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❝thank you for buying me meat buns the other day, it was

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thank you for buying me meat buns the other day, it was... nice of you

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

i'm home!❞ [name] called out to however was in the household. she slipped off her shoes and made her way down the narrow hallway, sugawara decided to follow suit.

[name] pushed the door at the end of the hallway and poked her head in. once she spotted whoever she was looking for, [name] went in while sugawara stood awkwardly by the doorway

he hadn't really been in a girl's house before, which made him a little uneasy. not to mention [name] hadn't said anything to him since they entered so was unsure of what really do besides trail behind her and fidget with his hands.

"i brought someone with me, hope it's okay," [name] spoke to whoever was in the kitchen, out of sugawara's view. her voice was much softer than usual, he assumed however [name] was talking to was someone she really respected. sugawara heard a light chuckle at the cheerleader's words, which brought his attention away from his thoughts and back to the girl and strangers conversation.

"that's unlike you," the other voice spoke. it was a obviously older woman's voice, laced with curiosity at [name]'s unusual actions. "can i meet them or are they just going to stay secret?"

[name] poked her head round the corner at the doorway where sugawara was standing. "suga," she said motioning with her head for him to come in. he blinked a few times before begining walk into the kitchen.

the owner of voice was a woman (who sugawara assumed was [name]'s mother) in her mid 30s with hair, the same shade as her daughter's, messily tied up away from her face. she looked quite young for a woman to have a daughter in her late teens. her face was tired looking, with obvious bags under her eyes but the smile on her lips was welcoming.

sugawara returned her smile and gave her an introduction. she held out her hand for him to shake and opened her mouth to speak. "i'm Emiko, please make yourself at home." sugawara happily took [name]'s mother's hand and shook it lightly.

Emiko turned her head to look at her daughter. "if either of you are hungry there's food in the fridge, i'll be back in the morning okay?" [name] replied with a small nod. her mother gave sugawara another smile before walking out door. the two stood in silence, listening for the sound the front door closing shut.

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