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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚27.boyfriend

❝so i'm your boyfriend, am i?❞

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so i'm your boyfriend, am i?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"i didn't see you at lunch today," makoto started conversation, buttoning up the final few buttons of her school shirt. [name] perked up and turned to look at the curly haired girl beside her. "what were you doing?" makoto asked but by the sound of her tone, it seemed like she already knew the answer.

"nothing," [name] said sharply, trying to conceal the blush on her cheeks. ami chuckled poking her head from behind makoto.

"that's not what i heard!~" ami sung with a devilish grin. "rio saito from my class told me she saw you and sugawara coming out from a storage cupboard during lunch." [name] face erupted into flames. makoto oooed in excitement as ami leaned on her, placing her chin on makoto's shoulder with a growing grin.

"that lover's quarrel was short lived," makoto laughed, she nudged [name]'s shoulder. the head cheerleader growned loudly.

"shut up, it was not a lover's quarrel," she whined. makoto raised an eyebrow.

"oh? so what do friends do in storage cupboard for like an hour?" makoto smirked, awaiting response. ami was still grinning like an idiot behind her.

"okay maybe not just friends but—" [name] began but was quickly interrupted.

"ahhhh! i knew it, what did i tell you makoto!?" ami squealed, holding makoto's shoulders and shaking her in excitement. "i'm so proud of you, [name]," she said, wiping away a fake tear. [name] shushed them both and mumbled a few curses under her breath, causing both makoto and ami to chuckle.

"the volleyball tournament is so close!" ami finally changed the subject because the look on [name]'s face was starting to scare her. "i'm so excited!" she exclaimed as she skipped down the stairs of out the cheer clubroom, her blonde pigtails swinging behind her. makoto smiled softly at her childish actions.

"aren't you excited to cheer your boyfriend on, [name]?" makoto teased, elbowing her side. [name] pouted. clearly, unlike ami, no look from [name] was enough to scare her.

"don't start," she warned her. makoto chuckled away, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets.

"i'll see you tomorrow yeah?" makoto smiled as her and ami left out the gates of the school. [name] nodded and waved back to the two girls. she watched as their figures disappeared into the distance.

it didn't take long for sugawara to meet [name] at the gates after makoto and ami had left. [name] smiled and greeted him awkwardly. sugawara went to her side just like he always did but instead of just standing side by side, he took her hand in his. sugawara looked at [name] for a moment, his eyes asking if this was okay. [name] squeezed his hand, reassuring him she was perfectly fine.

"makoto and ami are nosy fuckers," [name] giggled, leaning into his side, "they figured out what we were up to at lunch like straight away." sugawara let out a soft chuckle.

"oh yeah?" he said. [name] hummed in confirmation. "well, it's not like we were particularly subtle..." he trailed off.

"does your team know?" [name] asked, looking at the boy beside her. he shook his head.

"of course i got questioned by daichi and asahi when i came back after lunch," he began. so that's the other third year's names... [name] should remember for next time. "but i just dodged the question," sugawara went on with a smile which [name] returned.

"you can tell them if you want, you know, i don't mind if that's what your worried about," [name] said. sugawara raised an eyebrow.

"tell them what?" he smirked. [name] tilted her head on confusion. she didn't really understand where he was going with this.

"that you're my boyfriend?" she said with question in her tone. sugawara could barely conceal his smile. "i think," she went back on her words.

"so i'm your boyfriend huh?" he teased. [name] let out a laugh in shock. damnit, so that's what he was trying to get out of her.

"well, i'd hope so," [name] replied, "i didn't spend my whole lunch in a shitty storage cupboard with you for nothing."

"good to know," sugawara said, trying to act nonchalant. [name] puffed her cheeks at his teasing.

"i hate to admit it suga but your stuck with me now, there's no going back," [name] said, joining in on the teasing. sugawara laughed along.

"that's fine with me," he muttered but loud enough for [name] to hear.

the two stopped by the rusty gate of [name]'s house. she said her goodbyes before attempting to walk away and push open the gate. she was quickly tugged back by sugawara, whose hand was still tightly wrapped around hers. he pulled her close and pressed his lips on hers.

"i'll see you," he mumbled to her. [name] couldn't help but smile as she whispered a goodbye, tearing herself away from her boyfriend.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"mum, what is it?" [name] asked raising an eyebrow at her tearful mother standing by the door. she hand her hands over her mouth.

"i'm so happy for you," she said, sniffling away some tears.

"you were listing in on that?!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

i personality think suga is really kind and caring at first but once he gets used to you he acts like he does around his team
now i can write about chaotic suga as a boyfriend im excited 👹

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