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: *. .* :☆゚1. convince

❝you know there's like no chance she'll say yes, right?❞

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you know there's like no chance she'll say yes, right?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

confessions were always common for the captain of the cheer squad.

that's why when sugawara made his way to her desk, she sat at, along side the soccer captain, yukio sugimoto with his girlfriend and fellow cheerleader, ami nanami, [name] assumed it was just another stupid confession.

"[lastname], can i talk to you for a moment?" he asked, a welcoming grin spread over his lips.

her nose scrunched up at his words, she wasn't in the mood to hear another confession from some random person she'd barely spoke to.

"sorry, i'm busy right now," she answered and stood from her seat. in these situations, the girl had learned that it's best to walk away before they had a chance to answer back. it was always so bothersome when they tried to change her mind.

or when they cried, that was the worst.

she notified the duo beside her that she was leaving to buy a drink from the vending machine.

"okay then," the soccer captain, yukio sighed. he was so used to her abruptly leaving but second hand embarrassment was always in the air when [name] acted like this.

sugawara watched her walk out the door with a disappointed look on his face. he had forgotten how difficult the head cheerleader could be.

"don't even try, she's way too hard to tie down," ami laughed at the grey haired setter.

tie down?

wait a second did they think he was trying to confess?

"oh wait no!" he spluttered. "i was going to ask, if the cheer squad could come to my volleyball's tournament!"

he waved his hands in defence and panic. there was a small blush on his face due to the embarrassment.

the second year cheerleader perked up once she heard the word cheer leave his lips.

"cheering? really!" she chirped, jumping from her seat. "i was just saying to her about that! since the soccer team lost, we have no one to cheer for anyone but she's so stubborn she won't look for new teams to cheer for its so annoying!"

ami blabbered on for a while, her dyed blonde hair swishing and bobbing back and forth as she moved her head.

sugawara sighed, the more this girl spoke, the less time there was of lunch, which meant there was less time to catch up with the cheer captain.

"you gotta ask her about it, sugawara was it?" ami asked but quickly began speaking again before he could confirm she got his name right.

"she never listens to me, so it's better if you ask."

sugawara nodded and quickly turned on his heals, to begin his search for the [h/c] haired girl.

"you know there's like no chance she'll say yes, right?" yukio informed his girlfriend.

"jeez, i know but let me have hope for once, i want to cheer again this year, yuki!" ami pouted.

"yeah okay..." yukio mumbled, causally putting an arm around his girlfriend and went to tap on his phone. barely paying attention to the second year.

most people would say this would rude, especially when you did it to your girlfriend but ami was so lovestruck my her third year boyfriend, she couldn't care less and leaned into his arm.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

after speed walking down the stairs, suagwara finally caught up with [name].

she was digging in her pocket for change to buy her drink with her back to her fellow third year.

he took a deep breath before speaking. the girl was intimidating, no surprise there and sugawara couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

"uh [lastname]?" he stuttered.

at the sound of her name the girl turned around to face him. her face switched from
an emotionless expression to a small frown at the sight of him.

she wasn't happy that he followed her. her fool proof plan of just leaving when people ask her things didn't seem to be very fool proof anymore.

"i wondering if the cheer squad could cheer at our tournament next month? since the soccer team lost so early in the year this time round..."

"no thank you," [name] replied, not letting the question sit in the air for barely a second.

sugawara almost flinched at how quick and blunt her responses could be. he was a little shocked but not surprised considering her reputation at karasuno.

"can i ask why?" he blurted out, without much thought and regretting it almost immediately.

the cheerleader stayed silent for a moment taking in his features and focusing on the small mole under his eye before deciding on her answer.

"i don't like cheerleading and i don't like to waste my time," was her choice of reply.

"also, karasuno's volleyball hasnt been good in years, right? the flightless crows or something, people call them? i don't want to cheer a team that won't go far."

though her response did sting a little with that comment about his team, sugawara still didn't plan in throwing in the towel just yet.

he thought for a minute and considered ways of changing [name]'s mind. hoping she wouldn't just walk away, if he stood in silence for too long.

"is there anyway i could convince you otherwise?" he inquired, making eye contact with the girl before him, hoping that would show how serious he was.

"i don't know, ask me everyday until i miraculously change my mind?" she said, sarcasm laced in her voice.

"okay then," he said.

of course he knew she wasn't being serious but he was running out of ideas. taking her words seriously was the best thing he could think of.

"i wasn't being serious-" [name] began.

"too late now, [lastname], be prepared to be asked every time i see you!" he chimed before walking away.

"how persistent..." the cheerleader mumbled as he watched the boy disappear back into the school.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

i definitely like this version way better than the original one i wrote lmao but thank you for reading the new and improved second chapter of persistent! <3

PERSISTENT - K.SUGAWARAWhere stories live. Discover now