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: *.☽ .* :☆゚31.aftermath

❝get a room! you're in public! don't play tonsil hockey here!❞

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get a room! you're in public! don't play tonsil hockey here!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

—although [name] had her heart in her mouth practically the whole game, there was always a voice in the back of her mind saying that'd the volleyball team would be alright, even in the moments were it seemed shiratorizawa were going to win just like they always did.

and in the end they were. [name], makoto and ami yelled out so loudly when they scored their winning point. everything had worked out perfectly. the cheer routine was great too, even though the shiratorizawa cheer squad was much louder and had the help of band, the karasuno squad had so much spirit in them and makoto was too much of the optimistic type to let something like that being her down, along with the fact that ami was way too excited to worry about the apposing team's squad. [name] hadn't smiled that hard in a long time, she was proud of herself for really pulling through for once. making a great routine that even the first year cheerleaders that usually gave her a hard time went out of their way to compliment her one. [name] would never admit it but she did get a tad bit tearful.

"suga!" [name] yelled out once the karasuno team was making their way to the bus. she a had a large smile on her face with makoto and ami following not so far behind with equally as big smiles. suga turned his head at the sound of her call. [name] sort of jumped into his arms like in one of those cheesy romantic comedies. sugawara squeezed her tightly and burried his head in the crook of her neck.

"i'm so proud of you," she smiled, placing her hands on either sides of his face. sugawara gave her a tired smile, his eyes still a little red from crying earlier. he felt a small pang of guilt in his stomach as he stared at [name]'s happy face. he really didn't deserve all the praise she was getting from her. he barely played compared to some of the others on the team. he really did give [name] false expectations when telling her how good he'd be in this tournament just to benched more than half the game...

was she just pretending to this proud? [name] was the type to always be brutally honest but sugawara couldn't help but think this was an act.

"don't hype me up too much," he said with a lazy laugh. [name] frowned, dropping her hands to her sides and titling her to show she didn't understand. "dont get me wrong though! i'm over the moon that we won i honestly couldn't be happier!" he quickly added, waving his hands in front of his face. "but you know, i'm on the bench half the time, i don't deserve that much praise," he sigh, stuffing his hands in his pockets and kicked some loss dirt on the ground.

[name] pouted and lighting hit his head with the side of her hand. "and you tell me not to be so negative," she grumbled, her face changing into an angry look which made sugawara's eyes widened as he rubbed the place his hit on his head.

"you deserve all the praise, you may not be on the court the whole time but when you are it's like game changing!" [name] said, getting louder as she went on. her hands went placed firmly on her hip as she talked, sugawara couldn't help but feel a little better, she reminded him of an angry mother.

"i may not know anything about volleyball but i know you did amazing and without you, your team probably wouldn't have won, i'm sure of that," [name] finally finished, taking a deep breath after her king ramble. the corners of sugawara's lips finally turned up. as much as he wanted to say it, he knew it [name] wasn't ready to hear him say he loved her again so he'll settle for a kiss or two for know.

but he knew now more than ever that he was absolutely in love with this cheer captain.

"are you okay? you've gone all quiet on me..." [name] said, hints of nervousness in her tone. sugawara's smile widened even more until his cheeks hurt. his hands made their way to the sides of her face and his lips crashed into her. [name] let out a small squeak in surprise but quickly eased into it.

"get a room! you're in public! don't play tonsil hockey here!" makoto called out from behind [name], shaking her fist like an angry old man. the two pulled away and looked over at the curly haired cheer captain. sugawara still had his hands holding tightly to [name]'s wait at though.

"what? i'm getting my congratulations kiss!" sugawara shouted over at her after gaining his confidence back. he buried his face back into her neck and kissed it softly. [name] laughed a little due to it being ticklish.

"stopppp it! i don't want my baby to see this," makoto whined sarcastically, placing her hands over ami's eyes. ami let out a groan in protest and pried makoto's hands away from her face.

"i'm just a year younger than you, shut up!" she complained to makoto, who just chuckled a her pouting face and crossed arms.

"sure you are," makoto said in a baby voice, patting the top of ami's head. ami rolled her eyes and mumbled a few things under her breath causing makoto to laugh.

"are they together?" sugawara whispered in [name]'s ear as the watched the two girls interact. [name] shrugged, shifting to get more comfortable in sugawara's grip.

"wouldn't be surprised if they are to be honest though," [name] chuckled, placing her hands on top sugawara's, which were happily resting on her tummy now. "they do act like a married couple." sugawara hummed in agreement. he placed a short kiss on her ear before pulling away from the hug. he stretched and let out a loud yawn.

"tired?" [name] laughed, asking the obvious. sugawara nodded mid yawn. "you should get some rest and we can celebrate later yeah?" [name] told him after he had finished yawning. he hummed in agreement and kissed her cheek.

"i'll call you after i get some sleep, okay?" sugawara said. his eyes did look incredibly sleepy. [name] smiled at him to let sugawara know she understood.

the head cheerleader parted from her boyfriend and followed her two friends back to the cheer squad's bus. [name] slumped into her seat. she, just like sugawara, was completed tired out. makoto happily sat beside her, still full of energy.

"how are you not exhausted?" [name] asked, raising an eyebrow at makoto. the curly haired girl smiled happily, giving her captain a wink.

"im just full of stamina," she grinned, swinging her legs, "also i didn't snog my boyfriend for like 10 minutes straight, maybe that has something to do with it," she teased. [name] let out a loud grown, the two captains could hear ami's loud laughs from the seat in front of them.

"don't start! you're over exaggerating!" she protested. though her voice was quiet as she was too tired to actually shout properly. makoto placed her hands behind her head and chuckled, not saying anything but still showing off a shit eating grin.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

happy holidays bitches 😡

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