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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚14.crush

❝maybe she's put her hot mystery girl spell on you!❞

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maybe she's put her hot mystery girl spell on you!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

it was impossible to ignore the disappointed look on sugawara's face as the two cheerleaders left, walking down the pathway. his expression didn't go unnoticed by a single one of his teammates.

"what's with the face?" daichi asked, distracting the grey haired setter from the figures walking away in the distance. he gave his captain a questioning look. "you just look kind of disappointed, that's all," he explained himself.

tanaka let out a snicker, "jeez suga, if knew any better i'd think you had a crush on that [lastname]," he teased, slapping the setters back with a grin.

sugawara let out an awkward laugh and began to rub the back of his neck. "haha i dunno, maybe i do," he admitted with a chuckle and uncomfortable tone. eyes widened at the sudden confession, no one expected sugawara to develop a crush on someone like her, especially in only a couple of weeks nor did they expect him to admit it so easily.

"wait are you serious?!" hinata yelled over to sugawara, poking his head out from behind some of the taller players. "it's just [lastname]'s kinda like a 'don't talk to me i'm super mean and scary' type person," he spoke, doing the best [name] impression he could.

"maybe she's put her hot mystery girl spell on you!" nishinoya declared. tanaka sighed and shook his head at his companions accusation.

"no way man, [lastname] is just super hot but she's not a witch and i don't blame suga for falling for her, mystery girls are something else," he smirked, thinking of the [h/c] girl.

"okay, okay let's just drop it, so what if i have a little crush? it's not like i'm going to act on it," sugawara sighed, hoping his teammates would just leave the subject of the pretty cheerleader alone.

"why not?" tsukkishima questioned him.

"because she'd freak out, i've seen for myself she doesn't like confessions and i'd rather not piss her off," sugawara chucked, his awkward tone of voice still remaining. "and it's not anything too major, it's just a silly crush."

"well you never know, everyone is saying she likes you," nishinoya spoke up again. sugawara whipped his head over to face the short libero, his face was full of shock.

"what?" he stuttered out. who was saying that [name] had a crush on him? sugawara didn't pay much attention to rumours but he was sure he'd know if someone was talking about him but was [name] also not aware of this? she wasn't the type to listen to rumours but then again she didn't seem like the type to mention anything to him if she did know about it.

"well she does let you call her by her first name," daichi spoke up again. nishinoya nodded in agreement.

"yup and people keep saying that she treats you differently from most people, even hamasaki mentioned it today when you, [name] and daichi were in the store," the libero explained further. "she said you changed her and stuff."

changed her?

he hadn't noticed much of a difference from when he first started to talking to [name] up until now but makoto did know the cheer captain for much longer than he did, if anyone would pick a change in [name] it would be her.

the thought of [name] liking him back made him feel a little uneasy. maybe the tiny crush on her was more than a tiny crush but that was impossible. there's no way someone could fall that hard for a girl he'd only known for a week or two, even if that girl was as pretty as [name].

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

completely irrelevant but i really want to write a draco fanfic but i haven't watched the movies or read the books in a solid 3 years

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