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: *.☽ .* :☆゚33.a talk with an important person

a talk with an important person

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i owe you like everything

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"sooooo, how was your first club meeting, miss film club?" sugawara smirked, leaning into [name]'s side as they walked on their route home. [name] let out a snort and joking rolled her eyes at the nickname he used.

"pretty good, actually," she smiled, squeezing his hand. sugawara raised his eyebrow.

"pretty good?" he repeated with a questioning tone and an even larger smirk. [name] puffed her cheeks and pushed him softly with her shoulder.

"okay... maybe it was a little more than pretty good," she admitted, trying her best not to smile too hard. sugawara let out a loud laugh and squeezed her hand way tighter than when [name] did it.

"ha! i knew you'd love it," he laughed with a skip in his step, waving his hands in the air, "i can't wait until this film club thing pays off and you become like a director or a cinematographer or something!" [name] sighed and smiled softly.

"yeah, yeah, maybe film school might not be a bad idea..." she trailed off. sugawara stopped mid step which caused his hand to let go of [name]'s. he paused for a moment for a moment to process her statement.

"you're thinking about going to film school?" he asked with his mouth wide open. [name] let out a short laugh with a furrowed brow at his reaction. she shrugged her shoulders and shoved her hands into her pockets.

"maybe..." she trailed off once more and began to walk away with a smirk on her face.

"wait, wait, wait!" sugawara said, running after to catch up and grabbing her shoulders. "this is it! your ambition! i told you, you'd find it!" he yelled out, seeming way more happy about this than [name] was.

"try to keep your voice down, this is a neighbourhood you know," [name] giggled, placing a hand over sugawara's mouth. she could feel this massive smile under her hand. "but yes, all thanks to you, koushi," she grinned.

sugawara pulled her hand off his face so he could speak. "i'm really happy for you, [name]," he said, his voice was soft and full of gratitude which [name] couldn't help but notice and smile hard because of it.

"i owe you like everything," she joked with a blush. sugawara let out a loud groan causing [name] to raise an eyebrow and tilt her head. "what?"

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