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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚5.meat buns

❝wow she's actually waiting for you suga

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wow she's actually waiting for you suga...

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

—[name] finished practice early for once, there was was no grey haired setter waiting for her by the gates.

she did consider just leaving without him but there was a very high chance sugawara won't know and he'll wait for her. it wasn't right to leave someone waiting for a person who wasn't coming, especially in the dark. so the cheer captain, stood by the gates and waited for sugawara.

the volleyball was making their way to school entrance. the [h/c] haired girl caught the eye of the club.

"wow she's actually waiting for you suga..." asahi trailed off, looking over at the girl who hadn't noticed the team approaching.

sugawara looked over to see the girl, staring off into space waiting for him, leaning on the gate and tapping her foot against the pavement. he couldn't help but smile. was she warming up to him? it didn't really matter, he was just happy to know she didn't leave without him.

"suga, you're so lucky!" nishinoya called out, which caught the attention of the cheer captain. this caused her to look up and notice all eyes of the volleyball team on her. it was nothing out if the ordinary to have people looking at her but it still made her a little uncomfortable.

she watched the group walk towards her with sugawara walking a little faster to reach [name] first.

"hey [name]," he said once he got to her.

"hi," she replied, averting her eyes to behind him at the team coming towards her. why did she have a strong feeling this will he incredibly awkward?

"so you're the cheer captain!" an orange haired boy called. she nodded to confirm his statement.

a taller brown haired boy came towards her and held out his hand. "daichi sawamura, i'm the captain," he introduced himself. with a bit of hesitation, [name] took his hand, shook it and also introduced herself.

"we're going to get meat buns, if you would like to join us?" daichi asked.

"i think i'm okay—" she began.

"i'll pay for yours if you want, [name]," sugawara irrupted.

"i'll join you then," she spoke, quickly changing her mind at the offer of free food. even a stubborn cheer captain was weak to the offer of free things.

though he was walking with his team, sugawara made sure to stay by [name] side. although she herself didn't say much, unlike her and sugawara's walks, this one was filled with chatter. the people on sugawara's team were as energetic as he described them yesterday and here she was, thinking he was exaggerating.

"[lastname]! have you made your decision about the coming to our tournament yet?" the orange haired boy called out her again.

"not yet but i'll definitely let you know when i do," she answered.

"i hope suga is being persuasive," daichi laughed. he was standing on the other side of her in an attempt to keep his wilder teammates from bothering [name]. she hummed at daichi's comment, not feeling like there was a demand for an actual response.

once they reached the convenience store, sugawara turned to [name] and began to speak. "wait here [name]." she replied with a soft okay and watched him enter the store.

though she wasn't looking, [name] could feel eyes burning holes in the back of her head. well, she was definitely right about this being awkward. why did sugawara have to leave her alone with a bunch of first and second years? most of them were really tall too...

"you should come to one of our practices!" the orange haired boy called out once again. "that'll convince you for sure, [lastname]!" the cheer captain hummed and turned to look at him.

"i'll think about it..."

"oh i'm hinata by the way," he introduce himself.

hinata began to go around the group pointing and introducing his teammates. at least [name] had faces for the names sugawara told her about the last night. he was definitely right about hinata being just a ball of energy.

she didn't participate much in the conversation sugawara's teammates were having, only answering their questions with small gestures and short replies.

after a while, the third years exited with a white bag. sugawara walked back toward [name] and handed her the meat bun wrapped in a napkin.

"thank you, suga," she said as she took the steaming food from his hand.

the team continued to talk about anything and everything (most volleyball related). [name] stayed quiet most of the time, yet again only speaking when answering questions some of the boys asked her.

once finishing her meat bun, she picked her bag up off the ground and said her goodbyes.

"wait, [name], i'll walk you home," sugawara said, also bidding his goodbyes and leaving with the [h/c] haired girl.

"did you notice that she calls him suga and he calls him by her first name?" tsukishima asked his teammate as they watch the backs of the duo disappear into the distance.

"now that you mention it, yeah they did!" tanaka answered, "he's so lucky, having a pretty girl give him that much attention, i wish me and kiyoko were like that..."

"it's unlike her though right? to actually put i effort into talking with someone?" tsuskishima spoke again.

"yeah, maybe she that rumour i heard about [lastname] having a crush on suga is true!" nishinoya resounded.

"don't believe rumours so easily..." daichi sighed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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