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: *.☽ .* :☆゚30.good luck kiss

❝can i get a good luck kiss?❞

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can i get a good luck kiss?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

—"okie dokie, that's everyone," makoto called over to the teacher, poking her head out from the doors once every cheerleader got on the bus. he nodded his head at the vice captain and also entered the bus.

makoto squeezed through the small walkway on the bus and sat down right next to [name]. ami poked her head up from the seat in front and squealed. "i'm so excited, i've never seen a volleyball game before and it's been so long since i cheered, i can't wait!" she grinned, makoto smiled back.

"it'll be fun, [name]'s worked real hard on this routine to impress her new boyfriend," the curly haired girl teased, poking [name]'s side causing her to squirm. once she managed to push makoto's finger away, [name] sighed and rolled her eyes.

"don't start with the teasing again, please," she grumbled, scrunching up her nose and shifting in her seat. makoto just laughed and waved her hands in front of her face.

"hey, i'm only kidding, don't give me the death stare," she laughed away. [name] puffed her cheeks and frowned some more. makoto clasped her hands together and shook them. "oh miss [lastname]! i'm so sorry please forgive meeee," she whined, leaning her head on her captain's shoulder. [name] snorted, trying her best to laugh at makoto's fake crying.

"shut up," she let out a giggle, nudging makoto off her shoulder. "okay, maybe he was a tiny factor for the reason i worked so hard but that doesn't mean you get to tease me for it!" [name] lightly punched makoto's shoulder.

makoto and ami laughed away. "are you kidding i'm thankful for him! he's made you really happy and it's changed you for the better," makoto said, tapping [name]'s nose. ami nodded her head in agreement.

"let's do our best for him and volleyball team, yeah?" ami said, resting her head on the seat in front of the two captains. makoto smirked and nodded her head in agreement while [name] gave a thumbs up.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"suga!" [name] called out once she spotted the silver haired setter exiting the volleyball team's bus. sugawara turned his head to discover how was calling him. his lips twisted into a small smile once he realised it was [name].

"good luck today," she said as she caught her breath from running over, placing her hands on her knees as she did. "i don't really think there's a point in saying i'll be cheering for you because that's kinda my job," she joked causing sugawara to chuckle.

"yeah and i know your routine will be great," he told her, wrapping his hands and round her waist, pulling her close. "can i get a good luck kiss?" he asked, putting on a voice and pushing out his bottom lip. [name] snorted and hummed in consideration, jokingly. "pleasseee?" he pressed, leaning his forehead on hers.

[name] leaned forwards and pressed her lips on the corner of his mouth. "you'll get a proper one when you win," she teased him in a whisper. sugawara pouted.

"that's not fair, [name]!" he whined, "what if we don't win?" there was a hint of actual worry in his tone. [name] sighed and jokingly rolled her eyes.

"i know you guys will," she reassured him. she moved her hands from sugawara's sides to his cheeks. "plus victory kisses are way better than good luck ones don't you think?" she smirked before quickly placing a kiss on his cheek. "i have to go and get back to my team, i'll see you when you're a winner, yeah?" she said and pulled away from sugawara grip.

"wow suga, i thought you were kidding when you said you two were dating..." nishinoya muttered. sugawara whipped his head around to look at the rest of his team with all their eyes on him.

"why would i joke about that?!" he exclaimed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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holy shit that's a lot thank you so much! here's an early chapter for you as a thank you i'm literally going to cry 🥰🥰

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