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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚22.ami has dating experience

❝if we send this, sugawara gonna think [name]'s possessed

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if we send this, sugawara gonna think [name]'s possessed...

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"who the hell are you texting?" makoto questioned with her mouth full, leaning close to take a look at [name]'s screen. the cheer captain quickly placed her phone against her chest so makoto couldn't be nosey causing a frown formed makoto's red painted lips.

"no one important," she replied as causally as she could. makoto cocked an eyebrow, it was obvious she didn't believe a word [name] was saying.

"you never text anyone, like ever," makoto said, eying [name]'s phone. "you always leave me on read and to be honest i don't think ami even has your number," the vice captain went on, shaking her head as she spoke, letting her dark curls and golden hoop earrings move along with her. makoto tried to lean in closer to look at the phone screen once again but [name] refused to give in and moved further away the closer she got.

"i have other friends besides from you two," [name] snapped back. makoto's deep brown eyes looked her up and down with disbelief.

"you don't have any other friends," she spoke, narrowing her eyes. [name] squirmed a little in her seat.

"i do," [name] said.

"you don't have any other friends," makoto repeated. [name] puffed her cheeks and slumped in her chair.

"expect for sugawara," ami joined in on the conversation, pointing her chopsticks at the vice captain from across the table. makoto snapped her fingers and pointed back to the blonde girl in agreement.

there was a moment of silence before ami gasped aloud. "it's sugawara!" she announced. makoto's eyes widened in realisation.

"it's sugawara!" makoto echoed. they both turned to [name] for confirmation. the cheer captain was still slumped in her chair making an uncomfortable expression.

"no," she lied, quite terribly. makoto let out a loud laugh.

"since when did you get so bad at lying?" she chuckled. [name] slide down further into her seat and gave a shrug. her face was slowly but surely turning redder by the minute.

"so are you two actually dating now?" ami asked, tilting her head to get a different view of the uncomfortable cheer captain in front of her. [name] quickly shook her head. "you two are hopeless," ami groaned quietly.

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