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: *.☽ .* :☆゚33.the words

❝i want to say it because i've never felt this way about anyone, the way i feel about you❞

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i want to say it because i've never felt this way about anyone, the way i feel about you

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"have you heard that [lastname] and sugawara are dating?" [name] overheard as voice say. she raised and eyebrow and stopped eating to listening in. makoto and ami followed her actions and also began to listen.

"yeah, i heard, weird huh?" the other voice replied. [name] narrowed her eyes at the girl's comment. makoto and ami watched their friend nervously as they listened in, exchanging looks as they did so.

"i know right?" the other girl laughed, "honestly, i just think she's bored and has nothing better to do." [name] scrunched her nose and dug her nails into her hands but didn't interfere as much as she wanted to and kept listening.

"oh definitely, there's no way in hell, she loves the guy," the girl giggled, the other one to laugh along. [name]'s breath caught in her throat at the thought of love. did people really think that? that she was so heartless that she was just dating a guy he used she was bored? ouch. [name] didn't think she was anything like yukio but maybe a lot of people thought she was...

[name] slapped her hands on her desk, makoto and ami jumped at the sudden sound, ami almost dropping her bento. "okay! no more listening!" [name] grumbled, her face clearly showing she was not happy about this, eyebrows furrowed. makoto looked back at the two girls 'whispering' and then back at her angry friend.

"please don't try and kill them, [name]..." makoto begged [name], placing a hand on hers to stop her from digging her nails into her palms. [name]'s face softened as she sighed.

"no don't worry i won't," she murmured, defeatedly, "i'm more worried that koushi might feel that way." [name] puffed her cheeks and looked away. makoto squeezed her hand, her face turning sympathetic.

"don't worry about that, [name]," ami reassured her, "they're just getting to your head, sugawara doesn't think like that!" [name] gave ami a soft smile as a thank you.

"i know but i feel like i have to actually let him know, you know?" [name] said, her eyes looking rather determined, "like actually tell him so he knows i really do feel that rather than just showing."

"so i'm going to say the words!" [name] announced, hitting a clenched fist on the desk.

"the words?" makoto repeated with a raised eyebrow. [name] nodded with a red face and puffed cheeks.

"yip! and don't think that i don't mean it because i'm not saying it right now!" [name] told them, clenching her fists harder, "i'm just not the great at admitting my emotions so i have to build myself up!" makoto tried her best to hold in a laugh.

"yeah! you can do it, [name]!" ami cheered, raising her fist up in the air. makoto finally released her laugh and join in with ami.

"we know you can do it, miss [lastname]," makoto said, softly. she was really proud of her best friend.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"hey, sorry i'm a bit late, practice went on longer than it should," sugawara smiled, making his way over to [name], who had a rather unreadable look on her face. sugawara raised an eyebrow. "what's with that face?~" he joked, poking her cheek.

"i want to tell you something," she said, taking his hands in hers. sugawara, with a confused (and somewhat nervous) expression plastered on his face, gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand.

"and i've never really said this to anyone, so this is a big deal for me, okay?" she said quickly, shifting her weight for one foot to the other. sugawara listened carefully, hoping this was going were he thought it was going.

"only my mum, to be honest. it's not like i could've ever said to to my dad," [name] chuckled nervously. sugawara kept the smile on his face and nodded his head to show he was listening. he squeezed her hand a few times for reassurance.

"but i want — i want to say it because i've never felt this way about anyone, the way i feel about you," [name] said, almost cringing at her own words. she thought they were way too cheesy. "and i know a lot of people don't think i feel like way about you because i'm kinda an asshole but fuck them because—" she stopped herself and took a deep breath.

"i love you, koushi!" she shouted with her eyes squeezed shut, a large blush on her face and her hands gripped tightly onto sugawara's. "i love your stupid teasing and your smile, the way you always ask for kisses and the fact that you were always so persistent with me when we first met even though i sucked! i just really, really love you," [name] finished, a bit out a breath from shouting and rambling. sugawara couldn't hide his hard he was smiling.

"yeah, you're not so bad yourself," he said as nonchalant as he could with the massive smile covering his features. [name]'s eyes narrowed and her lips turned into a pout after hearing his teasing. sugawara snorted and released one of his hands from [name]'s grasp to wave it in front of his face in defence. "hey, relax i'm kidding, grumpy!" he chuckled. [name] still stood in silence, waiting in the hopes that he wouldn't leave her hanging and say it back. sugawara was fully aware of this and decided to keep his joke going for a little longer.

out of nowhere, sugawara wrapped his arms around [name]'s waist and spun her around. she squealed in surprise and held tightly to the fabric of his coat. once sugawara finally put her back on the ground after a few spins, he smashed his lips into hers, placing his hands on either side of her face. [name] wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss as much as she could. she could feel sugawara smirked as she kissed him and as much as she hated it sometimes, his smile was contagious and before she even realised, [name] was smiling too.

the two separated after a while, after all people still needed air. sugawara placed a short kiss on [name]'s nose which was red from the cold night air and gave her a bright smile.

"i love you too, [name]," he said, his smile growing bigger as he said the words, "i honestly think you're perfect." [name]'s face soften, her eyes filled with so much love, you could almost see love hearts in them. [name] went back in to kiss him again, sugawara quickly pulled away after one peck. "even if you can be a little cold sometimes but we'll work on that," he added on. [name] groaned loudly.

"don't ruin the moment and let me kiss you," she whined, pulling him back in again for another kiss.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ummm heyyy that's the end...
any of u want a epilogue? 😐😐😐
(i wrote prologue by accident the first time fuck)

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