Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up at 7am feeling refreshed. Lacey was still asleep so I went into the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth and put my make up on. I ran a comb through my hair and let my curls fall over my shoulders.

By the time I was done it was 7:30am and it was time to wake Lacey up.

She rolled out of bed and went for a quick shower.

I quickly got changed into a pair of dark blue high waisted denim shorts and a plain white tank top. I slipped on my black flats and pulled out a pair of black shorts and a pink tank top for Lacey and continued to get the rest of our things ready for school.

Once we were both dressed and ready for school we left.

Once we arrived to school we headed straight to our lockers. I slowly made my way to homeroom Lacey and Kirra by my side.

As soon as we arrived at homeroom the bell rang and we could actually go in.

I sat down in the back with my friends and listen to the boring announcements.

Once the bell rung Lacey and I hurried over to hospitality. I was anxious to see Sarah.

Once we arrived Miss Miller was standing at the door and greeted us as we walked in. We took our seat up the front at the bench with Miss Miller.

Once everyone was in class Miss Miller stood by her seat and explained what we were doing. I couldn't help but stare at her.

The lesson went by way to fast, next I had math so I didn't have to wait to long to see Sarah.

We headed down the hall to maths class.

"Did you notice you and Miss Miller have the same necklace?" Lacey asked.

"We do?" I said playing dumb.

"Yeah, when you see her check her neck" she smiled pulling me into the classroom.

We took our seat up the back of the classroom.

"Here, take this to Miss Miller, while your there have a look around her neck" she said handing me her completed assignment.

I took the assignment and walked up the front of the class. As I gave it to her my hand brushed hers sending tingles through my body.

I quickly turned around and walked back to my seat.

"You were right" I told her.

I wish I could tell Lacey about Sarah and me but I know our love is forbidden so for now it will have to stay between Sarah and I. Not that I mind I just hate lying to Lacey.

By the end of the lesson I just wanted to go home but I knew I still had chemistry and English left.

So I grabbed my bag and Lacey and I went and sat under the big oak tree to eat our lunch.

After lunch we headed to chemistry. Chemistry went by in a whirl of excitement as we did our first experiment of the year.

Once class was over we headed down to the big oak tree to eat our lunch.

After lunch was finally over Lacey, Kirra and I made our way to English.

As we walked in I handed Miss Jones my completed assignment and took my seat down the back.

Finally class was over and it was home time. Lacey and I headed over to my car and drove back to my house.

My mum was home so Lacey and I went in to talk to my mum.

"Mum we need to ask you something important" I told her.

"What is it?" My mum asked.

We explained the situation with Lacey and how she was kicked out and my mum the kind person that she is said it was okay with Lacey moving into the spare room.

Lacey and I went to her house to get her stuff. When we got back to my house we put all of Lacey's things in the guest room.

I had just put the last box in the room when I received a message from Sarah asking me to come over.

"Lacey I have to go our for a bit, will you be alright here?" I asked her.

"Sure I need to put my stuff away anyway" she replied.

I headed out the door and made my way down to Sarah's house.

Once I arrived Sarah was already sitting on the steps waiting for me with a hot chocolate.

"Hey" I said kissing her cheek.

"Hey babe" she replied.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I missed you" she replied sweetly.

In this moment right here I don't see her as my teacher, I see her as my amazing girlfriend.

"Let's go inside it's chilly out here" I said grabbing her hand.

We went inside and went straight to her room.

"What do you want to do?" She asked.

Was she hinting at something or just being sweet? Ah what do I say?

"I dunno, I kind of feel like this could be a walk on the beach kind of night" I smiled.

"Perfect" she smiled jumping off of her bed.

"Here you can borrow this so you don't get cold" she smiled handing my a beautiful black jacket with a huge white tiger imprint on the back.

I put it on and we went out to her car.

The beach it only a ten minute drive away so we got there pretty quickly.

Once we arrived I slipped of my shoes and got out of the car meeting Sarah around the front.

"It's so beautiful" I said inhaling the fresh ocean breeze.

She grabbed my hand and we walked along the beach. The sky was now dark and the stars were out it was truly a beautiful night.

We walked for about twenty minutes before heading back to the car. As I was about to get in the car she stopped me, grabbed my waist, pressing me against the car and kissed me. Then she kissed my neck, and started lightly sucking on it. I could feel her teeth gently graze my skin.

I wrapped my arms around body and kissed her neck. I sucked on it making sure I left a hickey. Then I pushed my lips against hers one last time before we left.

"Babe, could you drop me off at my house?" I asked as we got closer.

"Sure" she smiled.

We finally arrived at my house. I have her a peck on the lips and got out.

"See you tomorrow babe" I smiled.

"Sweet dreams" she replied.

I walked up to my door and walked inside. I walked straight into the kitchen and grabbed some chicken salad out of the fridge and made my way up to the spare room.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" she replied.

"So, uh, how was your date?" she asked.

"How did you know I had a date?" I asked puzzled.

"You have a big ass hickey on your neck and lipstick on your cheek and you weren't wearing that jacket when you left" she laughed.

"It was good" I smiled.

" Did you want to watch a movie before we go to bed?" Lacey asked.

"Sure" I said plonking down on her bed.

She put on Chloe and we laid down.

I only got half way through the movie before I fell asleep.

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