinking that.

Just as I'm finished washing up, I feel her soft hands come around from behind and up my chest, her body soap and perfume fill the air around me making my dick twitch. Man I never thought I would have met a beautiful woman with just smelling her makes my dick want her so much, my dad was right when you find the girl for you, you will know. "Morning Cas." she whispered, "Morning beautiful." She stands up on her tippy toes giving my cheek a soft peek, turning myself around in her arms, gripping her chin as I lean down kissing her softly at first, once I heard that sexy moan of hers I picked her up placing her down onto the kitchen bench deepening the kiss as her soft legs wrap around my waist. Paige starts pulling my work shirt out of my pants as she runs her hands up my body, I know she loves doing that, I love the feeling of her hands on my body. "I love you," I whispered. "I...." I love that moaning voice of hers as I'm kissing her favourite spot on her neck. "Time for a quickie before you need to leave?"

"Mummy, what's a quickie?" Jaxson asked while rubbing his eyes. We both stopped and looked at Jaxson in shock, I want to step back but I have a raging hard on. She noticed and climbed down making sure she stood in front of me. "Morning baby, did you sleep well?" She askes like we just didn't get busted, how can she do that? "But you still didn't answer my question." He winged. "Baby brother it's a grown-up thing they wanted to do." Amber came in groaning clearly not happy with having to explain it to him, "Well kiss elsewhere, also next time not so close to my breakfast please mum and dad." He grumbles, "Sure, thing kiddo." I replied, "Right, Amber?" Paige said, "All good mum, you two are just gross ok." She is sounding like a teenager already.

Doing my best not to laugh at this child, one minute she is so grown-up than the next minute she acts like her age. The children have grabbed their plates and headed to the table; I snake my arm around her waist kissing her on her neck. Paige mumbles under her breath so only I can hear her, "We need to put bells on those two." I laughed out loud; wow didn't think she would say what I was thinking out loud. "Umm babe they aren't cats." I informed her, "Of course, you're the voice of reason." I chuckle at her, "Yes, someone must be or god knows what your ideas would bring us." I said trying not to laugh, "Hey, they aren't that bad, some of the time." She playfully swats at my arms, before smiling at me as she grabs her plate of food. "Thank you so much for making breakfast."

"No sweat babe, happy to make it." I grab my plate and sat down next to her at the table as we all ate our food. The kids finished before us cleaning off their plates and raced off to their rooms to get ready for school, she places her hand on my knee leaning over giving my cheek a soft kiss. "Tonight, when they go to sleep" I cut her off, "Catch up on what we got interrupted on?" I asked, "Yes." I laugh at how happy she is, she takes another sip of her coffee, quickly checking my watch I have ten minutes to get to his place. Quickly taking the dirty dishes to the sink I was about to wash them when she stopped me. "Babe, I'll do that." I quickly give her a passionate kiss, giving her ass a good squeeze, I head off to say bye to the kids. I found Jaxson in his room attempting to tie up his own shoelaces, I get down to his level, with a reassuring smile. "Hey Jax, how are you going?" I asked. "Good, just fighting with these bunny ears." He grumbles. "Do you remember what I told you?" I asked him softly, "Yes." He finally got a hang of his bunny ears, once finished he smiled up at me with the biggest smile. "Look dad I did it!" He yells out so proud of himself. "Yes, you did buddy! So proud of you." I was so dam happy and proud of him.

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