Chapter 8. Disastrous lunch

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Claire's p.o.v.
I find my way down to the lobby, to force myself to get something to eat and drink. I walk towards the bar and then I see him. My mouth is wide open in surprise and I rub my eyes to make sure I am not dreaming, or having a nightmare to be more exact. I turn around trying to escape from this man. What is he doing here? What sort of a sick karma is this?
"Hey stranger" I hear him say. Words that give more meaning to my misgiving premonition of what I was so wanting to get away from, not even really knowing what that was.
As he approaches, I fear of not being able to speak at all. This is quite stressful for me. I don't know how my wounded malfunctioning mind will react to this.
"Ok! Now I know you are stalking me! Should I call the police?" He asks me, in the most playful way possible.
I am relieved he is not still pissed at me.
"No, this is where I am staying" I reply awkwardly but relieved that any words came out of my mouth at all.
"Oh well if this isn't fate, I don't know what is. And you can speak again. That's great! I don't know why I got so upset over that, or to be honest I do. I thought you were faking it, but then your doctor also confirmed your condition when I asked her how you were, so I apologize for the way I reacted."
"I am glad we meet again" I say, surprising myself. "I think we were both given a second opportunity to act like normal rational people, instead of two unpolished savages.
"Not only she speaks, but she has a change of moods" he smirks.
"I ... I ..." and there it is again. I am out of words.
"Don't worry. As I already told you, that extremely rude doctor of yours explained that you were in some sort of shock and that's why you couldn't speak. I am glad you got over that. Are you feeling better now?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Can I please apologise to you over lunch? My business meeting here is over and I have some time, between things."
"Uhm... I ... I..." God, what's wrong with me? Answer you idiot, I think to myself. I gather my shit together along with taking in a big breath and I finally open my mouth.
"I wanted to apologize, for putting you in all this trouble. I also remember you saying something about me costing you a lot and I don't want to waste any more of your time. I am extremely thankful and grateful for all you did and I feel much obliged towards your kindness. I know you were just frustrated rather than angry at me earlier, so I don't hold it against you. I really couldn't speak at that point and I was surely not doing it on purpose. So, all I am trying to say is I am sorry for not expressing my gratitude for all your help earlier."
"Well, that won't do it! I would be very offended if you turned down my offer. You would think you at least owe me a lunch, after me saving you and all." And by saying that he is already walking towards the crowded hotel's dining room.
"I hate this. It's too packed. I don't like being around so many people, let's get out of here." He finally states not even looking back to see if I am walking along.
Much to my surprise, I am following him out of the hotel, towards that familiar car that almost run me over. The middle-aged man comes out of the driver's seat and opens the back door with a greeting smile.
"Thank you" I smile at him.
"I am only attending to my duties Miss." He kindly answers with a smile.
"No, I mean about helping me with everything the other day and even buying me that suitcase."
"And again Miss. I was only doing my job, following my boss's orders. It's him you should be thanking really."
And once again I feel my cheeks turning red from embarrassment. I am sitting in the back seat of the car, opposite that man. Oh my God! I don't even know his name. My face is now beyond red and he notices. He was the one behind everything and I was fast to judge him for shouting at me, but it was all my fault that I couldn't use my self locked vocal cords and he had no idea of what was wrong with me. Of course he would think I was faking it, since he had already heard me talk.
"Is there something wrong?" He smiles.
"No, it's just that I don't even know your name. I forgot to ask" I say looking down.
"You were just too busy being rude to me" he jokes.
I manage to get a smile out and try to cool myself down before my face explodes from all that blood that was being pumped up there.
"Is that a smile?" He says, smiling in return, only looking more attractive than before.
Oh my! Why am I finding this man so handsome, all of a sudden? I look up and see that although he is still smiling, his emerald eyes are giving away that he is thinking of something more to what he is saying to me. And there I go again, trying to analyse everything that is hidden behind words. I guess being a psychiatrist doesn't wear off, although I haven't practised my profession in quite some time.
"It's Alexander, by the way." He smiles now even wider as he projects his hand towards me.
"Claire, nice to meet you" I say reaching his hand for a long awkward handshake. I abruptly pull my hand away, scratching his, with my ring and I see him, just now noticing it.
"So, you are married then" he says rubbing his thumb in much annoyance, which I hope was caused by the pain of his now bleeding finger, because I know I didn't lead him into thinking of anything else. I didn't even want to come to this lunch. My stomach immediately turns to knot and I am frustrated with me being so sensitive of the matter.
I only left my engagement ring to my finger, to keep away any flirtatious attempts from anyone.
"Yes, I am married!" I say, sounding much more convincing to my surprise. I think I was mostly trying to convince myself rather than him.
"Oh..." he sneers looking away.
That can't be. He can't possibly be annoyed by that. I am panicking at the thought of his intentions and I wish I never got in that car with him. What was I thinking? Was he planning on making a move on me? I truly am going crazy and I am losing my better sense of judgement or any sort of logic, justifying my actions the past few days.

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