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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚15.ur hand

❝especially when it's only me around, makes me feel special, like i'm the only one that knows about that side of you❞

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especially when it's only me around, makes me feel special, like i'm the only one that knows about that side of you

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

pulling her coat over her shoulders, [name] left the cheerleading clubroom. she expected that now sugawara had got what he wanted, he would no longer walk home with her. her heart felt a little heavy at the thought of no longer having his company but as the cheer captain approached the gates and spotted the familiar silver hair of the third year, all the feelings of sadness seemed to disappear.

"i didn't expect you to show up," [name] stated once she got to sugawara. he let out a soft laugh, showing the [h/c] girl that there was no chance he wouldn't have.

"what makes you think that?" he asks once they start walking. [name] shrugs.

"i just thought now that you've got what you wanted you wouldn't need to do this anymore," she answered. sugawara chuckled again. "i mean that is why you started walking home with me."

"of course not, do you really think i'm that kind of guy, [name]?" he joked. [name] flinched a little at his words, she felt a slight sting in her heart, she didn't want the grey haired boy to think that's what she thought of him.

because it wasn't.

"of course not!" she stuttered. whipping her head over to face the boy. his eyes widened at the sudden show of emotion. her cheeks were puffed out slightly and a slight pink was dusted over them. she looked adorable, sugawara couldn't stop staring.

he tried his best to hold in a laugh but in the end, his efforts were useless. sugawara's laughter was the only sound heard in the quiet  streets.

usually [name] would cringe in discomfort at the thought of disturbing the people in the houses around them but right now all she could focus on was sugawara's laughter and what had made him react in such a way.

"what's so funny?" she asked once his laughter died down. sugawara gave her a soft smile, his eyes tracing the way her eyebrows furrowed as she spoke.

"it's nothing, really..." he trailed off, still recovering from his laughter. [name] raised an eyebrow, she wasn't very happy with his response. sugawara began to continue walking but quickly noticed that the cheerleader wasn't following.

[name]'s expression was still unhappy, her eyes staring deep into his and she was scrunching up her nose like she always did. she looked so serious now that she had recovered from her flustered state. this face was nothing like one before, he missed her pink flushed cheeks already.

sugawara jokingly rolled his eyes, walking back to the girl and taking her hand in his. he began to gently pull her along on the route home.

"i'm not laughing at you or anything, i swear," he spoke, "i just like when you show a more emotion, it makes me happy," he explained further, giving her hand a small squeeze.

[name] kept her eyes on the boy as he continued to speak but her eyes flickered every so often toward their entwined hands. she examined every part of his face as he spoke, down to the tiniest details, until her eyes finally rested, watching his lips as he spoke with a small smile on his face.

"especially when it's only me around, makes me feel special, like i'm the only one that knows about that side of you," he smiled at [name]. the girl's expression was kind of hard to read but you could almost see the gears behind her eyes working hard to figure out what sugawara was telling her. "plus, the face you were making was kinda funny," he chuckled.

"so you were laughing at me!" she accused him, her checks began to blossom back into the pink rose colour again. sugawara let out another laugh, squeezing the girl's hand, reminding himself that it was still there. [name] huffed, turning her head away but never once pulled her hand away from his. maybe she hand just forgotten she was holding it? that's what sugawara had thought

due to [name]'s lack of a response, the conversation just seemed to end there. sugawara decided to let her interpret what he was trying to say for herself. so now that the two weren't saying anything, that fact that their hands were still griping tightly to one another was never questioned nor spoke about, not even when [name] left to enter her home and left the warmth of sugawara's hand.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

thank you for 3k 🥺🥺🥺 and no i'll never stop using this emoji idc

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