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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚17.to be held

❝you won't fuck it up, i won't let you❞

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you won't fuck it up, i won't let you

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

an uncomfortable feeling was eating away at [name] the whole of cheer practice. it took everything she had to keep the anxiety bubbling in her insides from breaking free to display on her facial features. [name] just hoped that no one noticed her uneasy attitude. especially ami.

the moment practice ended, the cheer captain quickly dismissed herself, blaming her urge to leave before clearing up on feeling under the weather. makoto shrugged off her slightly unusual attitude, assuming she was in some sort of shitty mood and let her leave without much questioning.

once she had rushed away from the clubroom, [name] stood by the gates, tapping her foot on the ground, waiting for sugawara. the questions about what yukio has said to her earlier that day was swallowing her whole, it was the only think she could think about.

the grey haired setter had finally emerged from the clubroom, making his way to the [name], who was losing her patience by the second. sugawara's smile dropped at the sight of her restless expression. with a quickened pace, he made his way over to her. "are you okay?" sugawara asked once he was close enough. her eyes stared right through him as he spoke.

"i have something to ask you but not here, let's walk," [name] mumbled, pulling his sleeve to make sugawara move along at the pace she wanted.

his head was so full of questions. the setter had no idea what had made [name] act so out of character. did someone tell her about his crush on her? it couldn't have been one of the volleyball club members, maybe someone over heard them and spread it around but he would hear about that by now right? sugawara couldn't help but feel uneasy at the thought of [name] getting put off and no longer wanting to be around him.

"i want you to be hundred percent honest with me, okay?" [name] said, finally letting go of his sleeve. sugawara nodded his head.

"okay [name] but your making me really nervous here," he joked, trying to ease the tension but [name] didn't seen to drop her uncomfortably somber attitude.

"are you only my friend but you want to fuck me?" she interrogated. sugawara's mind went blank, what on earth made her think that? who made her think that? someone must've over heard him talking to the volleyball club and told her. silence remained in the air as sugawara tried to process the question.

"of course not, what made you think that," he finally spoke up with a stutter. she shrugged, letting her eyes travelling off to the side. sugawara sighed and took her hands in his as way of comforting her. she was obviously upset over something. "[name], what's wrong?"

"i don't know what's wrong with me," she admitted with a low voice, pulling her hands away from sugawara's to fidget with her fingers. [name]'s eyes slowly made their way back up towards sugawara's, whose gaze had not left her face once, he looked so serious,  awaiting her to continue.

"i don't understand why i can't just trust people, there's always something in the back of my head telling me it's not real," she choked out, her hand migrating from playing with her fingers to tugging on the sleeves of her jacket. "i convince myself that they always want something from me, even when they don't but they usually do, so i always end up fucking everything up with people like you and makoto and ami, who aren't even like that,"

"i can't stop it."

sugawara pulled her into a hug, the best thing he could think of to comfort her. [name] frozen up at the sudden contact but hesitantly wrapped her arms around him, burying her head into his shoulder. he smelt of fabric softener.

"you won't fuck it up, i won't let you," he spoke, placing his head on top of hers.

they stayed like that for a while, even after [name]'s breathing began to return to a normal pace. she changed her position on sugawara's shoulder every so often, assuring herself that he was still there with his arms wrapped around her.

it felt nice to be held.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

you all hating yukio in the last chapter is so fucking funny i 😭🦵🏃😭🤍😊🤍🏃😭😚🥰👹👹

and thank you for 6k, if you liked this maybe you should read my other fanfic. it's draco malfoy called powerful and i know you tiktok hoes like him pls check it out🥺🥺🥺👉👈

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